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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You might want to check the post I was replying to before you butted into the conversation. The poster was calling for prison. I said he hadn't been charged with a crime. You butted in "Ah but you can lock people up people prior to trial". What trial? He hasn't been charged. Calling for prison is not appropriate.
  2. Not at all. I was highlighting that calling for prison for someone who hasn't been charged with a crime is not appropriate. Whether the "crime" is the gay sex or failing to provide assistance is not the point. He has not been charged.
  3. So you support prison for people who haven't even been charged? Not very 'liberal'.
  4. I suspect an awful lot of things surprise you daily. Only someone from such an extremist group would consider him far right.
  5. Labour's recent popularity seems to mirror the rise in anti semitism in the UK. Very worrying times for Jews, and things will only get worse if the unthinkable happens and Labour (with their history of anti-semitism and links to Hamas) are actually elected. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-67085625 https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/oct/20/antisemitic-hate-crimes-in-london-rise-1350-since-israel-hamas-war-met-says
  6. Right wing extremist?? 😃 The hyperbole is coming thick and fast this morning. 😄 Johnson is a solid choice for most who are not left wing extremists Antifa types.
  7. One of the CB650 variants would be the obvious choice. I don't know why but they have a great sound even compared to other 4 cylinder bikes. A bit heavy though... If you like the looks the new XSR900 has had brilliant reviews. I know it's a triple but I have the MT09 (same engine) and you still get that lovely howl from the top end with the added benefit of loads of torque down low. I know it's above your ideal cc but it's lighter than the Honda 650 range and has rider modes so there is really no drawback to the larger engine. It also has the up/down quickshifter. Yamaha Kaset Nawamin (Riders club) have been good to me in terms of servicing. Even when I threw it down the road there was no issues with spares and it was back to me within a few days. If they finally release an R9 with sensible ergonomics (i.e. sporty-ish but not supersporty) then I'll seriously consider one to replace my 899. I think that 120-140hp is really the sweet spot for the road. You could also consider a Triumph Trident if you're prepared to consider a triple. They are quite physically small though... If you can wait a few months a fully faired version is coming and it looks pretty relaxed ergonomically. Kind of like an upright, chilled Daytona. https://www.cycleworld.com/motorcycle-news/triumph-daytona-660-spy-shots/ I also considered the ZX4R but I couldn't really think where I'd use it. In my opinion Ducati, Honda, Triumph, Yamaha and Kawasaki are the best in terms of dealerships in Thailand (especially if you are in Bangkok) although Ducati obviously don't make an inline 4 and the V4's are quite spendy.
  8. Labour lied to Parliament and the British electorate, taking Britain into an illegal war where thousands of UK troops were killed and the middle east was destabilized. Thats' why they were dumped and haven't been trusted since. A bit worse than having a Guardian hit piece alleging a few quid was invested into a firm linked to a politicians wife. Desperate stuff. 😄
  9. Maybe you could check the results of the last 4 general elections. We, the British people firmly rejected Labour. Maybe in the past. When foreign conflicts spill over into British streets and Pro Palestine supporters desecrate the Cenotaph it becomes a massive issue.
  10. I think he's confusing her with Sturgeon. Bitter pills can stick in the throat for longer than expected.
  11. I was simply stating why these Guardian generated rumours won't translate into a Labour win at the general election. I said the same thing about BBC pro Europe propaganda prior to the Brexit referendum.
  12. I've heard that from you many times, never with any subsequent follow up.😆
  13. The British electorate are clearly far less gullible than their American counterparts, hence the left in the UK being kept firmly in their place for well over a decade. We won't forget the Blair years of lies, warmongering and destabilizing the middle east any time soon. This time I suspect it will be the left's overt antisemitism that keeps the reins of power where they belong. The only good thing to come from the last month of conflict is that it has exposed the left more brutally than the conservatives could ever hope to do.
  14. Or Sturgeon and her luxury motor home… If true, Sunak should go. Although I guess it’s nothing more than half truths from the extreme left rag The Guardian. Labours support of Hamas and the oldest hatred will doom them in the next election no matter who leads the conservatives. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory again.
  15. Quite the big spender isn’t he (on foreign projects with American taxpayer’s money). Thank god the Republicans are bringing some fiscal responsibility to the table. Chaos indeed. Like most of Biden’s time in power.
  16. Haha there is one waitress in there who quite literally despises everyone who walks through the door. She literally snarls at customers. It's hilarious.
  17. That's the problem with American politics. If you make a criticism of Biden, everyone accuses you of being a Trump fanboy, MAGA, QAnon etc. It's a pretty juvenile mindset and you epitomize it. I'd imagine it is why you have had to create this new forum identity. I'm pretty sure I know what your other one was/is. It's possible to think they are both unsuitable for the position. I have criticized (and defended) Trump on many occasions, depending on the facts presented for that particular issue. The fact you choose to ignore that, says nothing about me and everything about you. As I have stated, people are free to sign or not sign NDA's. If they sign them, they should honour them. Not change their minds and sue years later. But that's just my opinion as someone who honours agreements they make, even if they turn out to be less advantageous than I first predicted.
  18. Hey Tuhg, why would I send Trump my money? Don't like the guy, I just think people should honour the agreements they sign.
  19. Well, clearly the justice legal system has decided that on this occasion it doesn't matter what she signed, she can change her mind later when she decides that actually she doesn't like the terms very much. I mean, we all get to do that with agreements we sign don't we... I wonder if such a precedent will be adhered to in future cases where Trump is not involved.
  20. What a strange decision. So they willingly signed NDA's but now they don't have to honour them. Which raises the question, what is the point of having them? I wonder if this will set a precedent for NDA's going forward? Somehow I doubt it, I guess this is an "exception to the rule" especially for Trump.
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