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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I'm no fan of Biden but I was genuinely impressed by this. Not by the bill itself (which won't work of course), but by the fact that he can still sign his own name ????.
  2. Correct. Let's keep an open mind to both possibilities. They could have found highly incriminating evidence and are keeping their powder dry. They could have found something extremely minor and are deciding whether it is worth it to indict. They could have found absolutely nothing and are considering what to do next. An FBI raid is not proof that a crime has been committed, especially in this somewhat dubious political context. Let's not lock anyone up and throw away the key just yet.
  3. It seems to be finally dawning on them why people used to come to Thailand. It was fun, cheap, and there were cute girls. Places opened all night, you could stagger home at sunrise with a beer/girl in hand and spend the day snoozing by the pool or on the beach (without being arrested for smoking) before doing it all again. People were friendly, smiles abound. Now, Khao san (for example) has been gentrified (ruined) and all the interesting stalls removed. Bars shut at midnight. Police raids and urine tests. Everyone grumpy wearing masks or giving the evil eye to those who don't. Vaping banned. Photos of alcohol banned. Time to relax the rules and get back to the fun place it used to be. Thailand is not a high class destination and never will be. Drop the fake puritanism and the stuffy, pompous, arrogant attitude and accept what you are.
  4. The topic of the thread suggests a poll shows voters are leaving Trump behind. The election suggests anyone opposing Trump is being dropped by voters.
  5. It seems we are once again seeing the difference between opinion polls, and elections.
  6. Yeah the Ole comment was more tongue in check i.e. he now just looks bad, instead of absolutely terrible. In fairness he did finish second, but that was more down to the opposition tripping over themselves that year. His signings were awful but we can't be sure that he actually chose them. Style of play was random, like 11 talented strangers that met an hour before the game.
  7. Totally agree. Let's be honest, many United fans had not even heard of Ten Hag before United showed an interest. Now he's supposed to turn around an oceanliner that's got holes all over it. A bit of success in Holland and looking a bit like Pep is not going to cut it. It's a bit like Ole having success at Molde and then the board believing he could do well at United, although to be fair Ole is starting to look better and better as his replacements come and go. United need at least 8 new players. The trouble is, who is going to want to join a sinking ship when they could go to teams like City, Liverpool, Real Madrid? Plus, everyone is going to want top dollar because they know Utd are desperate. They really need a result against Liverpool. I actually think they might surprise people and get a point, Liverpool haven't really hit the ground running either. If they lose, the pressure ramps up again. What a mess. I actually agree with Neville for once, "It's a real achievement to spend a billion pounds and be this bad".
  8. Maybe Milli could eat some during her next performance? That would boost domestic sales for around a week as "Netizens go crazy for Khao Soi". Of course, this "soft power" won't extend beyond Thailand's borders. Never does.
  9. It shouldn't be a surprise, he's been lying since day 1. "There will be no coup". "It's only for 6 months". "I will not be PM". etc. etc. Anyone who believes a word he says is stupid beyond belief.
  10. Another negative consequence of lockdowns that were far too severe and went on far too long. Many of us warned against this but were labelled irresponsible, Granny killers etc. for wanting to find a better balance between keeping people safe and keeping the economy moving. Protect the vulnerable and allow the healthy to continue with their lives, we said. Now, here we are. Reaping what was sown.
  11. That would be much too clear. Better to make a rule that is subject to interpretation. That way, the decision is essentially left up to the jurustic person and the rule can be bent if the owner is rich, unusually attractive, famous, flirtatious, offers some cash etc.
  12. Assuming it's position is favourable. It's also possible they found nothing, and hence have nothing to reveal. Playing for time while they try to figure a way out of this without heads rolling. Both scenarios perfectly possible...
  13. Witnesses made to disappear? And I'm the conspiracy theorist? ???? Wire taps found? Yep, no way Trump's team are going to look for things like wire taps until the FBI release these details. I bet they're just keeping their powder dry until THAT happens. Off your reading list? ???? Are you 'cancelling' me for disagreeing with you? Showing your left wing credentials there... ????
  14. Because it's word salad. Nothing of substance in there. A standard statement that could mean they found evidence, or could mean they didn't. I know it annoys you, but I refuse to apologise for remaining open to both possibilities.
  15. Likewise, an FBI raid is not proof of Trump's guilt. If nothing is found during the raid, serious questions will need to be answered. Like I said, this isn't the local cops raiding a frat party because someone told them the kids were smoking weed. Let's see how it plays out. As we stand, there was an unprecedented raid and no reasons for the raid have been given, and nothing has been released to indicate they found anything of note. Are the FBI hiding the stacks of evidence they found, or did they come up empty handed? We don't know. One of us is keeping an open mind to both eventualities.
  16. At this point it's no more a conspiracy theory than those accusations being made against Trump. No evidence has been released either way. Nothing proved, nothing released, no indictment. Nothing has been proved in court. Try to keep an open mind, or at least if your political bias precludes you from doing that, try to reduce the vitriol for us neutrals that do ????.
  17. Nothing to do with ego. If it turns out to be politically motivated they deserve to be sued. But yes, I could see this going one of two ways. Indictment (no guarantee of conviction of course), or a massive lawsuit against the FBI. Let's wait and see. Should be interesting.
  18. Given the amount of criticism they have taken, if they had solid reasons for such unprecedented action they may have wished to disclose it to quash the rumours and restore some credibility to the Bureau. This is not some low level dope dealing investigation, it is core to the credibility of the country. That's if they had anything of course. If they had very spurious reasons for raid and found nothing, the current policy of saying nothing might be prudent. Let things die down, then try to let it fade away until there's some new drama stealing the headlines. Kind of like the policy countries like Thailand take.
  19. Possible... Another possible reason? The evidence was so flimsy that the only reason that could be concluded from such unprecedented action was state agencies being used to harrass/discredit political rivals. Just trying to see both sides of the coin...
  20. That's great, better you stop replying to my posts in that case.
  21. Or maybe there will be no indictment, and the whole thing will be a 'big misunderstanding', like another third world country so close to our hearts. I mean you've done the raid, refused to give the reason for having 'good cause'. Why not go the whole hog?
  22. Who knew that the FBI having 'good cause' to believe a crime has been committed, was the equivalent of a criminal conviction. Shame they won't release what evidence they had to believe they had 'good cause'. Weird huh? Who could have predicted that? "Yeah we've got loads of evidence, but we're not telling anyone what it is". Sounds legit... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62558319 No need for due process. String him up.
  23. Quite the rant. Back to reality, as a neutral, I would like to know what evidence they had to make the raid. Unfortunately they won't release it. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62558319 I'd have thought if they had sufficient evidence they would release it to shut up the people who are saying it was politically motivated. But no, they want to keep it a secret. No doubt all the Democrats on the forum will conclude that is because there is so much damning evidence there is no need to release it, it's clearly a slam dunk so what's the point of telling everyone. Some kind of weird logic like that. It's Trump anyway, no need for due process. Him very very bad man ????.
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