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Everything posted by sometimewoodworker

  1. The covid extension as mentioned could be extended again. But there is no guarantee. So they are doing due diligence in reminding you that you may not get a further extension.
  2. You are drawing incorrect conclusions from inadequate information. Along with Thai installers who do not have the correct information. Metal boxes are designed for use with armoured cable or metal conduit. Surface mounted cable is often and in some countries virtually exclusively in metal conduit. Using metal boxes with plastic conduit adds a requirement to earth each box, a step that is often overlooked in Thai installs. Pattress boxes or plastic recessed boxes are correct for the majority of Thai installs
  3. No it hasn’t. You said “I have 6 cameras which are rated 1A and a XVR which is rated 12v 2A” That is not the load. That is the theoretical maximum. As yet the 96W @ 12V is the maximum, the actual load is not determined so more or less is definitely less. How much less is unknown. Few devices actually run at the maximum, some never. You are wise not to trust tradesmen (Thai or of any nationality) until you check. As you consider my style to be too blunt I will bow out and let others try to answer your questions TTFN
  4. You clearly do not understand if you don’t, can’t or won’t realise why you need a place for the load to dump. There you go again, you clearly have no compression of the relationship between between load drawn and time that it can be drawn. The first part of your sentence “There is no need to know how much total power can be drawn, as it is a UPS” shows the depth of your lack of knowledge. The second part “I need to know how long it will last when power goes off” is absolutely dependent on the actual load. Likely. Why? While I’ve spent 30 years teaching none of it was electrical theory, however there is plentiful material available for self study, incredibly much more that when I started. No I am no expert nor even a semi trained electronics technician or electrician, but I do know how much I don’t know and the questions to ask to learn more. You really need to get yourself some basic understanding. At the moment you don’t even know enough to ask basic questions, as it demonstrated by the ones above. Once you can understand the answers to reasonable questions and phrase questions to expand your knowledge there are people here who will be able to give them. I don’t know if anyone is willing to do a remedial electrical theory course.
  5. Then you miss understand the process. The immigration officers are the ones who ultimately have the responsibility of allowing or refusing entry, so no they are not stretching anything if they refuse you entry. The embassy’s and consulates are the first step not the only step. Attention For Tourist and Transit Visa Applicants You declare that the purpose of your visit to Thailand is for pleasure or transit only and that in no case shall you engage yourself in any profession or occupation while in the country. If an IO feels that you have lied on your application she/he has a duty to challenge or refuse you entry. Thailand restricts it IOs rather more than most countries. There are very few people who are not retired who can spend long periods without working, and fewer still who do not have an occupation.
  6. You really should understand what you are doing 1st. Once you have 8 connections in parallel and an 8A load it doesn’t matter where you connect. Your problems though are that you need to create a 12V limited load that will draw 8A, this is not a trivial amount of power to draw so you will need a reasonably large water tank. You will also need to be absolutely sure of the kind of battery you have and limit the draw so the battery survives your test, running a standard SLA battery below 50% or DCSLA under 20% will reduce its lifespan significantly, running them down to 12V will produce a door stop. Along with those problems is the fact that your devices will not be drawing 1A each, and that you can draw more total power from your battery if done over 20 hours than over 2 hours You can double the rated lifetime if you only discharge to 50%, and x5 if you go to 30%
  7. You have no idea of the severity, so no it could not. I don’t need to give a cost for six nights as I assume that simple math is not beyond you. So just multiply that cost by six . I really don’t understand what relevance a security video system has to the situation 555555. You really should proof read!
  8. it looks as if immigration doesn’t agree. They have, for quite a while now, been strongly discouraging people staying long term on those visas. The times are changing, as they often do. What has worked in the past is no guarantee of what will work in the future. So what is the real point of your whining? To exercise your typing skills? To make you feel better? All border immigration officers have a duty to keep people they deem undesirable out, it seems that $100 changed the IOs mind I have no opinion that I want to make public on the validity of his judgment. There are countries where that works, ones where you will get free accommodation for trying and others where you will just be denied entry. You seem to want to stay here cheaply to continue to do that at least some IOs will accommodate you.
