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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Correct, it's always been this way and long may it last.
  2. Oh for sure, we all do it and have been for decades If you're non resident the CRS information is worthless.
  3. This is not correct with regards to people who originate from the UK, not just the UK either. The playing field is not level out there in the wider world, it all depends on where you come from and how long you've been living out of the country and of course where the income comes from.
  4. Noteworthy as in the context of immigration when they speak of residency I believe they are talking about 'permanent residents' but who knows really.... It specifically does not state 'tax resident' there.
  5. He's doing a runner before he is held to account for his actions
  6. Lol, foreign woman are harrassed all day long in India by men asking for photos, then they move in for the kill - sometimes quite literally. Here's a video :
  7. Not in India now, different rules apply...
  8. I was thinking along the same lines but with a far more 'aggressive' debt collector.
  9. Lol, this isn't special - it's the norm.
  10. They're attempting to trademark a common hippo?
  11. Why the 'serious concerns' ? This just proves the security system works. According to other sources the gun was in his 'suitcase' suggesting the checked baggage. So not even a security concern really.
  12. I heard that if they ever see a 'slingshot' they run for their lives because they know what they means.
  13. Why? That little hippo is one of the biggest earners out there right now
  14. I expect they will release a new 'tax form' at some point, perhaps December, perhaps early next year. I don't expect any announcements will be forthcoming, they already did that with the two memos. They might say something about the global taxation thing but that's a completely different issue.
  15. Absolute insanity from someone who should be fired immediately.
  16. I think they know very well how to make this kind of vehicle, it's not the manufacturer.
  17. I bought a Vios about 10 years ago, cost me 600k baht. Zero problems on it over the full 10 years, only did about 22,000 km total, couple of scratches, good for a few more years I think When I'm done with it I'll pop down to Toyota and order a new one then just toss the old one out like the disposable tool it is.
  18. What nonsense, they should do what every other country has done when making new laws in the entire history of the modern world. Take a few examples which have been in place and working in other countries for centuries without major problems, combine and customise them to suit any local 'issues' and copy them.
  19. Sometimes antibiotics are used prophylactically, so at the point of administration they're not strictly 'needed' but the prediction is that they will indeed be needed at some point very soon....
  20. Agreed, there are much cheaper alternative crypto currencies to make quick and simple payments with, Litecoin for example. Most exchanges give you the option to deduct the fee from your account balance instead of the amount transferred. Also exchanges often charge vastly inflated transaction fees so the best way is to withdraw it all in one transaction and then spend it from an external wallet - not directly from the exchange - that is much cheaper and you have full control over fees, in fact depending on the wallet you can set your own fee which may affect how long the transaction takes to 'confirm'
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