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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Real name Marlene Headley. So she adopts an Aftican name, wears African clothing incorporating the flag then screams RACIST when someone presumes she might have African heritage. Rumours on social media that investigations into her charity finances might not end well. Let's wait and see on that one. Either way she has royally screwed the OAP. Excuse the pun.
  2. This guy pretty much sums up my opinion on this. I guess this guy must be another closet racist gammon? ????
  3. It's a great question. Much as I would enjoy debating it with you here there is no point as my post would likely be removed if I argued my position too effectively. I'll debate it over on Twitter. Ciao. ????
  4. Yes, and their ancestors come from a variety of countries. The lady was asking which country her ancestors originated from. If a Thai waitress asked you what part of Europe you are from, would you call them a Racist and demand they were sacked?
  5. I was at the World Cup. Asked one of these guys what part of Korea he was from. Do I need to quit my job?
  6. Of course it doesn't. If I said Hi to you, you might be offended because you don't like the word Hi and prefer to be greeted with Hello. That wouldn't make me offensive, it would make you an overly-senstive crybaby.
  7. She may or may not have been disrespectful. I would have to hear the tone of the conversation. What she was NOT, is racist. Asking where someone originates from is not racist. If you'd lived in Thailand you would know that. You're looking for something that isn't there to further an agenda.
  8. Just because someone takes offense, doesn't mean it was offensive. Being offended is like an addicition for some people. They live for it. Fulani hit the jackpot. Orpah's probably called her already.
  9. Nothing disrespectful about showing an interest in someone's family and their heritage. Of course, the Woke mob will twist anything if it gives them an opportunity to gang up on an elderly lady for not being fluent in Wokespeak.
  10. Sounds reasonable, assuming the only alternative was the current mob. Maybe these Issan villagers are smarter than they look.
  11. Well, Fulani seemed to think that's what she was asking.
  12. A clumsy way to ask where her family was from before they came to Britain. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact you are jumping on it and shouting "RACISM" simply demonstrates the vindictiveness and spite of the virtue signalling left. Even 83 year old women are not safe from the race baiting. Fulani knew exactly what she was asking her, but decided to force Hussey into spelling it out in terms that could later be construed as insensitive. She's got form for this type of race baiting, and was even wearing a wire in case she could coax something non-PC out of someone, which she did.
  13. He's bowing to the Woke mob. A bit weak IMO, but somewhat understandable given the situation with Harry and Harry's wife. If you asked him what he thought privately I am sure you would get a different, more measured response.
  14. Nonsense. She acknowledged she was born in Britain but wanted to know where her ancestors were from. A normal question. If she had said "I wish you Blacks had never come to Britain" then you may have a point on the racism. But she was enquiring where her family originated from before they came to Britain. The way she asked was clumsy, especially if you are looking for offense in every word that is uttered.
  15. I'll stay here thanks. Just shout Racist again, that'll work.
  16. She asked where her ancestors came from. Why is that racist?
  17. She asked where she was from. How is that racist? Thais ask me where I am from all the time. If I said I was born in Bangkok to farang parents, they'd ask me where I/they came from originally. It's normal, since my heritage is obviously not Thai.
  18. Just repeating the word Racism doesn't mean you win the argument. ???? I repeat, asking about someone's heritage is not racist.
  19. It's not racist to ask about someone's heritage. Do you get offended every time a Thai asks where you are from? I mean, how dare they assume you are not Thai just because you are a Farang. How dare they.
  20. I would suggest she is very priviliged and old fashioned. Probably uses outdated terminology having been raised in a different era. It seemed to me she was genuinely interested in the woman's heritage and used the wrong words. Let's face it, it changes every 5 minutes. When I was a kid saying someone was black was wrong, you had to say coloured. Now coloured person is wrong, but black is fine and person of colour is fine. It's not easy to keep up at the best of times, especially if you don't hang around the Wokerati or prefer not to participate in their changing/attempts to own the language.
  21. Of course you are gleeful. When learning of her fate you simply remarked "Good". Can't be more obvious than that. By the way, it is possible to be British by birth but your family heritage is from somewhere else. It was already established that she was born in Britain. Lady Hussey was obviously asking where her family originated from before coming to Britain. It can be an interesting conversation starter, I remember asking the same thing of a Fijian Australian that was I working on a project with in BKK. He told me his family originated from Fiji, I remarked that I'd visited there for a month while backpacking and loved the place. We then went out to Nana and got wasted, had a great night and worked well on the project after that. But then, he knew what I was asking and wasn't looking for leverage by being mortally offended by my perfectly innocent question.
  22. Of course she would be bewildered. She is an old lady who was enquiring about someone's heritage and used the wrong terminology. Now the Woke mob are celebrating her downfall having attacked her like a pack of Hyenas. Absolutely disgusting behaviour.
  23. Wow. Gleeful at the downfall of an 83 year old woman for using the wrong terminology. #bekind
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