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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Given the lack of housing, schooling etc. in the very small land space that is the UK, importing more people is folly. As the previous poster said, countries with far smaller populations than the UK are doing very well. The solution is not to import young, unskilled men with often questionable ideologies and spending taxpayers money to house them and give them benefits while pandering to their often anti-semitic, sexist views. The solution is to control our borders and get the 1.4 million unemployed into jobs to fill the vacant positions and spend taxpayers money to help those genuinely in need (the elderly, the disabled, the sick etc.). Britain did not shoot itself in the foot. It gave itself the tools to manage it's own fate. The fact that it is currently doing a less than stellar job of it does not mean that returning it's sovereignty was a mistake, it means that we need to do a better job of the opportunity that Brexit provided. The next 2 decades will see the decline of the EU as it's leading economy Germany is further hurt by the rise of Chinese manufacturing. Anyone who is looking has noticed it has already started. The natives are getting restless, and the recent election results in Netherlands, Italy etc. are just the start of a very difficult period. The chickens are coming home to roost, and they're not happy that their politicans are selling them out.
  2. You better hope so. Although I fear things will only get worse for Biden as his mental deterioration continues and the endless trials against Trump keep him in the media spotlight and doing what he does best, playing to the crowd. Maybe Joe should quit politics and go back to playing music? He was great on the banjo in that movie Deliverance.
  3. He can't say that!!!! Absolutely shocking. Whatever next? Linking rain with water? The desert with sand? The sun with heat? I'm literally shaking right now.
  4. Well I didn't see this one coming. It certainly seems like the indigenous people of Europe are getting sick and tired of their lily livered politicians selling them out by aiding and abetting the colonization of their homelands. Could it be they've finally seen the folly of repeating the "Diversity is our strength" mantra? Has the koolaid finally gone sour? Bad news for the EU. I wonder how long before the Nexit referendum...
  5. She lacked support from the party. Especially that waste of space Sunak. As PM, she would find it a lot easier to get things done. Let's hope she gets the top job.
  6. Weak move by Sunak. I would suggest a new position for Braverman. Something more senior like, oh I dont know - PM? Hopefully sooner rather then later. Sunak has been average and this latest lily livered decision is the final straw. Suella for PM.
  7. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerscruton/2014/08/30/why-did-british-police-ignore-pakistani-gangs-raping-rotherham-children-political-correctness/?sh=758e9c55754a
  8. Well we saw in the north the police refusing to investigate Pakistani grooming gangs to avoid inflaming community tensions, so it is not just The Met, it is just more obvious with The Met because so much of the anti-semitism is displayed in London. https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/uk-police-ignored-grooming-gangs/ Asking for evidence of bias and then pre-empting the question by saying you won't accept videos and photographs of said bias as evidence is a bit disingenuous, no? It's a bit like saying "show me evidence of a crime taking place in this room" and then saying "But don't expect me to accept the decapitated body, the blood splatter up the wall and the bloody machete as evidence".
  9. Not all the media. There is some honest stuff out there. But yes, the reporting from left wing organizations such as The BBC and that rag The Guardian are creating a false narrative to demonize Israel and portray anyone who opposes anti-semitism as "far right".
  10. When the police are politically biased they need to be called out for it. They need to shut down hate speech from both sides, and that includes anti-semitic, anti Israeli and pro Jihad hate speech from the Muslim community and the left wing extremist Antifa types.
  11. Unfortunately when there is a weak, politically biased police force it can lead to the rise in popularity of vigilante, sometimes extremist groups. The left wing, anti-Israeli Metropolitan police only have themselves to blame. You reap what you sow.
  12. No problem, I just prefer not to waste my time with Walter Mitty types, of which there are many in Thailand...
  13. Yeah, somehow I thought you might have been . I bet you're a black belt in Karate as well .
  14. You asked me where I was yesterday, so clearly you were interested . I had a lovely day thanks, better than bickering on here. You don't need to have worked for The Met to see that they are ignoring the hate speech of the Pro Palestine marches. In fact, I'd argue someone who has never been involved with such a pathetic, cowardly organization is in a better position to comment than someone who has. Don't tell me, after your long and storied career in fire fighting in the electric car fire thread, you were also a high ranking officer in the Met for 30 years for the purposes of this thread, and no doubt a member of the SAS while posting in the Ukraine war thread?
  15. Awww it's nice to know you missed me. I was at the gym in the morning, a long lunch with friends at Wine Connection in the afternoon and then watched Last Stop Larimar on Netflix in the evening. Given the fact you follow me around the forum I'm surprised you haven't noticed I rarely post at weekends, only during office hours in the week. That's what happens when you have a social life. No ban for me. That's why I've had the same account for 16 years. Unlike you with a fresh one every few weeks. I stand by my assessment that the police are too cowardly to arrest the thousands shouting anti semitic chants or calling for Jihad, easier to go after a handful of counter protestors or some grandpa tweeting hurty words, or maybe another autistic girl who noticed an officer looked like her lesbian nana. Or maybe they could go back to shooting the dogs of a homeless man with mental health issues? Low hanging fruit and all that. The Met Police are utterly pathetic. An embarrassment to the nation.
  16. A cowardly, politically biased police force that kowtows to a mob screaming anti-semitic slurs, calls for Jihad and the elimination of Israel has no right to police the UK.
  17. Fortunate to get the result against Luton. Thanks to an easy run of fixtures they are now 6th, a very flattering position given their performances. A much tougher run in their next 4 games. Let's see if Ten Hag's luck holds out.
  18. Braverman is absolutely correct. The Met police are a disgrace, ignoring the anti semitism, calls for Jihad and violence from the Pro Palestine mob while cracking down hard on the small number of counter protestors (which the BBC and the Guardian then focus their reporting on). Absolutely pathetic. Let's hope Sunak resigns and Braverman gets the top job. The UK needs strong leadership right now, not a weak lily livered PM like Sunak.
  19. Not really tricky. Align with Braverman, defend the rights of the indigenous British people against colonization by hate groups, condemn the rise of anti semitism by minority groups, stop illegal immigration and win by a landslide. The only thing that might be tricky for Sunak is growing a pair.
  20. Another thread title where the source is so easy to guess. Given the rise of anti semitism in the UK and across Europe let's hope Braverman stays in her position and the conservatives can stay in power for another term. The last thing we need is an anti semitic Labour government right now.
  21. Yet you continue to support these hate filled, often violent and anti semitic marches under the banner of free speech. You are fooling nobody.
  22. Your denial of the anti semitism at these marches and in the pro Palestine movement in general is both predictable and extremely unsavoury to moderates on the left and right.
  23. I would estimate the numbers chanting such things will be in the thousands, if not the tens of thousands. Of course there will also be the calls for Jihad etc. Calls for the elimination of the state of Israel. And most likely violence if anyone counter protests or in the unlikely event the police try to arrest those guilty of anti semitic hate speech and incitement to holy war. This is what Chomper calls peaceful protest. Bless...
  24. You mentioned the police stopped a black person. So of course I am going to think of black people who committed driving offenses. It was integral to the conversation since you implied the police were being racist. So you bring up race, you accuse the police of racism, you refer to an unnamed "black athlete" and then attempt to play the race card when I mention a black person in the reply . I actually referred to the MP by name, whereas you just referred to her/him as "the black athlete" so who is being disrespectful here? For someone who constantly race baits, you're really not very good at it.
  25. Ummmm, you didn't mention which thread it was on until after I had replied. Anyway, I often don't bother checking replies from you, I find race baiting quite tedious. Now, go and troll someone else son.
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