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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. So, just a few 'negotiations' pending regarding who gets paid what to allow another monopoly to proceed. It must be very profitable being a Thai regulator.
  2. It was an F15 last week. The fields of Issan are becoming a dangerous place with the incompetent police and military playing with their toys (purchased from more advanced countries) above the farms of the peasants. It would appear they fly as well as they drive.
  3. Even with no experience she would be better than the current posse of thugs and charlatans.
  4. Even Caitlyn Jenner has come out and said its unfair. I guess she can now be labelled a far right bigoted transphobe. No doubt racist too lol. The left need to focus on winning arguments instead of throwing out lazy insults.
  5. Hey muppets. Debate the law. Then legislate. Then enforce. It's not that difficult. More advanced countries have been doing it for centuries. Just copy us again and pretend "certain people" invented it if it makes you feel better about yourselves.
  6. It's nothing to do with left wing and right wing. Nothing to do with Bigotry and Intolerance. This is about scientific fact, Human Biology and fundamental fairness in sport. Biological men are stronger than biological women. What is it going to take for people to acknowledge such a simple statement of truth? Maybe when they see a biological man beating a biological woman into unconsciousness in a boxing ring the penny will finally drop? Maybe then they will acknowledge that it is not fair to a biological woman to have to compete in sport against a biological man, no matter how that biological man "feels inside"? The longer this continues, the more trans women will start competing in women's sport and obliterating the opposition with huge margins of victory like Lia Thomas did. Women's sport is fantastic, why ruin it to appease a tiny minority of people who have an unfair advantage over their competitors?
  7. Allowing individuals born male to compete against females is grossly unfair to females. If this continues it will destroy women's sport. Trans Women should be respected 100%. But if they wish to compete in sport they should compete against other biological males. Since scientifically that is what they are. The only solution I can see is a third category for trans. Or maybe create a new category for women who were born women and allow the current "women's" group to continue to be open to trans women and biological women. Let biological women choose which category they wish to compete in. See how that pans out. Destroying women's sport for a small minority of trans people is grossly unfair and in my opinion, deeply misogynistic. It's funny how the people telling us to follow "The Science" for 2 years are now completely ignoring it.
  8. I firmly believe that many of the people that were vaccinated with Sinovac during the first round will now have minimal protection. The authorities are blaming their poor decisions on the populace. Are these Sinovaxed people rushing to get vaccinated again? Probably not. Even people who have been vaccinated with the better vaccines catch it and can have quite bad symptoms. In the company I work for everyone has been triple vaxxed and we still get around 10 positive cases per week. Mask compliance has been very high in Thailand as well. Stop blaming the people, most people have done pretty much everything asked of them.
  9. Sometimes when you know nothing about someone's situation, it's best to keep quiet and not embarrass yourself ????. We have a farm near Korat and the dogs live on the farm. 4 of them we rescued (in very poor condition) from the streets, we took them in, fed them, vaccinated them, spayed them. They never leave the farm and they don't bother anyone who doesn't enter the farm. If taking in starving strays, vaccinating and spaying them and giving them 2 quality meals a day and a very pleasant life snoozing in the shade on a farm is irresponsible, then I guess I am guilty as charged ????. As you can see, it's a terrible environment for dogs to live.
  10. Would you euthanize a cat for torturing a bird for a couple of hours before leaving it twitching to it's slow death? It's instinct - my Thai mutts kill rats, chickens, snakes, squirrels all the time. Anything that moves in fact. They actually quite liked our cat but the feeling wasn't mutual so it decided to go live with the neighbours. That's cat loyalty for you ????. As for the kid, kids that age don't really assess risk well or consider the consequences of their actions. I'm sure the trauma of seeing the cat's demise will have taught him a valuable lesson.
  11. The TV clip is on YouTube. The news station messed around with the order of it a bit, but it looked to me like he placed the cat in the middle of the floor, then opened the glass doors but closed the flyscreen. Then it cuts, and the dogs charge through the fly screen and chase the cat out of the room where they presumably caught it. They don't seem at all interested in the kid. Not sure exactly what the kid was trying to achieve but he was clearly aware of the dogs and was teasing them with the presence of the cat. Unlikely to end well for the cat. A combination of poor dog ownership and a very young kid not really thinking through the consequences of his actions.
