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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. ???????? People like me? 1. I'm under 50 and British so I'm not sure how I am responsible for Thailand being 80 years behind Europe in anything. 2. My PitBull is kept in a large, secure pen which is attached to our house and walked on our private farm on an extendable lead. I am not responsible for Thai people's behaviour, I am a guest here. 3. I am degree educated and have a senior expat position in a multinational here in Bangkok. Maybe you should address your preconceptions... Oh, any other points you'd like to address? ????
  2. I've had Labradors, which are very close to Golden Retrievers so maybe I can answer that. Labs are great dogs but very greedy and suffer from a lot of health problems. They are also a little bit bland, lacking some of the huge character and quirkiness of the PitBull personality. PitBulls are also superior ratters, removing small vermin (mine is great with rats, Jinjok, Tookay, snakes, even pigeons) from properties very effectively. Short haired (wouldn't want the long hair of a Golden Retriever), easy to care for - happy snoozing with you all day or taking long walks. Also, PitBulls are better guard dogs (my gf lives alone on the farm during the weekdays while I am working in Bangkok and having the PitBull in the house puts my mind at ease when I'm away) and suffer few health problems. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but for me I think PitBulls are better looking dogs as well. PS I don't flex, and my dogs stay on the farm, unseen by anyone unless they come onto our property. You seem to be as effective generalizing the owners are you are the dogs themselves.
  3. No. That's why owners should be educated. There is no reason to wipe out an entire breed just because certain humans do not know how to raise them. It would be impossible anyway, since "PitBull" is a general term that can cover many different breeds such as Cane Corso, American PitBull Terrier, Doggo Argentino, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, various cross breeds etc. There was an attack a couple of years ago reported on here by what was clearly a badly bred English bulldog that was labelled "PitBull" attack. Time to educate people.
  4. There's a difference between self defence and trying to take on an intruder with a hammer, who is half your age, one on one - just after you let the cops in. Why didn't he simply keep walking out of the property after opening the door? Or at least move behind the cops. If he'd just opened the door to the cops then the cops would be right next to him, so even if the attacker was also right next to him (meaning they are all in close proximity) it would be strange for Pelosi and the attacker to then proceed to battle it out "Mano a Mano" while the cops stood by and watched. It would have been a free for all with the attacker being quickly overpowered by a combination of the cops and Pelosi. See what I mean about many unanswered questions now? Many things don't add up IMO and I for one am interested in knowing what actually happened. Looking forward to the bodycam footage.
  5. Why would Pelosi grab the hammer himself when he'd just opened the door to cops? Surely he'd let them do it. "Thanks for coming Officer, now you wait right there while I disarm this man 40 years my junior, I'll let you know when I'm done". Sounds an unusual course of action.
  6. I haven't seen multiple witness statements from all sides. Which witnesses provided official statements? Often statements from immediately after the event are amended, retracted, reported on incorrectly, proved to be false. In any case, no doubt many more statements to come. Bodycam footage, CCTV footage, 911 calls. Wanting to review all the evidence before reaching a conclusion is perfectly logical. I believe in due process and look forward to all the facts emerging in due course.
  7. Indeed. Here's an example of a well trained, well socialized PitBull. Like all dogs, great when raised correctly.
  8. I am not spreading doubt, I am waiting for all the facts to be presented before reaching my conclusion. You on the other hand have reached all your conclusions based on the statement of one police chief. I am sure you are aware of the four components of procedural justice. I don't believe any of them support abandoning due process a couple of days after an event like this.
  9. I'm just waiting for all the evidence to be presented before I reach my conclusions. That seems a perfectly logical and reasonable position to take. We've seen how things can emerge later on that are not apparent in the immediate aftermath, especially when it has political connotations. Therefore I prefer to wait for a full investigation before reaching my conclusions. If you consider that despicable, well, let's just say I find that assessment a little extreme but each to their own.
  10. Of course I will believe what I see/hear on the tapes. 911 calls are recorded. Police wear body cams to situations like these. Wealthy built up areas like these have multiple CCTV cameras. As do wealthy politicians who have received threats in the past. If all of that goes missing, yes I might think that's a bit strange.
