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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Actually the thread is about Musk getting booed off stage. Clue is in the title.
  2. Chappellle is hilarious. Maybe my favourite comedian right now. Musk really had no place on the stage with him. He should stick to promoting freedom of speech, not comedy.
  3. Absolutely mocking. You only have to look at Harry's expression to see that he knows it as well. He briefly recovers as MEghan keeps up the mocking and laughing. She then went on to describe it like Medieval times. I wonder what people would have said of Lady Hussey if she'd described Marlene's African tribal outfit as "like medieval times"? Or if William started mocking/mimicking some parts of African cultural ceremonies? No doubt a different response from the Wokerati. Double standards much?
  4. Well some people are clearly buying into it ????. I hope they don't spend it all at once. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/meghan-and-harrys-archewell-charity-reports-dismal-sum-raised-in-first-year/CZCT4X5E4YH25C6JM2OC3CJTLA/ I wonder what their personal income was during the same period? You know, for publicly trashing their families.
  5. Yeah - those pesky facts. Have a good day.
  6. A PR puff piece. Most of it before they left the UK. Anything since has consisted of a few speeches and staged pap shots.
  7. Yeah he loved it in there, calling Asian colleagues his "little P**i friend" and dressing like a Nazi for parties. Top bloke that Harry. Spiffing yah.
  8. Good to see such a balanced view!! How about all the great work they've done for charities around the world? Slipped your mind? If you knew your own family history over the last 1000 years I am sure there would be some skeletons in there as well. That's human beings for you... He's the guy who raised her, paid for her education and got her into the media industry, before being ceremoniously dumped and left alone with chronic health problems. Compassion, Meghan style.
  9. Mostly brief PR exercises to keep their names in the papers. What meaningful work have they done since leaving the UK? I mean, long term projects with tangible results. I'm not talking about 20 minute speeches to "raise awareness" at lavish awards ceremonies.
  10. Even the BBC slated it for being boring and they're are normally very Pro Harry and his wife. I didn't even try to watch it but had the misfortune of having a few clips pop up on my Twitter feed.
  11. They'll run out of material. They can't go on rehashing the same fabricated, deliberately vague stories forever, people will grow tired of it. Many already have. The problem is, they have nothing else to offer. Nothing of interest. No talent. So what else can they do except trash their families for coin? I guess Meghan can pretend to be a great humanitarian and pick up a few awards from the likes of Kerry Kennedy without actually doing anything. Maybe fly around on private jets and driven to conferences in large motorcades of SUV's to preach to the more naive plebs about climate change? Preach about compassion while refusing to visit her dying father in hospital? I guess the lawsuit from her sister for claiming to be an only child could pass some time... It is Meghan doing the mocking. Have you seen the clip? Even Harry looked embarrassed and he clearly has no shame either. You, on the other hand were simply implying the Kingdom is racist. I wonder if you know the history of how Britain ended the slave trade and only recently finished paying off the debt it incurred from doing so? A few fabricated stories from Harry's wife won't change that.
  12. People judge her on her behaviour. Her provable lies. The contradictions. The hypocrisy. The way she treats her family, her dying father. Now, the mocking of the traditions of the Royal Family (saw a clip of her on Twitter this morning openly mocking the curtsy to the Queen). Even Harry was cringing. If that were a white person mocking the traditions of a Black or Asian culture they'd be labelled not only disrespectful and ignorant, but a racist. Play the race card all you like. It's beyond boring. Fact is, she was welcomed into the country like no other. It was only when she revealed her true character that public opinion shifted.
  13. Like most things "MEghan", it is a combination of lies, manipulation and narcissism. Unfortunately Harry is too stupid to see it. Not unlike the Harry Enfield character "Nice but dim Tim". Charles needs to step up and do something or the country will lose respect for him.
  14. Well done Brittney. Through your stupidity and entitled behaviour you have led to a notorious arms dealer being released. As for the US, maybe they need some new negotiators. They've just traded in their brand new Ferrari for an old Ford Granada. The Russians must be laughing their arzez off.
  15. They can feel guilty if they like. Sometimes even the victims of crime can feel guilt. Presumably if you met someone like that you'd tell them that if they feel guilty, they must BE guilty? I'm sure they'd appreciate that... It's still off topic though.
  16. Sub par performance for starters. Ethically, supporting the CCP is sub par behaviour as well.
  17. Performance wise they are sub par. Tesla Model 3 0-60 3.1 seconds. Good Cat Ora around 9 seconds.
  18. Ah, glad to see we are back on topic. Well done... Diana got in a car with her drunk driver and didn't even wear a seatbelt. Harry blaming the Paparazzi is I guess understandable (he's not too bright and loves a pity play), but entirely incorrect. She could have told the driver to slow down, or put her seat belt on, or both. There was no need for her driver to risk a crash by speeding at twice the legal speed limit (while drunk) to avoid having her picture taken.
  19. My post was about Harry blaming others for Diana's death instead of Diana herself. Nothing about the guilt the Paparazzi may or may not feel. Like I said, stay on topic please.
  20. Who cares? The thread is about Harry and Meghan. Stay on topic please.
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