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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Of course it added to the crisis. I don't need a quote from a newspaper to tell me that adding 6xx,xxx people in a year to a country that has a housing shortage will increase the problem. It does lead to a housing crisis. As do many other factors. I never said it was the sole cause, you made that bit up. But the good news is, if you have a habit of inventing things people have said and then arguing against that imagined statement, you're in good company here. 😄
  2. So you think that bringing in 659,000 immigrants in a year to a country with a chronic housing shortage doesn't have any impact on the housing shortage? Got it... 😄 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/21/migration-numbers-australia-2023-rise
  3. Well JK Rowling was mentioned in the OP and I was offering my opinion on her as a legend for women's rights in a thread about the definition of a woman. Secondly, the whole thread is about the judge intervening and I was offering my opinion on his intervention. So on the whole, pretty relevant I'd say. 😄
  4. Some great quotes in there. Thanks. I'm no Trump fan but he was spot on about Theresa May and her lame attempts to deliver BRINO.
  5. Clinton was a good president. I didn't mind Obama until he started poking his nose into the UK's business. Fortunately, he likely secured Brexit despite his efforts to influence UK voters to remain. He learnt his lesson after that and kept his mouth shut on the UK's sovereign decisions.
  6. At least the Brits can still afford to go on holiday. Unlike the Germans. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/03/24/germanys-moribund-economy-faces-years-of-stagnation/ Brexit doesn't seem to be going too well for the Germans. Perhaps they should have offered us a sensible deal to stay?
  7. JK Rowling is such a legend, standing up for real women's rights. Scotland on the other hand has become a parody. Their latest nonsense is "The Hate Monster" creation by Police Scotland. Truly embarrassing. 😄 https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/24201997.police-stereotyping-young-working-class-men-hate-crime-campaign/ What happened to impartiality? Having this judge involved in a case on trans issues would be like having a Democrat judge involved in prosecuting Trump. Oh, wait a minute...
  8. Obama can see Biden is in deep trouble. Hopefully he has the magic touch again. I'm still hugely grateful for him for his comments during Brexit which many believe got the Leave vote over the line. 😄 https://news.sky.com/story/sky-poll-obamas-eu-warning-counterproductive-10258198 Thanks again Barack. Side note ; I wonder if Joe calls him "Boy" like he does with other black males? https://nypost.com/2023/02/15/biden-refers-to-marylands-first-black-governor-as-boy-in-speech/
  9. The headline should really read "A few Brits forgot to renew their passports" 😃. Not a big deal, compared to what the Germans are experiencing post Brexit. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/world/europe/germany-strikes-economy.html
  10. That's pretty funny. 😃 You Aussies always had a good sense of humour, on paper anyway. Talking of paper, you can tell a lot by a person by the type of paper they buy. Take Steve Smith and sandpaper for example. 😄
  11. I love when you post these silly one word retorts. Good to see you found a new one though, "Pinned" was getting boring. It just proves to me you have nothing intelligent to say that disproves my points. Thanks again for confirming that fact.
  12. They call all of us whinging Poms, not only the ones that move to Australia to live. It's a term of endearment nearly always said with a cheeky grin and a wink. I have a great relationship with my Aussie colleagues and whinging pom is nothing more than a light hearted bit of ribbing. A nod to our shared history. You're reaching with that one. I'd agree it's an equal drain on infrastructure as other immigrants. However, the similarity of the cultures (love of cricket, rugby, beer etc.) plus the fact we speak the same language would obviously make cultural integration easier for the average Brit than many other countries. I'm not sure why you keep banging on about Brits emigrating though, I never suggested there should be different rules for the British, I don't believe in positive discrimination. Are you creating opinions for me to argue against again? 😄 Yes, they used to control it much better than they do now. Controlled, selective immigration based on the needs of the country is a great thing, always said that. They've lost control of the numbers now and are paying the price. Just like the UK. Sad.
  13. Not content with going after Trump, the Dem judges are now going after his associates. Desperate stuff. Reminds me of Thai politics in many ways, although Thai politics appears to be cleaner.
  14. I've got a few on here as well. Normally over on World News but they do follow me elsewhere on occasion. I think they have a crush on me.
  15. Now that you mention it she does have an uncanny resemblence to Kellie Maloney.
  16. Oh really? Lockdowns, truckers funds being cut off for protesting (your mate Trudeau), fines for being outside all never happened. It's all a conspiracy. Who knew? That could never happen again, right? I wouldn't be at all surprised to see temporary lockdowns for climate based reasons in the next decade. Just very short ones, just to test the waters. Very recently in Thailand workers were "advised" to work from home due to PM 2.5 levels. It's not a huge leap for that to become a "recommendation" and then a "directive". You know, to "protect us". https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/26/bangkok-air-pollution-prompts-advice-to-work-from-home Climate change 'emergency' opens up all kinds of possibilities for controlling the masses. It's no wonder they are pushing it so hard. Obviously authoritarian hardcore leftists who dream of big state control love the idea, hence them jumping on the doomsday cult bandwagon so gleefully.
  17. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-countries-economy-spending-rules-budget-pandemic-funds/
  18. British culture and Australian culture is very similar, for obvious reasons.
  19. More propaganda, designed to scare us into handing over our liberty and cash digital tokens to big state. How long before they have us locked in our 15 minute cities, or better yet our houses, released for 15 minutes per day to exercise or to stand on our doorsteps to applaud employees of the state. All to protect us from the impending doom. Don't comply? Protest? Simple, they can freeze our bank accounts and fine/prosecute us. Oh wait a minute, that was 2020 😄.
  20. I am not scapegoating immigrants. In most cases they are not to blame. The problem is governments opening the floodgates to provide cheap labour for large multinationals without spending on the infrastructure to support the increased numbers. This leads to a housing crisis and a deterioration in services for the native population. If not vetted and intergrated properly it also negatively impacts the local culture.
  21. All that immigration and still with economic woes. I thought they'd be flying with such a huge influx.😄 Last year I was in Sydney for a few days work and the got chatting to the driver from the airport who was a nice Indian chap, came over 10 years ago. Did a masters in engineering but couldn't find a job so he does the night shift driving taxis for a living. The housing crisis meant he couldn't afford a house so he still lived with his parents. He was considering returning to India. Sad to see them repeating so many of Britain's mistakes. Huge increases in population without the infrastructure to support it.
  22. I had a similar experience in my youth after taking a certain substance at an outdoor rave in Bath. The Beatles sang about the effects in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. My friend Dean's face formed pointy ears and a pointed chin so he resembled a cross between a gnome and an elf. Everything around me was pulsing, like the trees and the cars were breathing deeply. The ground was rippling like surf before the wave breaks. Terrifying. I reverted to beer shortly afterwards.
  23. The Dems are terrified. It's written all over both their faces. Well, they allowed Biden to run again. They made their bed, now they must lie in it (in more ways than one).
  24. God help Europe if this power hungry charlatan gets the keys to power. No surprise that the idea of a European Army is being put on the table again, this time in the form of "European military unity". Never let a crisis like Ukraine go to waste. Thank goodness we left the EU. I wouldn't want to be living in (and paying for) this federalist house of cards when it starts to fall. Edit for typo...
  25. Not that I am aware of. But the management company that manages my investments do not have specific instructions not to buy stock on political grounds so I guess it's possible. I doubt that. But if people wish to invest based on their heart rather than their head that is their choice. Maybe you should direct these questions at a Trump fan?
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