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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Some truly awful choices in that list. No accounting for taste I guess.
  2. The Cure were a decent band but The Smiths were legendary. Morrissey and Marr. Incredible.
  3. Nothing wrong with the technology. It's when it's used selectively that it's a problem. That was a foul clear as day. The crowd saw it real time, the commentator saw it real time. It really didn't need VAR to award the penlaty. Not only did the ref not see it real time, he didn't even think it was worth looking at again on VAR. Bizarre.
  4. I saw the CCTV and the guy deserved it. He was clearly wasted and harrassing the woman. He got put on the floor and there was no head stomping or anything like that. He handled it fine. No need to apologize IMO.
  5. The EU would rather see the current crisis continue than to make an agreement with the UK. Disgraceful, immoral behaviour given the risks being taken by the migrants, the drownings, the organized gang activity, the exploitation of vulnerable people etc. Hell hath no fury like a woman the EU scorned. Thank goodness we left.
  6. Well, without wishing to turn this into a Brexit thread you might wish to note that the UK economy is doing fine, while the German economy with all it's manufacturing is struggling. So Brexit didn't really "hit that hard" given the Germans stayed in the EU and are doing worse than the UK who left. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/german-recession-will-be-sharper-than-expected-ifo-2023-06-21/ Back to Triumph, I'm expecting 189,000 for the Speed and 199,000 for the Scrambler. Reviews of the speed have been very positive, although I personally prefer the looks of the scrambler (which seems to be mainly a styling exercise since a CRF300L would obliterate it in any real-world off road conditions).
  7. Very fortunate to get a win over Wolves, especially with the blatant penalty for Wolves that they inexplicably refused to check VAR for. Seriously, what is the point of putting up with all the negative aspects of VAR when they still get massive decisions like that wrong by refusing to even check it?
  8. Exactly. It won't fall much further as the BOT won't allow it to. The last thing they want is a collapse like the late 90's.
  9. Sounds like you're in the wrong job if you resent the tourists so much. The economy on Maui would collapse without tourism. You're going to need it now more than ever so maybe an adjustment in attitude is in order.
  10. Give him a break, Joe has other things occupying his time like Hunter, his lovely, sweet but often misunderstood son and associated business deals that had absolutely nothing to do with Joe being POTUS. Jeez, he can’t comment on everything.
  11. I suggest we revisit the polls on how people would vote before the actual vote in 2016 before we take this too seriously. They all predicted Remain. Hence the shock and horror on the face of the “totally unbiased” BBC pundits when the result came through. Even if we voted to rejoin I doubt the EU would be interested. They have enough problems such as their powerhouse economy Germany being in recession and the corruption scandal. Last thing they need is Farage and co. ruining their cozy setup. Nah, we’re out of the corrupt federalist project. Thank goodness.
  12. Luckily South Korea has a sensible and strict immigration policy so they only have to worry about the home grown nutters who are thankfully quite rare, hence this being so shocking to S. Koreans. *Off topic deflection comments edited out*
  13. Lock the degenerate up. He has been using his father’s position to escape jail for far too long. Just like my parents said, don’t blame the children blame the parents. What a family.
  14. He is playing to an audience. An audience that was created long before Trump entered politics. A bit of self reflection might be appropriate.
  15. I can't help but feel Trump could be a bit more tactful during his critiques.
  16. Terrible news. Another good reason to stop this illegal immigration and the gangs who control it. Not sure Diane Abbott really thought her tweet through... I've edited out the offensive language. What a woman...
  17. Reading the headline I knew it had to be The Guardian. They're always good for a laugh .
  18. But you stated they are no longer made there. I was correcting you. Nothing to do with Brexit. Manufacturing in the UK has been in decline for years. It's a service based economy since long before Brexit. Yes. Like Triumph, R&D is in the UK, but unless you want the UK workforce to work for 10 dollars a day then it's cheaper to manufacture in Asia. It's cheaper. End of. I'd rather have a bike made in Europe like my 899 or Japan like my MT09, but Thai made Triumph's are still very good build quality. I personally wouldn't buy a Chinese made vehicle for both ethical and quality reasons.
  19. Indeed. Despite your baiting, I remain a fan of neither Trump nor Biden. I know it takes some posters a little longer than others to realize that such a position is possible, so stick with it - determination can overcome limitation. Yep. And Biden's.
  20. It all seems to be seeping out slowly. Quite a while until the next election. Can the Dems keep sweeping water up the slope that long? Who knows, will be interesting for a neutral observer like me for sure.
  21. I didn't say he was. I said I hope he wasn't. I haven't seen enough details yet to conclude either way but please do not misrepresent what I said.
  22. Maybe you could put that in your signature. It would reduce your need to post by around 80% ????.
  23. Yes - a stupid post. I've had people threaten to kill me. I didn't execute them in their home. Maybe the guy was suffering with mental illness. Maybe he shot at police. Lots of possibilities out there so let's wait for the facts to emerge. I'm just stating that I hope he wasn't executed JUST for posting on FB. I'd like to think we haven't reached that stage just yet, even if he had a red cap on.
  24. OK. So we can conclude they are in fact still made in the UK. Also in Thailand, Brazil and India (in partnership with Bajaj).
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