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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Why did you post this like 8 times?
  2. The ETA exists primarily so they can deny boarding to the aircraft to save lots of time when the people who will be denied entry arrive in Thailand. It's the same with all similar schemes, the USA started this mess and tit for tat diplomacy has seen it spread all over the world now. Lets not fool ourselves for even one minute - this entire system is designed to automate the denial of entry of people they don't want to allow into the country by stopping them from getting on flights heading to Thailand. I'm glad this doesn't appear to affect people who hold visas.
  3. Says they're postponing automatic entry for foreigners, not the ETA Fully expect this ETA to proceed as planned and fail real badly, so badly that flights will be cancelled due to the system failing.
  4. I got this same email from TE today. Nobody pays any tax on remitted funds for 2024 if they came from any previous year, this is just a result of the clarification memo they issued. This would be big news if it also carries over into 2025 and applies to 2024 foreign income gained whilst resident in Thailand, which I very much doubt. Suspect that cut off date at the end of 2023 is going to apply to everyone.
  5. This is for comparison purposes, just recently I opened up a bank account with ABA in Cambodia (a few weeks ago), they wanted to see the passport and long term visa which I have. They asked me to write my address down on a piece of paper which I did - that was good enough for them. A machine then 'printed' off an ATM Visa debit card for me which I used at the separate deposit machine to deposit $1500 in cash which I had just withdrawn in the same bank from a Thai account. No problems, simple and easy. The guy said I can alter the address on the app myself to make it more accurate if I want but don't do it until the next day as their system updates overnight or something along those lines. Thailand is going to drown in red tape if it continues along this road.
  6. It's called extortion, what should happen here is that everyone involved in the attempt to extort the old guy gets arrested This case is going to shine a very bright light on this practice now - internationally and it does not look very good for both the pharmacy and the police. Nobody gives a <deleted> about an old guy stealing some vitamins, wtf
  7. I'm in Cambodia at the moment, everything is priced in USD and Riel and it seems to be pegged at around 4000-4100 Riel per dollar and nothing changed that I noticed, been here for a few months so far.
  8. Also it's very possible (easy in fact) to be non resident in any country depending on where you come from and how long ago you left your country of citizenship - that's the only potential snag - where you come from originally. Some countries don't like to let go.
  9. They don't always get what they want, remember this person is not in any way an elected official
  10. Ok, here we go - so prior to Por 162 this change was going to apply to 2023 earnings. Then Por 162 was issued and suddenly it didn't apply to 'previous year' earnings from 2023. It was a complete 180 for 1 year - so far. That my friend is a back pedal which delays it for exactly a year. You think they can't alter that date again? Remember where we are......like I mentioned before - this is speculation.
  11. Ok, that's the part I was referring to - Por 162 made the expected instant change not become effective for another year because without that exemption all of the 2023 income would have been subject to tax in 2024. It wasn't a roll back in name but that's effectively what it did by introducing this newly mentioned cut off date which didn't exist before. So they did it once already, extending this date whilst considering implementation details for further changes is going to be the easiest face saving thing they can do.
  12. When they first announced this it was going to begin on Jan 1 2024 and apply to 2023 and prior income - so it was an immediate change with just a few months notice and all income in 2023 and before would be taxable in 2024 regardless of remitting it in 2024 using the previous year remittance rule. This did not exist for more than a few weeks, but the articles are still out there from this time period for anyone who cares to look. Then there was an announcement which changed all that - this is when they announced that Dec 31, 2023 would be the cut off date and anything earned in any year prior to this cut off of would be excluded. That is a 1 year roll back - the first back pedal and it happened without many people here noticing it - I pointed this out the day it was announced somewhere on this forum. Many people seemed to miss this as they moved very quickly to correct the colossal mistake they had made. Regardless of how they worded this it meant that income earned in 2023 would not be taxable in 2024 - but that's the exact system they had just cancelled - where I come from this is called back pedaling - but just by 1 year - at this point in time. They've back pedaled before and they will do it again - just watch over the next couple of months. So it wasn't announced as a 1 year roll back but they introduced a new cut off date which is exactly the same thing - so nothing changed for 2024 if you're remitting 2023 income. And that's what I'm referring to, maybe someone else can explain it a little more elegantly. I believe that this cut off date of December 31, 2023 will be altered to December 31 2024 while they get organised internally Lets watch and see - we will know in a couple of short months one way or another.
  13. She's a loser. Thick as mince, bragging about sitting on a beach instead of in her room 🤣 Sure there's plenty of what I'll refer to as the 'dim witted' in Thailand but the money is a good filter, they won't last too long. I suspect she's talking about tourists. That she thinks life is all about women is also hilarious, it won't end well for her At one point she mentions she can tell how much of a beta loser someone is just by looking at them, some advanced social skills right there - I have a similar ability to detect the level of whore in a woman with just a glance in her direction.
  14. I have some thoughts on this issue Firstly, they put out a clarifying memo on the new remittance based system stating that only income accrued after 31 Dec 2023 will be assessed if remitted in 2024 - that was effectively a delay of 1 year meaning the new change isn't being implemented this year as was originally announced - they rolled it back 1 year already. I expect them to roll this back again and perhaps again until they sort out what they're doing with any global tax changes - because implementing 2 completely new and different schemes which contradict each other at the same time simply isn't practical on any level. Then I would expect that any change to global income tax may not even make it to parliament, all you have right now is some official in the RD saying they want to collect more tax (that's their literal job description) - this person was 'anointed' under the now fired and therefore defunct governments leadership. He's gone (old PM), this new PM could be gone soon and the old guard are coming for them all. Just some wild speculation.... but I will be surprised if there isn't a second delay like the first one of Dec 31 2023 to Dec 31 2024 coming soon.
  15. This is the way all future Prime Ministers will be forced out. The precedent is set now. Only a massive change in whatever law that allows them to do this or an above reproach cabinet (lol) will be the way to avoid it.
  16. I had it about 25 years ago, it was mild. Had it again and it was a bit worse, on the head the second time. Then I had it again and it was much worse but not in any way agony. In fact it would be described as constantly irritating Strong painkillers are not the best approach with this as it's a faulty nerve signal, Pregabalin is the treatment.
  17. The truth will not be decided based on the experiences of one person who had a mild case. Some people have it so mild it is not detectable without blood tests, others have it so bad that they want the nerves physically removing from their body. What you believe is irrelevant. Also you're lucky because what you had can maim your face through paralysis and blind you in some cases.
  18. There will be some push back from Malaysia due to this. They're not going to like it.
  19. ukrules


    I have used them in the past, always did a drop off though, very reliable for delivery and tracking.
  20. That's not going to happen, it's pretty much a global thing with perhaps one notable exception where they genuinely believe they're special and tax their citizens globally regardless of residency.
  21. And don't forget the active uk phone number, it's not for phone calls but for text messages - you will 100% need this. Believe me on this, I kept my old phone number for about 20 years now, and every time I want to do something slightly unusual like adding a new payment recipient or using a credit card with a new store I haven't used before they text me a code.
  22. Could this be a miscommunication of some kind? As in you can't reserve a private room, because its not needed - so they just said no room for you? Anyway I wouldn't sweat it - once the procedure is done, check out of the place, pay the bill and go home.
  23. I left but I'll be back, just keeping below 180 days per year for now in order to remain non resident. When the dust settles in a couple of years I'll review the situation.
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