  9. It is a comparison of the relative costs between private and public medical treatment. Naturally emergencies get swift treatment in all hospitals. One of the main difference between private and public hospitals is that for non emergency treatment private hospitals have much shorter waiting time and the staffing levels are much higher.
  10. And compare that to a single night in a Bangkok Group hospital at a cost of ฿16,000, some tests, nothing special for severe gastro enteritis, but immediate treatment with no waiting.
  11. Go into any of the big stores and you will discover many things that you are not aware of. Or go a website devoted to building cool Thai houses, and you will see that plastic boxes are not uncommon
  12. All of the advice is very much dependent on the hospitals doing/running the vaccination. I get the vaccination certificates, using the QR code the records show up, but nothing shows in the Mor Prom mobile app. So in short TIT YMMV
  13. Copy of Temporary Resident Permit (KITAS) or Permanent Resident Permit (KITAP), if any. (Compulsory for Multiple-Entry Tourist Visa applicants) this suggests that only residents of Indonesia can get a multiple entry visa, but it is not needed for a single entry visa. As to that, no they are not. You really should read the requirements before getting on your high horse, changing them, then complaining that you can’t meet the requirement that isn’t there. The embassy could possibly have made it more clear that they only issue visas to people who have the legal right to live in the U.K. This requirement is not unusual. The embassy in Tokyo has the same restrictions. Some nearby countries will issue some visas to people who are visiting.
  14. So if you buy at the wrong time (like now probably since A v 12 is almost a year old) you may get 3 years of Android or less if you don’t have a “selected” phone.
  15. Is that a guarantee? My Samsung had updates for 2 years, only a total of 3 Android versions.
  16. What leads you to believe that a procedure that is clearly outlined by immigration, has dual language guidance and has 2 forms TM86 (application for change of visa) and TM87 (application for visa) is in anyway a concession or is likely to be abolished. That your opinion is that visas are not normally issued within Thailand’s borders does not make it true. They have been and are. That your opinion is that this immigration law/rule will be abolished if it is used doesn’t make it true. The Immigration department and Thai government clearly saw a need for this or they would not have instituted it. So your post seems to have no basis in fact and is just fear mongering. The only likely change could be in the requirements for these visas.
  17. There would be little point to that list as it will always be out of date, along with the point that individual IOs may have a different time requirement. The safe answer is 30 days before as all offices have that, you can always ask if you need to apply a maximum of 45 days early.
  18. It very much depends on the paint you are using. Many paints are using water as a solvent, so soap and water, then AAA for solvent paints, followed by paraffin.
  19. 1) There are quit a few who have gone down that route. 2) you can rent an onward ticket (24~48 hours) for such a small amount it’s not worth the potential problems not having one brings 3) Again there are quite a few who have done this, depending on the office you use the money you have on deposit may be enough, some offices require proof of that money’s origin, some don’t , some may insist on new funds. So applying with at least 21 days remaining on your permission to stay is a wise choice.
  20. Many web servers are in a closet and may not be running a current version of Apache (other SW is available) the majority of servers do not need to be secure and it requires some degree of expertise to install even a free certificate. There are sights decades old still providing useful information so they may never be upgraded. However any website that is being built today will probably be https. I have a website that I may restart it will be http as the hardware will almost certainly not run the current https version & I would not bother to update it to newer hardware nor recode it.
  21. The FT amount is an extremely simple calculation and is how EGAT balances its costs. Total units used = 717 * FT rate of ฿0.2477 = ฿177.6009 and the result is added to your bill in 2017 it was at -37.29 stang so for the same bill -฿267.3693 in 2010 ฿92.55 so ฿663.5835 Statistics.pdf
  22. multi-currency account. Details 0n the website. & as I mentioned the U.K. Banks do instant transfers
  23. DAGS is the answer https://savannakhet.thaiembassy.org/th/publicservice/104412-tourist-visa?page=5d84a44c15e39c26b400453e&menu=5d84a44c15e39c26b4004569 https://image.mfa.go.th/mfa/0/5JYoZtAQn8/Visa_Application_Form.pdf
  24. You can be sure that they were, most likely it was for Thais and you were an unusual visitor. In my early years in Thailand a Thai friend or 2 took me to a few places like that, I don’t remember the cost as I didn’t indulge but it was very much less than places designed for foreigners. The beer was also much cheaper.
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