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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Same here. I'm no fan of Trump but the way that the Dems are trying to keep power by crippling their political rival via the legal system is sickening. The meltdown in November is going to be epic.
  2. But you probably haven't received the training that you always check if a gun is loaded before pointing it at someone and pulling the trigger. You probably haven't been trained how to tell a live round from a blank. Baldwin had received that training many times. He ignored it. Either way, you'd both be up on charges of involuntary manslaughter. Baldwin is wealthy and well connected, so it is quite possible he can evade responsibility for his part of this tragic case. It's America after all.
  3. Inevitable. Trump has too much charisma, too much momentum. He's an unstoppable force. It's in the bag.
  4. Good to see the Doomsday Cultists remaining loyal to the cause. Haven't heard much from your leader lately though. Well, apart from her "oh so predictable" support for Palestine following the 7/10 terrorist attacks. 🙈 https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/climate-activist-greta-thunberg-expresses-solidarity-with-palestine/3027779
  5. Great goal from Rashford, but after that it was total domination for City and the only surprise was how long it took City to equalize (helped by Haaland missing an open goal from 3 yards). Foden's in the best form of his career. Great news for England with Euro 2024 on the horizon. We've got the players, shame about the manager.
  6. Ultimately Baldwin pulled the trigger without checking if the gun was loaded. His subsequent lies about not pulling the trigger were disproven when they dismantled and tested the gun. https://abcnews.go.com/US/gun-rust-shooting-fired-pulling-trigger-fbi-report/story?id=88311336 His arrogant, cavalier attitude and subsequent lies have been tough to watch.
  7. Not sure why this is taking so long. A 3 year old with chocolate smothered around his face and an empty cookie jar in his hand swearing blind he hadn't eaten anything would be more convincing than this woman's testimony. Maybe they are worried that a guilty verdict and subsequent dismissal would affect their diversity quota?
  8. In other words "Ignore what you know and what your own eyes tell you and listen to our carefully crafted science designed to scare you into compliance".
  9. By complex they really mean... Equivocal, ambiguous, spurious, vague, misleading.
  10. Well Trump is already leading in the polls, so it would appear that it is Biden who needs to grow his support base if he has any chance of winning.
  11. I know your views already, you've stated them on other threads. You are posting on a thread about racial quotas but you are not prepared to repeat/confirm your views on so called "positive" racial discrimination even when asked multiple times. If you are too ashamed to repeat these objectionable views, why bother posting on the thread?
  12. Good to see the US continuing to support Israel's action following the disgraceful October 7 terrorist attacks. Just as the US defended itself after the 9/11 terrorist attack, so must Israel after the 7/10 terrorist attack. edit ; typo
  13. I was referring to the organization in the OP, Tell Mama. Nothing to do with Warsi. You were the one that introduced her to the thread. But since you asked, Warsi's motive for her remark was clearly taking offense to Johnson's joke about the Hijab.
  14. Unfortunately the "brown person" is useless as well, although the fact that he has not been removed does disprove your theory. The fact remains that the Tories have had a female PM and an ethnic minority PM. If only Labour could make such progressive claims. Unfortunately they are all mouth and no trousers on this, and so many other issues. As for the claims of anti-muslim hatred, this appears to be a very obvious attempt to divert attention away from the rampant anti-semitism in the Labour party, the left in general and the Pro Palestine mob.
  15. There is a third. Equality of opportunity. Not to be confused with equality of outcome. There is no need to punish white kids today for what happened 200 years ago. That type of thing simply transfers the resentment from one group to another. It solves nothing and simply prolongs the cycle of division. The answer to racism is not more racism. It's a vicious cycle. In 30 years from now will you be "positively" discriminating towards the children of white people who missed out on a University place in 2024 simply because they are white? But kudos for admitting you support racial discrimination. It's much better than simply hiding your objectionable views behind countless diversions like the other poster.
  16. The thread is about positive discrimination. I know your views. You stated them on other threads many times. The fact you won't repeat them here tells me everything. You know they are flawed and that I will expose the hypocrisy just as I did before. It's simple. I oppose all forms of racial discrimination. You think it's OK in certain circumstances and try to rebrand your preferred flavour of racial discrimination as postive. That's it. Simple. If you oppose positive discrimination then just come out and say it. If you are indeed ashamed of supporting racial discrimination then there is no need to reply with more deflection.
  17. I am against "all" forms of discrimination. Unlike those who support "positive" discrimination.
  18. Not discriminating against candidates based on race should be of paramount importance.
  19. I said you should answer the question directly, and honestly. Obviously you are aware exactly what a direct and honest answer to my question would expose . I am in the fortunate position of not having to obfuscate, because I am against discrimination in all its forms.
  20. Let's clear it up then. You labeled him entitled. Would you have done so if he were black and complaining about discriminatory hiring practices? Simple question. Try to answer directly, and honestly.
  21. I don't think there are any countries where the rich use public transportation other than for the occasional publicity stunt or instagram post. They do encourage the proles to do so though. Leaves more space on the roads for them.
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