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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Looked like a poor reaction time followed by a completely out of control emergency stop that was lucky not to take out the other motorcycle. If that qualifies as good driving then I'm not sure I want to be around for the bad.
  2. Indeed. With such a huge majority and feel good feeling after the Tory years he had a fantastic opportunity. I voted for him and really felt like something magical was about to happen. I remember the celebration party at Uni, Oasis/Blur etc. blaring out, everyone elated that Labour had ousted the Tories. Then he teamed up with Bush for the illegal war based on WMD lies to sacrifice the lives of British soldiers to destabilise the Middle East for his own personal ambitions. To say I was disappointed would be a huge understatement. It really opened my eyes to the hypocrisy and lies of the left and Labour in particular. Never again.
  3. He is clearly incapable of running a bath, let alone the country. Which begs the question, who is really making the decisions? It's a very sorry state of affairs and terrible for Democracy. But then, when did the left care about Democracy? As long as they get their way they are OK with just about anything.
  4. You wanted an example. I gave one. I could give you loads but I have other priorities right now. Not many hard right columnists writing for The Guardian. No balance. Simply a leftist mouthpiece. We all know their political stance. Hard left. Your gaslighting appears ineffective when confronted with educated individuals. Have a good evening. I'm 2 minutes away from the restaurant.
  5. No problem. May I suggest you start by looking at Guardian columnist Ash Sarkar who famously stated "I am literally a Communist, you idiot" when running out of ideas to defend some ludicrous position. I am currently in a Sukhumvit taxi on a mobile so google should suffice, although as a hard left tech giant you might need to scroll to page 3 of the search results as they tend to bury such embarrassing stuff. I am back in the office on Monday when I can provide better links. I don't post much on days off as I have an active social life. Some of us actually work instead of spending all day advocating for the work shy.
  6. And just like that, Thailand lost any remaining credibility. Sad.
  7. No biggie. He wouldn't have added much. At least the taxi drivers will be spared the "I used to drive a TukTuk" line from the man who never let's the truth get in the way of an endearing story.
  8. A Communist tabloid like The Guardian creating bad press for The Tories using quotes from the good old un-named sources.???? No, not tough to take at all. Entirely predictable in fact.
  9. I don't blame them. Who wants to be called a racist, fascist, scum etc. in front of millions of people by an audience made up of 95% Labour voters on a show aired by a far left organization like the BBC? Same reason polls always get it so wrong. "I don't know anyone that voted Brexit". ????
  10. Show me the facts. You showed me quotes from un-named sources. I asked for facts.
  11. Didn't see any facts. Just opinions from un-named sources. Meaningless gossip.
  12. Don't be ridiculous. Who applies for jobs at the other end of the country? ???? More excuses for the work shy. More excuses for failing. Classic Labour victim mentality. Plenty of jobs out there, just too many lazy people raised in the benefits culture.
  13. Oh I see now. We're talking about "Your" truth as opposed to "The" truth. I won't ask again ????.
  14. Plenty of buses available to Heathrow. You can get a bicycle for a few quid from Ebay. Or an electric bicycle/moped for a couple of hundred. I used to ride a 150 quid Moped from Bristol to Bath during Uni holidays to work on a building site as a Labourer. Nothing heroic about that, it's what normal people do if you really WANT to work. I also did Bristol to Weston Super Mare in a 300 quid Mini for 3 months during the summer break. Alternatively you could just make up excuses for failure and laziness before you even start, just as you are trying to do.
  15. I said evidence. Not more meaningless speculation from an alternative source like "one unnamed MP said"... ????
  16. Really? Like what? Have they drastically changed since the election when they got smashed by the Tories?
  17. The life I have imagined for them? What are you babbling about? I just want them to get a job and stop sponging off people who work for a living.
  18. Source please. A link with tangible evidence. Otherwise it is meaningless speculation.
  19. You offer no solutions. What would you do? Tax the life out of people who worked hard and became successful and give it all to the benefits brigade? Yeah, that would work...
  20. Why would they, when they can sit at home claiming benefits and housing allowance for them and their 6 kids, browsing their iPhone for which tattoo to get next? Better remove their benefits and force them into the workforce. Hopefully that will be Truss' next move.
  21. Even if that were true (which I doubt), even if it solved 30% of the vacancies it would be a massive help right now. Don't let perfection stand in the way of improvement. People like you always snipe from the sidelines but never offer any solutions. I worked with many people like that, they never get promoted and moan about the injustice of it all.
  22. Give them a job at the airports then. Took almost 2 hours from landing at Heathrow to meeting my sister at arrivals. Complete shambles. It can't take that much training to teach someone how to move a suitcase. Similar story at pubs and restaurants. My niece has a good job in finance but currently works behind the bar in the evenings as a favour to her friend who runs a pub but can't get anyone to work.
  23. Not looking for a job, therefore not claiming job seekers allowance and not relevant to my post about UK benefits culture.
  24. Exactly, anyone on unemployment benefit who turns down 3 job offers in a row should have benefits removed. 100% removed. I'm all for supporting people who genuinely need it (the eldery, the disabled etc.) but there is a whole culture of living off benefits in the UK and it needs to be addressed. Obviously the leftists would be up in arms about "nasty" Tories forcing people to work for a living, but watching that meltdown would simply be an extra bonus. On the one hand there is said to be a labour shortage, on the other hand a million unemployed. I think I see a solution to this devilishly tricky conundrum.
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