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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You can see a bit of the production process from around the 7 minute mark. more details here. https://timeless2wheels.com/14015/triumph-thailand-made/
  2. Yes, some bikes are still made in Hinckley. Mainly the premium models like the Rocket3. And I don't believe "any" bikes are made in Indonesia. I guess they'll update the website to include India when the 400 is commercially available.
  3. To be fair, I think a lot on the extreme left would support summary executions for anyone wearing a MAGA hat.???? It reminds me of the lefty nurse in the UK who said anyone who voted Tory should be refused life saving treatment. #bekind
  4. Shot to death in his own home for making a stupid post on FaceBook? I certainly hope he did a bit more than that to be executed by the state in his own home.
  5. Incorrect re. Triumph. From the Triumph website. https://www.triumphmotorcycles.co.uk/global-content/frequently-asked-questions#:~:text=Where are Triumph's factories based,and one in Manaus%2C Brazil.
  6. Patience Grasshopper. These things have a tendency to surface in the end, it's just a case of how deep they buried it.
  7. I doubt even Joe Biden is stupid enough to have the payments go to him directly. Quite smart having it go through Hunter. Kind of the equivalent of Thai politicians with maids with Millions of Baht in their bank accounts and several properties in prime downtown Bangkok. I'm actually seeing more and more similarities between Thai and US politics since Biden came in, and not due to Thai politics improving. Obviously it would be better if his son wasn't a crack addict, but still safer than going to his own account directly. Let's hope he can bury any asset transfers from Hunter to himself until after the next election, like they did with the laptop.
  8. Good to see the mental health card has found it's way to Thailand. I wonder if he's been watching recent events surrounding Schofield and Edwards?
  9. Follow the their science. Oh, and hand over the cash. Otherwise we're all going to burst into flames ????.
  10. At least you're acknowledging it's a charade now. One step at a time.
  11. I'd agree on that. It has nothing to do with reduction of deaths. The aim of the climate alarmists is the relentless push of the socialist agenda.
  12. It's because they share the same end game. Big state control. High taxation (redistribution of wealth) under the guise of green taxes. Diminishing rights for citizens. Climate alarmism is a wonderful tool for all 3. It's no coinicidence that members of the doomsday cult are always left wing.
  13. Because you refuse to retract your false statement. A simple apology will suffice and I'll pretend it never happened.
  14. I have provided evidence to the most important point. That any change is being dwarfed by our ability to handle it. Hence climate related deaths falling so dramatically. https://www.wsj.com/articles/climate-activists-disasters-fire-storms-deaths-change-cop26-glasgow-global-warming-11635973538 Of course, facts like these do nothing to push through your socialist agenda.
  15. I just enjoy reminding them that everyone has seen through their charade.
  16. Why not just admit what you posted was nonsense? It would be easier than this constant squirming.????
  17. So in conclusion. 1. The planet might be getting warmer. 2. The planet's climate has always changed. You may have heard of the ice age. I believe that occured before humans were having any effect. 3. If it is getting warmer, it is minimal and we cannot prove that is due to humans. 4. Even though it might be getting warmer, there are far fewer climate related deaths than ever since we have the technology to cope with the change. 5. Techonology is changing far quicker than the climate. So what's the panic? Oh that's right, it's a great excuse to push through other agendas such as higher taxes, more state control, fewer rights for citizens. That almost sounds like a socialist agenda. Who'd a thunk it? https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-22069768 No wonder there's such a high correlation between Left wing ideology and climate alarmism. And people are starting to see it. The game's up.
  18. Shhhh. Don't pay attention to what you see with your own eyes. The experts will provide the science for you to follow. Just like they did with Covid. ???? Now shut up and pay those green taxes.
  19. How does any of that imply that I think the UK covers most of planet earth? Stop floundering. Stop posting mis-information.
  20. Well it's certainly having a catastrophic effect on humanity.???? https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wsj.com%2Farticles%2Fclimate-activists-disasters-fire-storms-deaths-change-cop26-glasgow-global-warming-11635973538&psig=AOvVaw147WomOkGkRQHWKsazKSic&ust=1691718453404000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjhxqFwoTCPCz5r380IADFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE
  21. Please link to a post where I stated I believe that. If you can't, maybe best to stop posting mis-information - it's against the forum rules you so love to quote.
  22. The doomsday cult has been rumbled. Expect people to keep ignoring you.
  23. Another price rise? Khao Man Gai in the local style place up the road from my condo has risen from 35 Baht to 50 Baht in 2 years. Surely that should cover it?
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