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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. 6 months more cognitive decline for Biden. The American people are waking up. Stick a fork in him.
  2. Limited ad libbing. When he did, he messed up, citing Moscow as a prime example of how the US could improve. How on earth can you present that as fact? Like I said, when delivering a pre-written speech without falling over is a vast improvement and a show of strength you know the Dems are really clutching at straws. The clapping seals in the audience were equally as embarrassing. You'll be claiming he dressed himself next as evidence that he's a legendary leader. Desperate stuff.
  3. Have you been peeping through the curtains into my condo again? As per forum rules, please provide a link to prove that I didn't watch it since you are presenting that statement as fact.
  4. It's a pretty low bar when the ability to read a script for an hour is a vast improvement on what's gone before .
  5. It wasn't just Hamza. It was the culture surrounding the whole mosque and yes it was dealth with, which is what happens when we acknowledge a problem instead of pretending it does not exist like you and you ilk. If you think the issue of Muslim terrorism/extremism was solved with Hamza's arrest, maybe read up on the events of October 7. Yes it was dealt with because it was acknowledged. That's what happens when apologists like you are ignored.
  6. Talking of disingenuity... Abu Hamza and the Finsbury park mosque was a good example. In this case the threat was identified, acknowledged, and dealt with. Of course, others would have much preferred to put on the rose tinted glasses and pretend the problem didn't exist .
  7. Biden is fooling nobody with his sudden interest in controlling the borders. It's like Bud Light trying to be ultra American after the Dylan Mulvaney fiasco. People don't forget. The damage has been done and no amount of soundbites and PR spin will fix it.
  8. Of course, not all Muslims are terrorists. Many are normal people who go about their lives peacefully. However, it would be deeply disingenuous to suggest there is not a link between the extremist Muslim communities and terrorism, in Britain and elsewhere. In order to fix a problem one must acknowledge that it exists. In this case, we only had to wait 5 minutes for the next thread.
  9. Great news. It would appear we have reached Peak Woke and common sense is making a comeback. Let's not allow a vocal minority of lefty loons to destroy women's sport.
  10. Burden is pretending to get tough as the election approaches. After that the gates will reopen.
  11. I wouldn't pay either. The amount was ridiculous and politically motivated to weaken Trump. If Dave the plumber did the same thing it would have been about 20,000 dollars. But with Trump we get this obscene amount. The Dems trying to win via dodgy judges rather than the electorate. Much like a banana republic. Shame on them.
  12. I mistook the article for Sex in the city, a massive series that celebrated women sleeping around and treating men as sex objects. Of course, like cultural appropriation it's only frowned upon in one direction. Lots of women get top positions and top jobs and top salaries in huge businesses and brands.. Like Alissa Heinerscheid and Dylan Mulvaney at Bud Light. What could possibly go wrong?
  13. It can't be good for the old boy getting so pumped up for such occasions. He was positively glowing. The election could change from red vs blue to orange vs fluorescent yellow.
  14. I wasn't sure if it was a typo, attempting another strawman by changing my words or simply very confused again, like you were with the difference between automatic gearboxes and self drive cars in the other thread. But yes, complimenting the captial of Russia on their low prescription prices was a very unusual choice.
  15. I wasn't saying it was factually incorrect. I was saying it was a strange choice of country to praise in the circumstances. Given recent events, I suspect he meant to say another city and got mixed up. He did make relatively few mistakes though, by his standards. I guess they got the Koolaid right...
  16. No, you replied to my post, and implied that I said it was a sex crime. I did not. Your strawman attempts are getting increasingly tedious. You have reduced yourself to trolling.
  17. If they can be bothered. I gave an old car to my skint sister in law. Instead of thanking me, she asked if I could just sell it and give her the cash instead .
  18. Where did I mention a sex crime? You really need to read what I wrote instead of making things up. Especially if you are going to talk about lack of comprehension.
  19. I said trans ideology. You doing that strawman thing again? And reading it seems.
  20. It's going to be very interesting to watch. I'm ready. Juice him up and wheel him out.
  21. Good idea. Teachers are there to teach English, Maths, Physics etc. not to push their trans ideology onto other people's children. Teachers should teach, and leave the parenting to the parents. Any teacher who assists transition without written approval of the parents should be jailed IMO. It's child abuse.
  22. Bored much? If you haven't got anything meaningful to add maybe it's better not to post anything. It's just trolling at this stage. No wonder your post count is so high when you post "Pinned" after about 30% of my posts. Rent free Chomps, rent free.
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