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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. They are only objecting because now both sides get freedom of speech are the same rules apply to all. They were fine with the previous owners suppressing the right while allowing the radical left to post whatever they liked. "Go set up your own platform" they cried. Musk's point about shared power is a valid one. Obviously it won't be liked by the far left progressives. By the by, I really don't think Elon Musk needs business advice from retired expats living in Thailand. He seems to be doing OK.
  2. He's not proposing you only get the land for 3 years. He's saying they will increase the period that you have to invest the money from 3 years, up to 10 years i.e. you have to invest the money longer than originally proposed. if you were to put brackets around "to be allowed to purchase land" in the sentence below it would be clearer. But it's still a terrible offer, and the fact they say the policy will be reviewed after x amount of years is the icing on the cake. Who would really invest 100 Million Baht for 10 years for 1 rai? You'd have to be mad. I'm afraid they really do believe that Thailand is the most desirable place on earth. Much better to buy property overseas where you can really own it, rent it out and use the rent from that property to rent something here.
  3. I see Biden's foreign policy is reaping dividends.
  4. Great for savers though. If people took out huge mortgages based on historically low interest rates then they didn't plan things very well. Same as people who moved to Thailand and thought it would be 70 to the pound forever. Similarly, a weak pound is great for exporters, tourists etc. Record low unemployment in the UK now. Very easy to find work for those who aren't playing the benefits system. Two sides to every coin.
  5. Go to Suzuki Society Thailand on FaceBook. 139,000 Baht.
  6. Totally agree on Oz. Unbelievably rude, they act like prison guards and you are the prisoner. I'm pretty sure they get off on it.
  7. Or maybe I have done nothing of the sort and you are creating a straw man while attempting to slur me with the MAGA label, simply because you cannot present a coherent argument to disprove any of my perfectly logical and legitimate points.
  8. I agree, it is quite likely he is guilty. He is also most probably crazy. However, I do not believe certain aspects of the narrative that we are being fed. Just doesn't add up to me. Same thing as that story in Phuket where the foreigner in the Porsche hurt the Thai. The original story in that case just didn't make sense and so it proved, and I get the same feeling here. I think there is something else to the story that we are not being told. Hopefully it all comes out when the 911 call, the CCTV and bodycam footage is released. Anyway, we're going round in circles. I've made my position clear and have other things to do. It's been a pleasure Gentlemen.
  9. It is possible to accept the verdict while still having some reservations about certain aspects of the trial. Of course. They can refuse to release the footage to the public I suppose, but I don't really see the need to do so. However, if they refuse to release the footage to the court (which they already stated they have in their possession) then I would find that highly suspicious. Why would they not release it if it proves the police and Pelosi's story to be true?
  10. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. I don't. Not really. The method of entry seems debatable. The content of the 911 call is unclear. The attack scenario (which is actually quite important since the whole case is based on the attack) appears implausible. Nothing will be debunked until the trial. A police statement does not constitute the debunking of a theory. There are many cases of police statements not holding up in court. It appears you have already made up your mind. That's fine. Good for you. Personally, I still have some doubts re. many elements and very much look forward to the trial so that the truth can emerge, hopefully via body cam and CCTV footage rather than police statements.
  11. Indeed, the trial will be fascinating. I hope it is televised. I will accept the verdict either way. Same as I accept the result of Democratic referendums. I just want to see the video for myself (minus the graphic content of course). If they refuse to release the footage (as I suspect they will) then I will still have my doubts, since the story they are telling simply doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't add up. Not based on MAGA, or Trump, or any other left wing trope but on the fundamentals of human behaviour and the laws of physics.
  12. Actually the reason I have so many posts is that for every post I make I am hounded by around 4 or 5 posters, saying I am MAGA, denigrating my country of birth, claiming I am a Trump fan etc. That's fine, I've got my big boy pants on and I enjoy a good debate when work is quiet. So despite their vitriol towards me, I believe it's the right thing to do to reply with a reasoned, polite response to explain my position. As I have in this post with you ????.
  13. The CCTV backs it up? Really? When did you see it? The truth is documented, recorded and verified? Please send me links, I'd love to see that. I can wait for the trial, no biggie. It's a matter of interest to me, nothing more. I am not obsessed with American politics or Trump like so many on here.
  14. Oh how you must wish that was the case. But unfortunately... https://edition.cnn.com/2022/11/01/politics/paul-pelosi-family-body-cam-footage/index.html
  15. I'm impressed. I only hope you didn't waste too much time on such a breathtakingly original, yet witty comeback ????. Such a glib reply is certainly much easier than addressing how the far fetched story being touted could be true.
  16. You do realize that "some people" does not necessarily include the MAGA types? Or did you just want some way of shoehorning the word MAGA into a post? I repeat, some people just want the truth, myself included. Hence I would like to see the CCTV and bodycam footage. By the way I am British and thus have a very limited interest in America being 'great again'. Maybe when they sign the trade deal with the UK I would have a passing interest, but no more than that.
  17. Sorry I don't understand your point. You don't believe I want to see the footage of the Pelosi attack because there is footage of the Jan 6 raid? Could you clarify?
  18. Actually, some people just want the truth. I don't believe you need to be a Republican or MAGA to want the truth (I am neither, I'm not even American). If the truth is as is it currently being portrayed then that's fine, "if" it's the truth. Maybe law enforcement in California really does attend emergency home invasions and then watches on as the attacker fractures the skull of the 82 year old victim. Based on what I know of the extremely aggressive American policing style it seems unlikely but if that's the case, the cops need to be brought to account for such a pathetic response. If the account is true, Pelosi should be suing them for millions for gross negligence. The accounts given just seem completely unrealistic to me. I'd like to see what really happened. Hopefully we'll see the actual CCTV and bodycam video (minus any graphic footage of course). If I was Pelosi, I'd also want to put these "silly" rumours to bed (assuming that's what they are) and would support the videos being released. If they refuse to release the footage, naturally the rumours will continue.
  19. It seems like they are saying the 82 year old Pelosi did it with one hand, while grappling with a hammer with someone half his age with the other hand? Is that the official line? Genuine question...
  20. Plenty of speculation from both sides. The left are saying that the hemp jewellery making, bus dwelling, nudist protester with an ex-girlfriend called Gypsy (who is an ardent BLM and LGBTQ+ supporter) was a far right MAGA extremist. Not typical traits of the far right but hey, if it fits the narrative... ???? Maybe best we ignore the loony theories from BOTH sides and simply look at the evidence. Let's re-visit this after the body cam footage is released.
  21. Of course. Why would I cry? ???? I only want the truth to come out, that's why I want to see the unedited footage. I don't "want" the official story to be a lie, it just doesn't add up to me and I suspect the body cam footage will tell all, which is why I am so keen to see it. It's also why I believe it won't be shown any time soon. MAGA? Hardly. I am British, not a fan of Trump (or Biden BTW) and certainly not MAGA. Great strawman though. He will no doubt be locked up. The attack was terrible and he's a loon. It's the circumstances surrounding the attack that are intriguing.
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