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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Yes the profanity she used was not befitting of a Doctor. Very low class language. I can see why it might appeal to your Demographic though...
  2. As long as it's within the law, that's fine. Some of it was, some of it wasn't. Let's see how it pans out over the next few days. So remind me again what I said against free speech? ???? #strawmanexposed
  3. She certainly has a wonderful vocabulary. ???? Perhaps if she spoke more like a Doctor and less like a street walker people might take her more seriously?
  4. Had she expressed her opinion in a calm, educated manner I would have no issue. Instead, we got this... I'm not sure who the Australian cardboard guy is, maybe you could let me know. You could also let me know which part of my post was misogynistic (I won't hold my breath on that part).
  5. As long as it stays peaceful I have no issue with protests. But you already knew that. Of course, recent history suggests it might not stay within the law for too long. https://www.timesofisrael.com/london-cops-arrest-4-over-f-the-jews-rape-their-daughters-video/
  6. Smart, well educated and articulate? ???? More like an expletive filled rant. Maybe smart by your standards, but not by mine ????. Oh, and what did I say that was misogynistic? Oh that's right - nothing ???? #strawman
  7. We all have THAT strange relative who starts ranting nonsense at the family get togethers. She sounds a bit like some of the anti-Trump brigade on here TBH. "Could someone have a look for Mary's tablets please." ????
  8. Where did I say they shouldn't have free speech? Oh that's right, I didn't. ???? #strawman
  9. I guess this is one of the (many) drawbacks of multi-culturalism. You end up importing the world's conflicts onto your own front door step. Simlar things happening in London. Still, keep repeating the mantra "Diversity is our strength" and this will all disappear under the carpet in no time...
  10. Yeah it was quite a nice country until Jacinda Ardern got into power and went on a massive power trip, turning it into something resembling a George Orwell novel. Hopefully, things are about to change for the better, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/08/tired-broke-and-eager-for-change-new-zealand-expected-to-shift-right-at-coming-election
  11. Absolute nonsense. We are one of the most tolerant, diverse countries in the world. What consequences? It appears Germany is the one with all the issues. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/german-govt-expects-economy-shrink-04-2023-source-2023-10-06/ England? Brexit was a UK issue. You're just showing your lack of knowledge again. We didn't shoot the economy in the foot. Actually we are doing better than France and Germany. https://news.sky.com/story/gdp-uk-overtakes-france-and-germany-as-economic-growth-bigger-than-expected-after-covid-12972101 With China taking over the world's car production, don't expect the German economy to recover any time soon. Bad news all round for the EU.
  12. It speaks volumes that you would defend him on something as disgusting as this .
  13. I guess this was out of context as well? I guess if the 9 year old was 19 that would have been acceptable in Joe's mind?
  14. "She was 12, I was 30". Pretty straightforward stuff. Keep defending him though. I guess this video is out of context as well? If the expression on the girl's face isn't enough, check the parents... Gross...
  15. Ad hominem attacks on other posters and their families are not only inane, but against forum rules.
  16. He's literally telling you what he is. Just as Saville did. Just as Rolf Harris did. Dressing it up as a joke does not make it "out of context". When someone in a powerful position tells you they are a Paedophile, believe them.
  17. Oh don't give me the "out of context" nonsense again. You always claim things are out of context when you don't like the content. The remarks were absolutely in context. There was no nuance. Absolutely disgusting comments from someone so entitled/arrogant that he feels he can admit to what he did. Just like Saville did. You should be ashamed of defending such revolting remarks.
  18. After all the videos of him touching, kissing, nibbling, harrassing kids he's actually admitted it now in his own words, yet still his supporters make excuses for him . "She was 12, I was 30". Just let that sink in for a moment. ????
  19. Let's hope Joe doesn't allow all of this equipment to fall into the hands of the terrorists like he did with his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. ???? https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/27/politics/afghan-weapons-left-behind/index.html
  20. Of course it has. Elements of the left have long supported the Palestinians, Hamas and been anti-semitic. As you well know. I disagree. There have been a lot of posts giving off the "Israel had it coming" and "what did they expect" vibe. Most have been removed thankfully.
  21. It certainly seems the war in Ukraine is creating a lot of issues for the powerhouse EU economy, Germany. It would seem that the migration and energy policies are not as popular amongst the electorate as certain left wing political groups would have us believe. I wonder how long they can afford to continue with this madness. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67049498
  22. That's a bit like saying you sympathized with the Nazi cause but couldn't really justify the gas chambers. Anything other than complete condemnation of what has happened the last couple of days is nothing short of disgraceful. It is really showing how morally bankrupt the left has become.
  23. Not to mention that poor girl whose dead body was paraded naked through the streets after being gang raped. How anybody can try to justify this is beyond me.
  24. There is already a "tread" on it. This one.
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