  11. A statement by the police chief that they have no evidence of something, a day after an alleged crime is not definitive proof of the truth. The truth must be determined in a court of law after a thorough investigation, when all the evidence (CCTV, body cam footage. recordings of phone calls, questioning on the stand of victim and accused etc.) has been presented and assessed, and a verdict reached.
  12. Agreed. Of course based on that definition you still have to know what is a "loony conspiracy theory" and what is a genuine "cover-up". There are examples of both in US politics in the past. Which is why I've said "let's wait and see what eventually comes out" from the very start. Too many conflicting reports, no CCTV etc. Speculation is of course a natural thing for people to do in such a situation. It is a forum, differing opinions should be welcomed and respected.
  13. Again with the conspiracy. Some people believed what Politico reported. Simple as. Take it up with Politico.
  14. Dog was clearly startled and nipped the girl. Hardly national news (apart from the fact it's a PitBull so it gets clicks). Happened to me a month ago when I was up on our farm, on our land, by a local unchained neighbour's dog. I wonder why that didn't make the news? I guess it wasn't a bull breed so it wouldn't have got all the pearl clutchers up in arms.
  15. Yes I see they "corrected" that. But my point stands, someone reading it is not a conspiracy theorist for believing it was accurate. That is the fault of Politico, not the reader. I know my posting history, please point out anything you found offensive. I haven't said anything controversial, the most controversial thing I said was let's wait for the facts to come out before reaching a conclusion.
  16. It's not a conspiracy to read a report from Politico stating there was a third person in the house, and to theorize on that basis that there could have been a third person in the house. It's a perfectly logical conclusion to reach based on the evidence presented at that point. The fact they have subsequently reversed that story is interesting to me. I would certainly be keen to see the police body cam footage with my own eyes. However, I strongly suspect it will never be released. Let's wait and see for all the facts to emerge rather than stories that are constantly changing. Reminds me of the Koh Tao attack on the UK couple, a distinct lack of CCTV images and so many conflicting reports it's difficult to know what to believe.
  17. Yep, here's the one that got me. It takes the photo of the rear plate. Seen from the highway and the same camera more clearly from the road below. Plus like you said, CCTV will often pick up the rear plate when drivers are doing something stupid/illegal.
  18. He's absolutely right. I'm pretty sure he will be ignored though. I hope I'm wrong.
  19. Some speed cameras take the shot of the rear of your car as you pass it. The elevated Chalongrat highway has quite a few of these, I've been caught myself. The etc. I used was to highlight other potential reasons to cover the rear plate, such as dash cams catching you in road rage incidents, fleeing the scene of an accident, hit and run etc.
  20. No, these are sprayed. I've seen brand new cars (new models released within the last 6 months) where the lettering is completely white. Clearly been sprayed to avoid speeding tickets etc.
  21. Wow - some thin skins on social media. Some people just love to be offended I guess, they think it makes them look morally superior. In reality, it makes them look weak minded and lacking in a sense of humour.
  22. I have no interest in him being found Guilty or Not Guilty. I only wish for the truth to come out in a timely manner, with no cover ups and political interference.
  23. Not a conspiracy. Just an observation based on the photo. When you break glass from the outside, it falls away from you into the building. It doesn't fly back at you. Likewise, it is difficult for a large male to fit through a gap in broken glass that small without getting significant lacerations. If the doors had been opened, the glass would have fallen in the arc where the door swings open. Not around a meter directly out, and even in front of the adjacent door, opposite to the direction that the door opens and that doesn't have broken glass. That glass looks like it has been smashed from the inside. Anyway, I'm sure the CCTV, bodycam footage and a thorough investigation will clear all this up.
  24. There must be countless CCTV cameras inside the Pelosi's home, not to mention the body cam footage from police, local residents homes CCTV etc. Lots of rumours circling at the moment, hopefully the CCTV cameras and police body cams weren't all malfunctioning like they do when anyone with money/power in Thailand gets into trouble. But given recent events in the US, I have to say it wouldn't surprise me if they were all magically 'broken' for the duration of the 'attack'.
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