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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. "Suspected" drug dealers. Any proof needed? Or is this just a great way to take out business rivals, love rivals, political rivals etc. Maybe the police could handle this job? Just a thought...
  2. Oh dear. All those TAT eggs in the Chinese basket and you got zero dollar tours, drug parties and Xi's zero Covid policy making it very difficult for Chinese to take vacations overseas. Time for a rethink?
  3. He's a Trump supporter, so he's fair game as far as the left are concerned. Mental illness or not, he needs to be ridiculed and cancelled as punishment for having the 'wrong' political beliefs. Meanwhile, they sweep news regarding anti-semitism/racism in their own ranks under the table. #bekind
  4. There may actually be an element of truth to that. The blatant misogyny, homophobia, sexism, glorifying of gun violence etc. so rife in hip hop never seems to get mentioned. As soon as a Republican black guy says something out of line he is crucified. What Kanye said was 100% wrong, but it does seem curious the way he has been singled out in comparison to other black males. I wonder if it could be due to his political beliefs? Never really thought about it before but an interesting theory for sure. We all know how the left hate a black man that doesn't conform to their stereotypes and preconceptions of what a black man should be. What was it Biden said? "If you vote Trump, you ain't black" or something along those lines? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/joe-biden-black-breakfast-club.html https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-63050482
  5. What is MAGA? I didn't know Trump was anti-semitic. Could you provide links to prove this? I'd be very interested to know. For sure Kanye is though. Never really liked him to be honest. I think he claimed he was God at one point.
  6. Hardly prolific. I had some opinions on the Trump raid, can't remember being in many others for more than a couple of posts. They tend to be quite vitriolic if you're a neutral observer and don't follow the Democrat "progressive" narrative so I mostly avoid them. I think Kanye is a republican isn't he? I seem to remember he was going to run for President a couple of years ago. That would have been interesting. He certainly appears quite delusional a lot of the time. Adidas are probably better off without him although I have friends who swear that Yeezy model is the comfiest shoe ever.
  7. I'm English. Don't have too much interest in American politics so I used an example closer to home. Anyway, back on topic it was good to see Kanye getting called out although I do suspect there might be some serious underlying mental health issues there that should be addressed. This is not the first time he's done something indicating a serious issue.
  8. I would agree on your first point. My main point was that it was the correct reaction from Adidas, my secondary point was that I hope it sets an example in other cases (such as voting). I thought that was clear. Comparisons are valid.
  9. I don't believe that's the case. The Tories are very diverse and I think it's a mistake to assume people vote one way or another due to their race in 2022. Even if they were racist and wanted to vote against Sunak, would they rather have Dianne Abbott and David Lammy in the cabinet? At least Sunak is coherent. I've only seen racism like that in the Labour party. I wonder if they've described him as superficially Asian yet? After all, he's rich and Conservative. Love to hear what Rupa Huq thinks of all this. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-63050482
  10. Exactly. Let's hope voters react to Anti-Semitism and racism in the Labour party with the same vigour that Adidas did with Mr West.
  11. No surprise. Completely in keeping with Prayut's policy of widening the wealth gap.
  12. Once again, a complete lack of empathy for someone simply because of their political views. Perfectly demonstrating the false virtue of the left much better than I ever could. Thanks.
  13. I see the #bekind crew are out in force ????. Claiming she gets 115k for life as a result of 6 weeks work is ridiculous. A bit like claiming a student gets an honours degree for 3 hours sitting in an exam room. Seriously - how do you think she is feeling right now? Publicly humiliated and all the left can do is kick her when she is down. The fake compassion on view for all to see. Supporting diversity for everything except diversity of opinion. As vitriolic as ever. Reminds me of the lefty NHS nurse Miranda Hughes who recently stated that conservative voters didn't deserve to be resuscitated. Take a good long look at yourselves. Truss made a mistake by reversing her budget under pressure. The markets would have stabilized but even if they didn't, who is setting policy? The democratically elected Parliament or "the markets"?
  14. Thailand has a few issues. 1. They put all the eggs in China's basket and now China has gone full on mental with "zero Covid" so they lost that whole market. 2. Western tourists that used to come were not the highest class, generally speaking. Just the type of people that will be hardest hit by crazy energy prices as they didn't have huge disposable incomes to start with. That 2 week millionaire fund for propping up the bars of Pattaya in a Chang vest has been used up heating their homes or paying their mortgage. 3. Stupid rules from the government (no vaping, alcohol bans at various days/times, mask mandates, early closing) suck the fun out of the place. 4. Bad attitudes and service exposed on social media for 5+ years. I think the golden years are gone and they are starting to realize how much tourism contributed to the country.
  15. There are many factors affecting interest rates. I don't believe the Tory budget affected the European Central Bank's decision, did it?
  16. Based on "estimates" and telephone surveys of 1000 people. Yes, 1000 people. In a country of 67 million. Lies, damn lies and statistics. Franky, I don't believe those numbers. Based on the shocking levels of obesity I witnessed first hand during my holiday there a couple of months ago, I don't believe 8 million people are skipping meals. Unless of course, the other 2 meals that day were supersize McDonalds sets.
  17. I am sure you are aware the effects of shutting down an economy (due to Covid) for 2 years has on many aspects of said economy. For example, inflation, interest rates etc. You might be aware that many countries are hiking interest rates. The European Central Bank is as well. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-24/ecb-preps-another-big-hike-as-focus-shifts-to-where-it-will-stop Your premise that this is nothing to do with Covid and all down to the "Bad Tories" is laughable.
  18. You mean the mess Covid created. Deal with it they will.
  19. 8 million cannot afford regular meals? I find that VERY hard to believe. I assume you have empirical data for this? Please provide it. Or did you read it in The Guardian? ????
  20. You must be great fun at parties. A real ray of sunshine.???? Tough times for many countries, no doubt. Thailand is also suffering. However, given the limited choice available to UK voters, the Tories are undoubtedly the best option to turn things around. Onwards and upwards. Good Luck Rishi.
  21. So now the Conservatives have had multiple female PM's and a PM of colour (is that the right term? - I'm not fluent in Woke). Truly the Progressive party in UK politics. I'm not a huge fan of Sunak's policies, but being pragmatic I can see that he's probably what's needed right now to steady the ship as The Tories stock has fallen recently. Fortunately they have 2 years to get it right before the next GE.
  22. Was/is a Columnist for The Guardian. Pedantic in the extreme. It's not like they've change political ideology since she left her role as a columnist for the guardian so the point stands despite your pedantry. Anyway, I've got a meeting at 2, it's been a pleasure.
  23. Again, it was your implication that the guardian is representative of the UK press. If you'd have quoted CNN with the comment "Here's what the US press has to say" I would have taken issue with it.
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