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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Ok, I'm sure there's a point there but I definitely missed it. I don't care if 'they' know I have some Bitcoin or not. Why would I?
  2. Yeah, that's never going to happen, good luck with the vote on that law change. It is 'nice' of them to let everyone off the hook for anything prior to Jan 1, 2024 which is the way I read it. I guess they don't want to do 10 years of paperwork processing for what will likely be very little return.
  3. Some people believe the craziest things
  4. I believe this is an MPs only vote, going to be interesting to see how many of the coalition partners follow their new master.
  5. I've got a feeling the overweight ones don't do 400km a week.....
  6. I was more interested in your athleticism, do you train extensively to maintain an athletic physique? Because if you do then your high energy diet is going to be perfect for you
  7. It's carbohydrates in all their forms, too many carbs of all kinds - and everything they eat here is overloaded with carbs - for example - rice and noodles - pure carbs. Carbs of course are just another form of sugar once they get digested. Eating rice is almost as effective as drinking liquid glucose which is the highest form of concentrated carbohydrate (read sugar) of them all. So anything high in starch (rice, potato, noodles, etc) and of course sugar itself are all carbohydrates and when combined together as they often are = this is the issue.
  8. Interesting, I had read about this new passport verification procedure and mentioned it in another thread - I guess as they are a foreign owned exchange they've been ordered by their foreign owners to accept foreigners as customers, unlike the Thai exchange which will now surely lose all of the foreign customers. One question - do you need to verify your address by uploading a bank statement or anything like that, I do use Kasikorn bank? I ask because for me this means going down to the bank and getting a printed statement, my address is still in the English language and I would hope they accept that - all the foreign exchanges did of course which is why I got them to alter the address from Thai into English and I don't want to have to change it back as most of the business I do is outside Thailand.
  9. They should have given this guy a medal, not sent him to prison.
  10. I hope the vote fails and the fallout from that breaks the coalition resulting in turmoil and a new PM.
  11. I read that they're going to fund it with a loan from the Government Savings Bank.
  12. They've been here, there and everywhere for a very long time. The only thing new is that they're operating in the open now.
  13. Not without leaving the country for about 186 days, which is always an option if it's going to be a large amount. A couple of 80 to 90 day stays in some other country plus a 2 or 3 week holiday somewhere separate should ensure there's no residence country if you play it right. I could tolerate that for one year if I were to bring in a large amount of untaxed money. It's not so easy to lose tax residency in plenty of other places so I guess we should be grateful for that, they could take the average number of days over 3 years in the country like some other places do and that would take a lot more than 1 year to 'avoid' for someone who's already been here for a long time.
  14. Never mind fingerprints, they will know when he last entered the country based on his name and date of birth - that's all they need to know.
  15. Interesting, why did they arrest him, the American guy that is? Either he had no money to pay the fine which I find unlikely or they're just making arrests when really there's no need. Whatever they're doing here seems to be a Phuket thing.
  16. Such a wonderful idea, perhaps the rest of the world can follow their lead
  17. 1 - Do they charge for this 'E-Visa' ? 2 - How much Depending on the above answers it may be that Vietnam is attempting to appropriate a large number of tourists who might use Vietnam as a hub whilst travelling around Asia. Thailand has always been the hub for many people, that might be about to change as the stern faced Thai immigration officers are anything but welcoming - in fact I get the impression that they don't like letting anyone in. You would think Covid will teach them a lesson - but no - it's back to business as usual for these weasels.
  18. I've been using UpBit Thailand as I mentioned previously Now here's something interesting which doesn't affect Thai users (yet?) but as UpBit is a massive Korean exchange with foreign branches in various places including Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia. They often send out emails highlighting upcoming changes in any of the places they operate. A lot of noise was made early in 2023 about UpBit implementing the 'travel rule' - that did not happen as planned in March but I believe it's live for Singapore now, I think the Koreans have been effectively banned from withdrawing anything for years already. The 'travel rule' restricts what you can do with your assets - it should be called the 'no travel rule' as it will mostly prevent anyone from making withdrawals due to the extra hassle involved. So apparently if you buy some crypto asset (any asset I think) and want to withdraw it in Singapore you need to prove that the withdraw address belongs to you or send it to another known and approved exchange. To withdraw to a private address on your own wallet on your own computer you need to cryptographically sign a message known only to the exchange with the address in questions private key and upload the signature before they will allow the withdrawal. They will then recreate the address using the public key derived from the private key in your wallet and verify the message is signed correctly by this same private key which corresponds with the public key used to create the address. The only way to verify a cryptographically signed message is to disclose the public key - which is an important point here and related to address reuse which is a security thing. Most people will have no idea what any of the above means never mind understand what they're doing if they follow the procedure so I guess this whole system is designed to register your Bitcoin addresses for those who actually do it or keep funds on exchanges by discouraging people from making withdrawals. I believe there is zero expectation of privacy regarding these addresses. These 'VASPs' as they are known are required to share the information - with who is unclear. But once they know the address belongs to you they can then monitor how you go on to use the coins - they could do this before but now they have absolute proof that the address is registered officially to you. I am very sure this kind of thing will become much more common all over the world in the next few years. If you want to know more here's a couple of questions to ask at https://bard.google.com in this order : Question 1 : "Please explain how the 'travel rule' affects Bitcoin withdrawals in Singapore" Question 2 : "Specifically how it's implemented on UpBit - I believe private wallets are allowed but some kind of proof is required that you own the address - it's the proof that you own the Bitcoin address part that I'm interested in here and for UpBit" The answers to the above 2 questions show the roadmap for the future - it will be introduced in many places, perhaps everywhere one day. I have also heard of cases where people have had their Coinbase accounts closed down because they made quite a few transactions from the Coinbase withdraw address - so it is common for the exchanges to monitor what you do with the coins after you withdraw them. All of this exists and is in place in parts of the world today
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