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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. We are both saying Biden is a threat to Democracy. I am simply supplying additonal arguments to support his view. Hope that's OK? 😄
  2. Rowling is too wealthy, too influential and too well supported. The cowards won't go after her. Too risky. A hot potato. This law is for silencing the little people.
  3. Exactly. It's fine to call a white male a Gammon. That's funny. But call a black woman uppity or a black criminal a thug? No no no, that is simply unacceptable. That's hate speech. That's Racist. Christians? Open season. Muslims? Don't even think about it. Expect lots of selective enforcement as and when certain people need to be silenced. That's what it's there for after all.
  4. Who knows? It's vague and open to interpretation. That's the whole point of it, to allow selective enforcement against certain groups of people. To control language. To keep people compliant with the "approved" opinions of those in power.
  5. RFK Jr. has a good point. There is nothing Democratic about having someone with insufficient cognitive function as a figurehead of a political party while others pull his strings. There is nothing Democratic about supporting the legal system removing your political rivals either.
  6. No banning of the number 88? Adidas actually has a long history with the Nazi regime, their founder was a member of the party and they made boots for Hitler's troops. The number 44 does have a striking resemblence to the SS sign though. Oops... 😄 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13262725/Inside-controversial-history-Adidas-making-boots-Hitlers-troops-bitter-family-rivalry-Kanye-Wests-antisemitic-rants-sports-giant-embroiled-new-Nazi-row.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Dassler
  7. Just threats of rape, murder, beatings etc. Par for the course when dealing with radical leftist trans activists. https://www.mailplus.co.uk/edition/news/society/87313/jk-rowling-reveals-rape-and-death-threats-from-hundreds-of-trans-activists Her crime? Believing in biological reality.
  8. Unlikely. Telling the truth about gender in 2024 doesn't generally result in good PR.
  9. But they are only insulting white, working class catholics/protestants. Nobody cares about them.
  10. Very brave woman, standing up to the increasing tyranny of the authoritarian leftist government. History will be very kind to her.
  11. Seems he isn't as broke as many leftists wish him to be.
  12. Careful now. Don't think that humour will make you exempt from this law. Jokes are no longer allowed in Yousef's brave new world. Jokes are zee vork of zee "hate monster" and zey vill no longer be tolerated.
  13. Context? He is living in a country that is 95.4% white but doesn't like the fact that the majority of people in power are white. There's some context for you. It's like a white man living in Nigeria and complaining there are too many black people in power. Or too many Japanese people in power in Japan.
  14. If a white man made a similar speech about black people you wouldn't be talking about context. You'd call it out for what it is. Which kind of proves the point that the law will be applied selectively to silence whoever "needs to be" silenced.
  15. There are many problems with it. The 2 main ones I see are... 1. Will it be applied equally? We've seen recently protesters in London chanting for Jihad and the elimination of Israel. Apparently that isn't hateful, but a joke using the LGBT flag on Twitter is. So who decides what is hateful and what is not? It's too broad a term. Will calling a biological male wearing a dress a man be hate speech? 2. This can easily be used to silence critics. Legitimate criticism is not hate, but this bill will easily allow critics to be silenced by throwing the "hate" label at them, when they might be voicing a genuine concern about something which is backed by facts. Based on the criteria, Yousaf himself should be prosecuted following his speech about white people that I posted above. But he won't be, because his "hate" was towards white people. Say something similar about black people and you'll be in the dock. It is deeply authoritarian and infringes on free speech. Disliking something should not be an offense. This will be used as a political tool to silence critics. https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/03/22/scotlands-hate-crime-act-is-an-authoritarian-monstrosity/
  16. You still have to go past the cement factory over the winding mountain bit. It's open after about 30 minutes drive past there, a few minutes after you go past the left turn towards Khao Yai. It's been open since New Year. It has 2 lanes in each direction. No toll to pay at present. You can get off at the turn to Dan Khun Thot or go another 15 minutes or so and get off just south of Non Thai/just north of Korat town. Drove it yesterday.
  17. Scotland rapidly becoming the most censorious, authoritarian country in the West. At least they picked the right date to implement the new laws. I wonder if Humza Yousaf will be called up on this for his hateful speech about having too many white people in Scotland? Can you imagine standing up in Thailand's parliament and complaining about all the SE Asians in Thailand? 😄 Don't feed the hate monster Humza. 😄
  18. While I would agree that the Tories are behind, a small poll by a pro EU group does not convince me these numbers are very accurate. I wouldn't deny they are trailing significantly though. The fact that woeful Labour are the only realistic alternative to a Conservative party that is Conservative in name only sums up why the UK is going down the toilet. Under Labour, it will simply be flushed quicker. My decision to leave back in 2006 looks wiser by the year. The only hope now would be for some big hitters in the Conservative party to join Reform UK and for the Conservative party to disband. I don't see that happening.
  19. No problem. Let's have national bacon day at the start of Ramadan. Actually, we're better than that. Let's not join "Oirish" Joe in the gutter. He has more experience down there.
  20. The trans movement has been an absolute disaster for women's rights, it's put the movement back decades. It's ironic how the Wokeists support the right of men to trample on women's rights, ruin women's sport etc. by simply donning a dress and some lipstick. Reminds me of how they support the intolerance shown by certain minority groups in the name of diversity. Dylan Mulvaney for example, mocks women with his grotesque parody of womanhood, and they love him for it. 😄
  21. Not solely, but it has added to their mounting problems. Maybe ask the German finance minister. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67105143 Sounds like they're wishing they'd offered us a better deal when Cameron asked for one, instead of treating us like the dumb Uncle that could be tapped up for some cash as and when required, and then ignored. Ah well, too late now. Thankfully.
  22. Yes, it did devalue initially. Much of that was due to people believing Project Fear. It was great news for exporters, tourism, and people like me who earn in THB and repatriate funds back to the UK. Since we actually left and people have realized Project Fear was actually Project Lie, it's gradually been climbing.
  23. Shame then that it happens to be the biggest economy in the EU. By some distance.
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