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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I think he's bang on the money. I'd expect some manufactured protests, maybe a bit of violence which will all be solved when the "good people" retake power to restore the good name of Thailand and return happiness to the people (again).
  2. He looked thoroughly embarrassed to me, and rightly so. Like a kid sent to the naughty chair in front of his classmates while trying to pretend he finds it funny. Still, he's probably got a bit more material for another book to sell to the Brit haters. On a positive note, Catherine looked incredible as always.
  3. It was a magnificent occasion. Nobody does these occasions quite like the British. Brilliantly supported by the British people.
  4. It's all catching up to Joe. You can run, but you can't hide. Eventually the truth will surface. Oh what a tangled web we weave...
  5. All official now. What a great occasion. Implemented perfectly. Wonderfully British. Who'd want to swap that for a President like Macron? Especially when William is the next in line. Did I miss the thread about it here on the World News Forum on Aseannow?
  6. Wise move. While the cat's away, the mice will play.
  7. A minority of bitter, beer bellied Scottish football supporters. They pulled a similarly classless stunt prior to the Queens funeral. https://www.thenational.scot/sport/22562552.snp-chief-ian-blackford-slams-celtic-fans-sickening-queen-protest-banners/ Hardly representative of "the people".
  8. I suspect if he had allowed the baying crowd to advance on the officers then there would have more fatalities, possibly the officers and possibly people in the crowds. He was in an impossible position. Damned if he did and damned if he didn't.
  9. I've encountered quite a few nut jobs over the years. They also seem to be getting extremely fussy about the fares they accept. It's one thing being refused a fare from downtown to Ladprao at rush hour, but a couple of weeks ago I got refused a taxi from Emporium to The Clubhouse on soi 23 at 10am.
  10. He's barking up the wrong tree. He's normally very astute, but I feel he's got this one very wrong. There are more important issues that require his attention.
  11. It's simply political maneuvering. Politically motivated charges, which will be made at a time to make the most impact politically. She's leaked it in advance to get maximum exposure. IMO of course.
  12. Absolutely. They were trying to stop the car and god knows what went through her mind. She was probably expecting this extremist left wing mob to drag her out of the car and start beating her to within an inch of her life, maybe even beyond that. A perfectly legitimate fear given the behaviour of BLM elsewhere. She should have been given a community award, not community service.
  13. Yes I can't say Aquaman/The Avengers, or Cuties is really my type of thing. More of a Tarantino, Lynch, Kubrick, Scorsese fan.
  14. Devastating. No more Marvel superhero movies from Hollywood and no more Woke series/documentaries from Netflix. I'm not sure how I'm going to survive the loss of such insightful, innovative entertainment.
  15. In Tao's case all he did was hold back the baying crowd, which may have actually prevented a full on riot and more fatalaties. So in my opinion, this is harsh. If he failed to hold them back and fatalaties ensued as a result, he may still have faced manslaughter charges. He was between a rock and a hard place. However, anything less than this would likely lead to BLM/Antifa and other extremist left wing groups burning and looting American cities again so he appears to have to take one for the team.
  16. Another good example of why countries need to protect their borders and manage illegal immigration properly. This luvvy duvvy approach of welcoming everyone with open arms (or not managing illegals effectively) is proving a complete disaster in many countries, the UK being the most obvious example.
  17. What other thing? I hope you are not implying what you seem to be implying. If you think it then say it, but you better have some evidence to back it up.
  18. I wouldn't expect any better from The Guardian. Anti-Semitism is rife in left wing politics and left wing media alike. Disgraceful.
  19. The chickens are coming home to roost for Biden and his financial mis-management. If you want to have stupid policies like writing off student debt to buy votes you have to pay for it. So they either have to abolish these stupid policies or raise the debt ceiling. Biden needs votes, so I suspect it will be the latter. Sad times for the USA.
  20. At least he won't have to put up with the childish insults from Sturgeon this time. She has bigger things to worry about.
  21. Stop wriggling. Do you support the roles of black historical figures being taken by white actors in the same way that you support the roles of white historical figures being taken by black actors? It's a simple question. Yes or No. You either support racial equality or you don't.
  22. No chance. Inflation would skyrocket and manufacturers would relocate to other SE Asian countries.
  23. So you’d support Tom Cruise playing Michael Jordan? Or can you work race into his story as well ? It seems you think race is integral to every black persons story. That’s identity politics I guess. incredibly divisive but a staple of the Wokerati diet.
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