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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Are you suggesting that France has more persecution of minorites than the UK? How can that be, when the UK is so awful, so racist and so xenophobic? It's amazing that so many minorities wish to go there isn't it... It's almost like people are just making it all up ????. Or maybe it's just "their truth" in the same way that you have your "interpretation of the facts".
  2. There is nothing racist or xenophobic about wishing to control illegal immigration, as you well know. It's just a tired olf insult thrown out by left when they are losing an argument. Used so frequently that it has become meaningless. If you want real racism, I suggest you look no further than the Labour party and their antiquated views on what a Black man should be, how they should vote, how they should talk, what they should think. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-63050482 As so often with the left, they are what they accuse you of being.
  3. France is perfectly safe. https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-safety/europe/france/crime-in-france
  4. Hate and Anger? ???? You're really on a roll today. Quite the imagination ????.
  5. Not yet. I will feel much better when it has been implemented though ????.
  6. Oh save it - darkest hour ????. We both know they are perfectly safe in France. They are crossing the channel for better handouts, not to avoid persecution.
  7. An excellent initiative. Much as I would like to see this implemented overnight, I realise it could take some time. So in the meantime, I suggest they set up immigration detention centres to house these illegal economic migrants from France. I'd suggest making them similar in terms of style to the Thai immigration detention centres, only less luxurious. Then patrol the borders picking up the dinghy occupants and immediately take them to the detention centres to stay indefinitely. That should disincentivize the majority from coming to the land of handouts until the ban can be implemented. We should also leave the ECHR. We should make our own standards on human rights and do not need Strasbourg to weaponize them against us as they did in the Rwanda debacle.
  8. That is a different point. The other poster stated that all we've seen is money to the wealthy. That was inaccurate since middle and low earners also got a tax break. Being a charitable kind of guy (not to mention kind, virtuous etc.) I will assume it was an honest mistake and she is genuinely incapable of understanding the finer points of the budget ????.
  9. Thanks Steven, I always appreciate compliments. At 56 Billion per year I could have rounded up to 1.08 Billion per week but I didn't want to exaggerate the increase in NHS funding under the Tories since the Brexit vote so I went with 1.07. And to think, they only promised 350 million. Always better to under promise and over deliver.
  10. I'll ignore the silly Hitler deflection. Here's another source for the same story. https://nydailypaper.com/if-you-voted-tory-you-dont-deserve-to-be-resuscitated-by-the-nhs-outrage-over-nurses-outburst/ I'd find a left wing source for you, but for some reason they seem to be ignoring the story about this left wing nurse showing her "Be Kind" credentials for the world to see. I can't think why...
  11. Ah I see. Deflect with chilidish comments about the source rather than addressing the issue. Classy.
  12. NHS spending in 2016 was 135 Billion per year. In 2020 it was 191 Billion. That's 56 Billion extra, or 1.07 Billion per week. Now, some of that was due to Covid. But even without Covid, in 2022-2023 it will be 173 Billion. 38 Billion extra. 730,000,000 per week. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/projects/nhs-in-a-nutshell/nhs-budget Tax breaks went to all income earners, rich AND poor. Let's stick to the truth, eh?
  13. Absolutely untrue. Tax breaks were across the board. Stop trying to gaslight everyone with this lefty trope that you know is a fabrication.
  14. There hasn't been any "tough love" yet. Hopefully Truss will fix that and reduce benefits for those capable of working and redirect them into the pockets of those who really need it.
  15. 36 hours? Try 36 years. I've met people who I went to school with who openly brag about playing the system. One of them got their girlfriend pregnant then they claimed she didn't know who the father was so they could claim single mother's allowance, for 18 years. They were both very proud of this of course. Pretending there isn't huge benefit fraud going on in the UK is either extremely naive or extremely disingenuous. In your case I believe it is disingenuous. I support removing their benefits and giving it to the genuinely needy. Force them back into work to fill one of the million+ vacancies currently available. Of course, you could take the view of this lefty "be kind, be virtuous" former NHS worker and argue the case for refusing to resuscitate Tory voters. That could also save cash I suppose, but I'd rather force people back into work than let them die due to their political viewpoint. She sounds like some on here to be honest. ???? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11278923/If-voted-Tory-dont-deserve-resuscitated-NHS-Outrage-nurses-outburst.html
  16. Not at all. Not sure when you were last back in the UK, but you should really see the state of some of these people. Absolutely shocking. Get them to work, and save the benefits for people who really need them like the elderly and those with genuine physical limitations. The current policy of treating people with kid gloves to appear "kind" is anything but, and simply directs assistance away from those who genuinely need it into the hands of lazy workshy individuals who live off the back of other's hard work. There's nothing kind about that.
  17. Unlikely. From what I saw during my holiday last month, by the time these workshy benefit claiming chav scroungers walked a few steps to get into range and raised their hand they'd be exhausted, collapse onto their fat arzes and crush their "fags" upon landing. A shortage of food for a few weeks probably wouldn't even bring these individuals down to the acceptable BMI range. It would probably save the NHS millions in diabetes medication.
  18. Yes, I'm sure. Will every job vacancy be filled? No. Could a lot of them be filled? Absolutely. As I said before, never let perfection stand in the way of improvement.
  19. Far too many people claiming welfare that are perfectly capable of filling the million or so job vacancies. Perhaps a reduction in welfare payments will encourage them to go out and work for a living. If so, my heart won't be bleeding. More money will be available for people who genuinely need help.
  20. How accurate were the polls from 2014, 2 years before the vote?
  21. She got through 99% of her budget. She will be judged on the results of that budget and her other policies over the next couple of years, the U-Turn on the tax cut will be quickly forgotten.
  22. Whilst the U-Turn was a mistake, it is not as significant as you are implying/hoping. Politicians often make U-Turns, it's old news within a couple of weeks. It's a couple of years until the next General Election. Keep hanging your hat on those opinion polls, even if correct they'll be 2 years out of date by the time of the election.
  23. Opinion polls suggested Britain would remain in the EU.
  24. You clearly don't watch much "Soccer" (or "Football" as it's called in the place that invented the game). Maybe you are referring to the board backing the manager before he is sacked, but either way it's a very strange analogy for the current situation. While I believe it was a mistake for Truss to U-Turn, the fact that this rather insignificant part of the budget took so much attention away from the rest of it is very interesting. I can't help wonder if this announcement on the 45% rate was diversionary as the rest of the very Conservative budget has largely been ignored by the left wing MSM and the extreme leftists. Labour MP Rupa Huq's shocklingly racist comments at the Labour party conference (and subsequent apology) were also useful in deflecting from the main body of this budget, which thankfully remains unchanged.
  25. I'd have to disagree. While the original policy was controversial, allowing the MSM and the opposition to pressure you into changing government policy really plays into their hands. Before, they were screaming for a U-Turn. Now they will deride her for making a U-Turn. She should have stuck to her guns IMO. We shouldn't be governed by hysterical media commentators like James O'Brien or other left wing extremists.
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