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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. A language does not need to be phonetic to have different accents. If he can pronounce it as WHAITE, I can write it as whaite. This law does certainly highlight the dangers of devolution. Like giving a gun to an 8 year old. Hopefully Scots will take this as a lesson in terms of what could happen if ever the SNP got their way and made Scotland their personal fiefdom with a vote for Independence. Be afraid Scotand, be very afraid.
  2. I don't see anything about hair loss, weight, age or illegitimacy in there. So calling someone a fat, old, bald barsteward should be fine. Especially if you are [screws up face into a contorted angry expression] WHITE as Yousaf loves to snarl from his soap box. Good to see the police being kept busy with this, it's not like they have any violence or drink/drug issues in Scotland. What a joke Scotland has become under the SNP. Devolved powers don't seem like such a great idea now if they are going to be used for tyrannical purposes like this.
  3. That video is brilliant and sums up the idiocy of this law. The fact that the wording of the new law actually broke the new law by singling out young white males is the cherry on the cake. Scotland embarrassing itself again, without even going near a sporting event. 😄
  4. Hilarious. If I were 7 years old and still reading The Beano. Perhaps KeeMaa Farang would have been more fitting for you?
  5. Oooh - great point, maybe it was an agent provocateur just giving the trans lobby a bad name 😄 Wouldn't waste my time. This law is not intended to silence the pro trans lobby and will not be used for such.
  6. These female football players have quite the sense of entitlement. It was only last weekend that Emma Hayes furiously pushed Jonas Eidevall at the final whistle before accusing HIM of "male aggression". Quite the projection, I hope she appreciates irony. 😄 https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/68705202 Lucky she wasn't in Scotland, since I believe insults based on gender are verboten by the hate monster.
  7. Racist abuse is not part of being a police officer, nor any job for that matter.
  8. Have the leftist trans activists that threatened to rape, beat and kill her been arrested yet?
  9. OMG - heat and rain during Songkran. This is unprecedented. Someone call Greta! 😄
  10. Would you feel the same if a white drunk called a black police officer a "Stupid black bastard"?
  11. Good news. There was no grounds to dismiss the case. As an aside, Hunter Biden is looking really old now. I wonder if it's the stress of all the charges, or simply all the substance abuse? Either way, let's hope Joe can finally present himself as a good father and role model and help him with all his issues. Better late than never.
  12. "Your honour, I was only racist for a couple of minutes, I only repeated it 15 times". Cracking defence that. 😄
  13. Actually I frequently refer to "Oirish" Joe Biden. As stated, if you think this is evidence that the hate monster has got me, feel free to report me to the Scoatesh police.
  14. Yep, it would be hilarious if he was charged under his own government's law but there is no way the cowardly police will do anything about his hateful speech. This law will be selectively enforced. There is no way that a wealthy, Muslim, son of Pakistani immigrants is going to be charged under these laws. That is not the group this law is designed to silence. Quite the opposite. Yousaf is in one of the select groups of people who can say whatever they like, and he knows it.
  15. I posted the video for you to watch. I suggest you do so, you will see that he is extremely angry about having white people in these posiitons of power. It is not ambiguous.
  16. Oh that's fine then. As long as he was born there he can oppose white people in positions of power in Scotland, which is 95.4% white. Totally acceptable position to hold. 😄 Transliteration.
  17. Strawman. I said it was equally inappropriate as promoting Trans ideology at Easter. In other words, just as bad. Indeed. Gammon is a disgusting racist insult. Calling white people pigs. I'm surprised you would use it.
  18. Indeed. Politicians like Yousaf himself as he pulls controrted/angry faces and can barely stop the spittle flying from his mouth as he repeats the word WHAITE as he shows disgust for Caucasian people holding positions of power in their native land.
  19. Like calling people Gammon on this forum for likes?
  20. Hate is a subjective term. It's basically a strong dislike. Disliking things is a natural human emotion. Like love, anger, envy etc. You can't legislate it against it. Everyone dislikes things, just like you dislike "Gammon" and frequently use it as an insult on this forum. You should be careful Chomps, your frequent use of that word could land you in trouble with this new law since it is racially charged and also ageist. Say No to the hate Monster Chomps.
  21. Hate of course, meaning anyone that disagrees with your opinion 😄. What they have essentially done is made it illegal to dislike something that they have designated as the government approved opinion. Just as you hate "gammon" as you frequently refer to them, why should other people like things you have approved? People are free to like or dislike anything they want, they don't have to follow your or anyone else's guidelines on their thoughts/opinions. What happened to freedom of opinion, freedom of expression? Not authoritarian enough for you?
  22. Hate is a subjective term. That's why they've used it in the bill. I have already said precisely why they are turning a blind eye to Rowling. It's their cowardice, nothing to do with the content of her words or her opinions. They simply don't have the stones to take her on and embarrass themselves on the world stage.
  23. So why claim she wasn't being persecuted when she clearly has been? 😄 As I said before, this law is designed to protect certain groups and I have a suspicion that so called TERF's (as you ilk like to refer to them) are not top of the list. I'd imagine hate speech against Jews will be allowed to continue as well, much as it has in London. It's designed to be vague so it can be selectively enforced as and when the police wish to silence someone. Much like Thailand. Scotland is regressing at an alarming rate under the SNP.
  24. I don't think they've got the minerals to go after Rowling. It would be all over the news and expose their law for what it is, deeply/darkly authoritarian and anti-free speech, for all the world to see. It would be highly embarrassing for the Scottish government and the Scottish police. The cowards will quietly use this to silence the little people. The "non crime hate incidents" were not enough for them, they wanted to ramp it up a notch.
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