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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Interesting, I note that there's no such thing as an 'Interpol arrest warrant' though. Warrants are issued by jurisdictions, Interpol has a messaging system which communicates these, they are known as 'red notices'. They have NOTHING to do with issuing arrest warrants - which is why they don't exist.
  2. Damages? What was damaged? Sounds like they're making stuff up to me. The article is complete nonsense if they're talking about tax, how does a Thai owned company do this when the company changes ownership?
  3. You know the vast majority of people who get Dengue don't even know they've had it.
  4. All stone has been around for millions of years, every little piece of it all around the world.
  5. It's not going to work. It's not supposed to work. This is the kind of thing they do to strongly discourage companies from selling it.
  6. I read that the company is no longer listed on the stock exchange, so does he really control shares?
  7. Ridiculous laws and regulations which end up tearing themselves apart. Reminds me of a story from a couple of days ago about a couple of countries which won't accept their own currency back from filthy foreign countries as it must be tainted by laundering. They reap what they sow
  8. Nonsense. Binance.US is a tiny fraction of what Binance actually is, about 2% I believe. It's an irrelevance. However now they've taken action against Coinbase as well I would expect that to hit harder. In a way I don't blame Gensler for this action as the choices these exchanges make in what to list and trade are highly suspicious.
  9. I wonder, how did this snake get into the toilet? Was it slithering around the house and looking for water or somehow managed to get in through the plumbing? I would have thought there's some kind of septic tank that would keep things like this out. So, how come snakes are often reported to be in toilets, does anyone know?
  10. I'd like to see a list of these crimes against the state, unless of course it's an offence against the state to publish such a list - which wouldn't surprise me.
  11. This case has the potential to cause a huge problem for the banks which is ironic as they caused it.
  12. They made it very clear in the article what caused the problem. Did you even read it?
  13. I believe you don't need 800k for a full year. But you do need 400k I would suggest transferring 400k twice and on different days which are not during the period where your balance is required to remain at 800k or above - 2 months before renewal and 3 months after renewal..... That way you don't go under the minimum required amount all year around which is 400k. Never send the exact amount - allow for transfer fees, ATM card 'tax' or some other charges, put a few thousand extra in each just in case.
  14. It's known as 'regulatory capture' where the current 'players' encourage regulation in order to keep others out. The bar for entry would be set very high, everyone involved right now of course would be grandfathered in. That way there's no competition - what they fear is an arms race which reduces their current monopoly to zero. A fine example of this kind of approach by big business is the beer brewing regulations in Thailand. All stitched up between a couple of mega corporations with a massive bar to entry for new producers. That's what they're doing, they will write their own regulations anyway.
  15. Excessive bullying can occasionally lead to some measure of vengeance
  16. What this is about : Existing AI firms are simply pushing for regulation to make life difficult for future entrants. That pretty much sums it up.
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