  12. 2500 Baht to fill my car this morning. And there was still almost a quarter of a tank left. I'd have to check the receipt but I'm pretty sure it was 47.89 per litre. Not to mention the hikes on food etc. People must really be struggling.
  13. Yep it's bad enough when you're able bodied. I was walking down Sukhumvit 33 the other day, stepped on a normal looking paving stone and it rotated about 30 degrees into the hole underneath it and the muddy slush that was under there splashed up covering one shoe completely and most of my shin. If I was elderly I could have easily fallen or broken my ankle. My father also used a mobility scooter for the last 10 years of his life. No way I could have ever contemplated him visiting. The lack of consideration for the disabled is disgraceful.
  14. Dog kills cat. Shocking news. Whatever next? Cat kills mouse? Lizard kills fly? The dogs clearly should have been kept under control. Very irresponsible ownership once again. However, as Will B pointed out the fact that the kid is clearly teasing the dogs by deliberately placing the cat in the middle of the floor where they can see it wouldn't have helped either.
  15. Avoid "justice"? Being tried in a kangaroo court by a Junta that illegally stole power via the barrel of a gun from his democratically elected government is not really my definition of justice. I'm no fan of Thaksin, but Thailand was a much better place when he was in charge. Perfect? No. Better than the current mob? Absolutely. Personally I wish her every success. But the Junta has it's boot firmly on the throat of the Thai people and they're not going to allow a democratically elected leader remove it, irrespective of the surname.
  16. Luckily the plane didn't land on a village or a school. Having said that, it's mainly a peasant area so the military wouldn't be too bothered either way - that's why they choose the area to go practice with their toys.
  17. Excellent news. This should pay for more supercars for the politician's offspring to kill the public with.
  18. I don't think we're near the top of the curve. Looking at the UK, their cases are still increasing and they have a higher vaccination rate than Thailand using better quality vaccines (No Sino Junk). Even though Thailand theoretically has more restrictions than the UK, they are mostly useless and for show only (masks, stopping alcohol at 11pm, pretending that bars are shut because they now have a restaurant licence, pretending that massage places are not brothels etc.) so this won't stop the spread. I think cases will continue to rise in reality, although the figures might not show that since like most things in Thailand, they are just for show. Hopefully we don't lock down again. But I wouldn't put anything past this 'government'.
  19. Banning plastic bags at 711 and Tesco was a good start. Unfortunately, they subsequently brought them back (but now charge 1 Baht for them, so the same environmental damage but more profit for CP which was probably the plan all along). CP should really donate every Baht they make from selling these plastic bags to environmental projects. Having said that, even if they did that - the director of these projects would just spend the money on a Benz so nothing would improve anyway.
  20. I disagree. Certainly as a white guy in most of Asia I have no more chance to do well than an Asian of equal status/education/ability. Having worked here for 14 years, I would argue it's more of a disadvantage in terms of available roles etc. If over representation is because of bias, why are black guys over represented in certain highly paid sports like Basketball and (American) Football? Is it because of bias in team selection against white guys and Asians? Why do Asians do so well in certain fields at University? Are the lecturers biased towards Asians? In the company I work for (a large multinational), over half of the Thai management team are Asian women. I'm not crying about it, most of them are very good at their job. Finance, purchasing, sales and Customer service is dominated by women, production and warehousing tends to be more male dominated. It's unrealistic to expect perfect representation of every race/gender in every field. Focusing on traits such as race and gender and trying to manufacture equal representation with positive descrimination is patrononizing to those under-represented. Just pick the best person for the job, if that results in more white people than black people then so be it. If that results in more black people than white people, so be it. More women than men? So be it. Those blaming their race or gender for their lack of success tend to be lacking in other departments such as ability, diligence, determination etc. It's much easier to play the victim and blame someone else.
  21. Lie detectors are psuedoscience at best. In the land of smoke and mirrors, in the hands of inept operators and corrupt officials they are worse than useless, hence there is really no point continuing this charade.
  22. More race baiting nonsense. Identity politics continues to divide and weaken the countries in which it festers.
  23. Oh I do hope he has a great day, I thought these would be be a fitting reward for returning happiness to the Thai people.
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