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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Pretty much the same way Labour elects their leaders. If Labour ever wins another general election (highly unlikely with Abbott, Starmer, Lammy et al. ????) and their 'leader' resigns, I will not be able to have a say in the new 'leader' as I am not a member of the Labour party or an affiliated trade union. That's the way the system works. Maybe time to get over it, you keep posting the same thing ????, we all know it's not a general election where everyone can vote.
  2. 55 yeah I was kidding. On a more serious note, have you considered one of these electric bikes? I have one, it folds up to go in the boot of a car and does around 25 km/h. Safer than an escooter IMO. Handy for quick trips to the 711 when I can't be bothered to get the motorbike out, or if I go somewhere like the Rayong beaches for a weekend in the car and fancy exploring the local area a bit by bike.
  3. This is shocking. Those bad Koreans. Thai people would never do such a thing.
  4. What about one of these? Don't really see how this could go wrong in Thailand...
  5. The one that didn't qualify for Champions League football ????.
  6. Welcome. Feel free to start celebrating a fantastic season though ????.
  7. I'm no hater, you've just got thin skin and get butthurt too easily. Grow a pair. My take on it? 2 teams in poor form. One of them won 2-1. I wouldn't be getting my hopes up on the back of one narrow victory at home over a team playing very poorly.
  8. Don't get too excited. You appear to have missed that it was a rhetorical question ????. Nobody is expecting Trump to be indicted so soon after the raid, but the fact that no evidence has been produced/leaked/discussed to justify the raid or to suggest that indictment is likely tells you a lot. The silence is deafening.
  9. If Trump is re-elected, I really hope he doesn't stoop to the levels we have seen recently. This incident has done enough to damage the reputation of the US. I would hope Trump could rise above that level, but given his nature I fear he may be tempted to use the same tactics that are currently being used against him. It might well end up as a race to the bottom.
  10. I realize that my being neutral and still thinking this is politically motivated is problematic for you. If I were a Trump supporter you could write me off as a MAGA hat wearing redneck, probably like the guys who [cough] attacked Jussie Smollett ????. However, having someone who dislikes both Trump and Biden come to the conclusion that this is politically motivated does not allow you to do that. Hence the constant accusations that I am a Trump fan. Attempting to discredit my opinion by painting me as something I am not. Quite unseemly behaviour, but not particularly unusual for those on the extreme left. Since no evidence has been released, it would be very difficult for my statements to be contrary to fact, especially when they are presented as my opinions rather than anything that can be definitively proven (at this stage).
  11. What's the new 2 litre Diesel like? Relatively smooth? I'm asking because I recently spent some time in a friend's Nissan Navara diesel (2021 model) and I was shocked by how rough it felt. Not unlike my Kubota tractor. Hence I'm considering the 3.0 petrol as I couldn't spend 5 years driving that. A colleague had a Diesel Everest (2019 model) and he reckons it was pretty good (quiet and smooth), but unfortunately I never rode in it and he's swapped it for a Camry now.
  12. I'm more interested in the 3.0 V6 twin turbo petrol they've put in the Raptor. Hoping to get a test drive soon. Haven't seen the V6 on the road yet but I've seen quite a few new model Rangers and they look great with that new square front end.
  13. It's an opinion based on what we know so far. If you don't like people giving their opinions (unless they are 100% aligned with yours), then maybe forums are not for you?
  14. I said there is no evidence yet. You said "What about the documents"? But you haven't seen them. Because they haven't been released. ???? So my point stands. At this point, there is no evidence for either the raid, or an indictment. There was a raid. That's it. Nothing else. Nada.
  15. What documents? The ones they refuse to release because the lack of content is all a bit embarrassing?
  16. Yes I believe that everyone knows it. If Trump had Biden raided I am sure your perspective would change due to your extreme bias and partisan opinions. So you know it, but you defend it because you hate Trump. As a neutral I am fortunate that I am able to look at these things objectively and it is patently clear that this was done to discredit Trump and attempt to smear him before the next election. Holding that opinion does not mean I am claiming to be a "spokesperson for everybody". It means I believe people are being disingenuous because of their political bias.
  17. Nobody. Who claimed I was the spokesperson for everybody? Link please...
  18. Just going on what we know so far... Evidence to justify the raid? Nothing. Evidence found during the raid? Nothing. Get back to me when they have some concrete evidence. Until then, it's all spin.
  19. I very much doubt there will be an indictment. If they do manage to find enough crumbs to charge him with something, I am sure it will impeccably timed to cause as much damage to his re-election campaign as possible. After all, that is what this is all about. Keeping him away from the Oval Office. And everyone knows it. Your disingenuity is clear for all to see.
  20. Everyone knows this was politically motivated. I'm not surprised they are reluctant to reveal what was in the affadavit. It would get torn to shreds if it weren't so flimsy that it would fall apart upon being held up to the light of day to be read. Still no indictment? What a surprise...
  21. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not here to impress hardcore partisan, Trump obsessed leftists ????. It's really noticeable how the right wingers/Republicans have no issue when I criticize Trump, but the lefties/Dems get massively butthurt and attack en masse in an attempt to shut me up whenever I highlight Biden's obvious failings. Very amusing. Very telling...
  22. Trump is sometimes dishonest. As is Biden (see my previous post for examples). Please bookmark/screenshot this post for future reference as like Biden, you seem to also suffer from periods of memory loss.
  23. One only has to read the contents of the bill and have a fundamental knowledge of economics to realize the bill won't reduce inflation. It is certainly not "one of the most significant laws in our history" as Biden is claiming. Surely he knows that is a ridiculous statement, so why say it? He couldn't be telling porkies again could he? (see claims of being arrested while visiting Mandela, claims of being a tractor trailer driver for other examples...)
  24. Just calling it how I see it, on BOTH sides ????. I also call out Trump for his faults, but I don't see you complaining about that because you are so partisan.
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