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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Last time I criticized Trump's language it turned out to have been taken out of context (the bloodbath remarks) so I am very careful about doing so now in case it is another fabrication from the left. But yes, Trump does need to tone down his language on occasion. However, this thread is about Biden's team using childish language towards Trump so let's stick to the topic.
  2. Shocking. Let's hope he serves his time in a men's prison.
  3. Yes, that's about the level of intellect, humour and maturity that I would expect from an insult from a Democrat. Maybe they could hold their thumb and forefinger to their forehead in an L shape and stick out their tongue as they say it, you know, just to complete the look of 8 year old kid in the playground? 😄 No wonder you guys are struggling...
  4. Totally agree. She should concentrate on her own mounting issues. She's on thin ice and it's about to break.
  5. Well he has. The book, the Netflix series, countless interviews. He's done nothing but attack them since he left. I'm just saying it like it is.
  6. Great. Stop bothering me then. Interesting choice of username BTW. One of your heros? https://apnews.com/article/backstreet-boys-nick-carter-sexual-misconduct-vegas-32822528e04f7259cf74b274ea0ee90c
  7. Poverty has always been a relative term. Not being able to afford another tat and 20 B&H doesn't make you poor. That should read "People" who have periods Chomps. Men can have periods too. Don't be so exclusive.
  8. Why won't you answer my question? Is it because you are a proud minor attracted person and do not want to "out" yourself?
  9. Childish name calling again from the Dems. I wonder what they will use for his supporters. The Deplorables didn't work out too well...
  10. Well it seems we've reached a Mexican standoff, doesn't it.
  11. I don't think people would accept it again. I don't think they'd be bullied into taking vaccines again either, even if they were accused of being a "granny killer" or any of those other ludicrous insults thrown at people who wanted control over what was injected into their bodies.
  12. Are you a minor attracted person or not. Because your posts sure make it sound that way.
  13. Well you are far left, live in Thailand, adhere to LGBTQ ideology and sound a bit weird. Let me rephrase it using leftist terminology. Are you a minor attracted person? If not, prove to me why.
  14. My bad. You can't formulate coherent sentences when sober either.
  15. Why would you ask such a question? Are you a paedophile ?
  16. Yeah I saw that virtue signalling tripe. You are fooling nobody and you continue to push the eating disorder narrative even after a cancer diagnosis. The vitriol from the #bekind left never ceases to amaze me. I'm just glad I dont have to carry that around with me. I hope her children aren't reading these type of comments. I'm sure her strength and dignity will see her get through this. Best wishes to William as well, his grandmother recently passed, wife and father with cancer and his brother stabbing them all in the back from Montecito. Plus the trolls spreading eating disorder and affair rumours on line. Must be awful times. Thanks for adding to them.
  17. Yep I saw the writing on the wall years ago. Couldn't pay me to live there now. The England of my youth is long gone. Uni in London in the 90s was great, it's a total mess now. A lot of that is due to Khan but also uncontrolled immigration. As for heating bills a lot of that is due to the green lobby pushing up energy prices with their stupid ideas of net zero etc. I had the police round for burning wood in an open fire in my living room due to smoke coming out of the chimney. As a landlord I have to comply with lots of stupid rules which pushes up costs which get passed on to my tenants. One of the reasons I love Thailand so much is the lack of political correctness and stupid regulations.
  18. It's really sad and telling to see the comments. I am no fan of Harry's wife but if she was diagnosed with cancer I wouldn't propagate nasty rumours about her having an eating disorder. I guess it exposes the #bekind crew once again. Anyone with empathy would retract not double down. I just wish her the best and hope she doesn't read too much of the vitriol here and across X.
  19. They will never take any action. Just like their cult leaders continue to live in mansions and take their private jets. They will drive around Pattaya in a diesel truck with their Chinese made mobile phone, pontificating about what other people should do, just to make themselves feel better. Until the climate alarmist elitists change their own behaviour I refuse to take anything they say seriously. It's a massive scam to transfer wealth and more importantly power from the average man to the elites. Put us all in 15 minute cities, wracked with guilt and paying extortionate amounts of tax to save the planet. Meanwhile Gates is on his private island wondering how to utilize cheap chinese labour without getting exposed as a fraud. Better than being on Epsteins island again I suppose.
  20. It was great to see this woke nonsense roundly rejected. There is hope for Australia yet. Don't follow the British on this one, it is the thin end of the wedge. It will never be enough, so don't entertain playing the game.
  21. Terrible news. Why people continue to deny the links between Muslim extremism and terrorism is beyond me. Best wishes to all the victims families.
  22. Wow. Have some class. The woman has been diagnosed with cancer and you still want to continue to disparage her with your "eating disorder" gossip. Maybe best to just accept it was a horrible thing to say, apologise and move on. We all say things we regret. Stop digging.
  23. Wouldn't be as big a problem if we weren't importing hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year, ruining the local culture in the process.
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