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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Based on "estimates" and telephone surveys of 1000 people. Yes, 1000 people. In a country of 67 million. Lies, damn lies and statistics. Franky, I don't believe those numbers. Based on the shocking levels of obesity I witnessed first hand during my holiday there a couple of months ago, I don't believe 8 million people are skipping meals. Unless of course, the other 2 meals that day were supersize McDonalds sets.
  2. I am sure you are aware the effects of shutting down an economy (due to Covid) for 2 years has on many aspects of said economy. For example, inflation, interest rates etc. You might be aware that many countries are hiking interest rates. The European Central Bank is as well. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-24/ecb-preps-another-big-hike-as-focus-shifts-to-where-it-will-stop Your premise that this is nothing to do with Covid and all down to the "Bad Tories" is laughable.
  3. You mean the mess Covid created. Deal with it they will.
  4. 8 million cannot afford regular meals? I find that VERY hard to believe. I assume you have empirical data for this? Please provide it. Or did you read it in The Guardian? ????
  5. You must be great fun at parties. A real ray of sunshine.???? Tough times for many countries, no doubt. Thailand is also suffering. However, given the limited choice available to UK voters, the Tories are undoubtedly the best option to turn things around. Onwards and upwards. Good Luck Rishi.
  6. So now the Conservatives have had multiple female PM's and a PM of colour (is that the right term? - I'm not fluent in Woke). Truly the Progressive party in UK politics. I'm not a huge fan of Sunak's policies, but being pragmatic I can see that he's probably what's needed right now to steady the ship as The Tories stock has fallen recently. Fortunately they have 2 years to get it right before the next GE.
  7. Was/is a Columnist for The Guardian. Pedantic in the extreme. It's not like they've change political ideology since she left her role as a columnist for the guardian so the point stands despite your pedantry. Anyway, I've got a meeting at 2, it's been a pleasure.
  8. Again, it was your implication that the guardian is representative of the UK press. If you'd have quoted CNN with the comment "Here's what the US press has to say" I would have taken issue with it.
  9. Actually I meant to say "represent the UK press". It was in response to Chomper's post below. Had he said "here's what the Guardian has to say" I wouldn't have had an issue with it. It was the implication that the Guardian is representative of the UK press that I took issue with.
  10. I backed it up with evidence. The fact that you deemed it insufficient is not my concern.
  11. The Guardian can spew out whatever rubbish they see fit. I am simply stating that they do not represent 'the world'.
  12. Indeed. The goalposts are always moving. I have extremely liberal views on many issues. In many ways I am a Libertarian. But I am called it as well. I often wonder if people know what it actually means or if they just heard it on Twitter.
  13. I have given an example to back up my assertion. If it is not enough for you, report me to the mods. I was referring to Baboon, who has called me a liar. You have simply implied it.
  14. The topic is what the world was saying, not what The Guardian was saying.
  15. If you provided an example of a recent self declared Nazi columnist that worked for The Telegraph to backup your point, and I still declared it was not a Nazi paper, then Yes you would, especially if you were inferring that if I didn't waste my valuable time doing your research for you then I was a liar.
  16. They also frown on calling people a liar because they can't be bothered to do the research for someone else. Just so you know.
  17. I said that labeling anyone not extreme left a fascist is stupid. You said it could be justified to do so with The Times. This implies that The Times is fascist. Not WAS fascist.
  18. You disagreed with me. So prove I am wrong or retract.
  19. I said there are many. You believe there are not. We both have our opinion. We are both obliged to back up our opinions. But you are not prepared to spend the time proving it any more than I am.
  20. Please backup your assertion that it can be justified to accuse The Times, in 2022, of supporting Fascism.
  21. The onus is on you as much as it is on me. Do you lack honour?
  22. You are asserting that there are not many Guardian columnists that are Communists. So back up your statement. Go on, run along...
  23. You are asserting that it is not a Communist rag. So back it up.
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