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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I understand it perfectly well thanks. Those in power are extreme hypocrites. They lecture about morality while partaking in incredible levels of corruption. They pretend to be virtuous while drinking and 'partying' in Hiso 'hostess' clubs in ThongLor. The levels of sanctimony are staggering. They want the population to believe that they have the moral high ground while acting like degenerates behind the scenes. Even if we ignore the fact that history shows us that the mixing of religion and the state rarely ends well, the act of treating citizens like children and 'banning' alcohol in the name of their preferred choice of religion while having members of government that are convicted drug dealers doesn't sit well with me. It is virtue signalling. Hypocrisy. Sanctimony. They cannot help themselves, they are supercilious in the extreme. The fact that you voice your support for it (in the name of 'respecting the culture') strongly suggests to me that you are doing the same thing, albeit from a slightly different angle.
  2. In the office I work we get regular ATK tests as company policy. So we all go down to the car park, get the nose violated by the Hazmat guy, test negative and then immediately go back to the office and put the masks back on. We've literally tested negative minutes ago, but dirty looks all round if one of us dares to remove the mask for 5 minutes ????. The masks are staying. Burned into the Thai psyche unfortunately.
  3. Did you consider the possibility that they are not 'flaunting' anything, but they simply find that wearing a sweaty piece of cloth across their face in 37 degree heat as they walk/jog along the promenade enjoying the sea breeze is not particularly enjoyable, hygienic, healthy or logical?
  4. Yes, foreigners do seem to be more capable of thinking for themselves and speaking/acting out against ridiculous/illogical rules. I guess that comes with a decent education that encourages independent thought and doesn't only focus on subservience and acquiescence to some 'higher' power. Which is probably why many of our home countries are pretty much back to normal while most of Thailand is still walking around wearing face nappies in the open air while nobody is within 100 metres of them and acting as though the Black Death is upon them.
  5. That's fine. If you want to wear one, knock yourself out. I might still wear a N95 mask on smoggy days if I take the motorbike. However, this thread is about masks being mandatory. There is a huge difference between an individual choosing to wear a mask because of pollution and being forced to wear a mask by a government looking to assert power/control over the population.
  6. Did you really think my post was joking about terminal illnesses in elderly Thais? That's a rhetorical question by the way because of course you didn't. It was just a weak attempt at a straw man to setup some dull, predictable virtue signalling, wasn't it? Well done Sir. Well Done. ???? Shame these treatments don't help with being a sanctimonious bore, after a 30 second diagnosis you could have qualified for a couple of kilos of grade A produce.
  7. Medical jargon for getting stoned out of your mind and getting "the munchies".
  8. Hopefully this is made 100% clear to all potential tourists. The famous Ad campaigns from the TAT should all feature tourists fully masked as they ride elephants, walk along deserted beaches, ride in TukTuks, sit by the pool, visit temples etc. just so it is 100% clear that your holiday will be spent wearing a sweaty face nappy. There could also be a section where a tourist is arrested for Vaping, just for the sake of clarity.
  9. What do they expect when the Thai education system teaches the young to never question authority, and blindly accept the nonsense that those in power spout, even when anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows it is false? They should be glad the population is so gullible and pliable, they would never have been in power so long otherwise.
  10. Dog and Pony show. He'll stay as long as he wants. If the constitution doesn't allow it he will simply change the constitution - again!!
  11. I got it 10 days ago. Never reported it to any official agency, just self isolated at my condo - thank god for Netflix, YouTube and Playstation. The number of cases is meaningless even if it was accurate (which it isn't), as long as the health service can cope (which it can) then may as well open up. It's over. But that won't stop dictatorial regimes and leftists squeezing every last drop out of it to facilitate increasing authoritarianism and regulations. My company is pushing for us to have the 4th jab now. No thanks. Maybe next year.
  12. Yeah its everywhere. One of my team got it 2 weeks ago. I tested positive on Thursday morning along with another member of my team and just got an email this evening that a fourth member now tested positive. I also know lots of friends and friends of friends that have/had it. The numbers are a massive underestimation of the real situation. I also think the tests are rubbish. I had to change brands to eventually get a positive test after 3 negative results. I was 100% positive I had it due to the symptoms but kept getting negative results until I deliberately changed brands. For me, it's felt like a solid flu (not particularly mild) and a very sore throat and nasty cough. Not terrible, but not at all pleasant either.
  13. Oh I see, this is awkward. You appear to be one of those people who thinks a Terrorist organization that publicly beheads innocent hostages on live TV with no trial and assists in atrocities like 911 has more of a right to a voice on a platform like Twitter than the POTUS.
  14. Not true. The long term acceptance/denial of Anti-Semitism by some of the most hard left members of the UK Labour party is testament to that. Even The Guardian are open about it. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/25/labour-must-use-this-conference-to-go-further-in-rooting-out-antisemitism The left are also incredibly Hypocritical. Yapping on, virtue signalling about "be kind" while calling political opponents Scum. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/sep/26/angela-rayner-stands-by-remarks-calling-tories-scum Finally, Twitter users will be able to speak out against such racism and hypocricy rampant in the left wing without being banned/warned with no explanation.
  15. I'm not aware of any fact free far right echo chambers. Plenty of far left ones though. One less since Musk bought Twitter. Given that Twitter allowed The Taliban to have an account but banned the POTUS tells me the platform could not get any worse than it was under previous ownership. It would take a particularly extreme member of the liberal mob to support such a stance. Personally I am not a fan of the platform anyway (or Trump) but I detest politically biased censorship pretending to be neutral. https://www.spiked-online.com/2021/08/17/why-has-twitter-banned-trump-but-not-the-taliban/
  16. Unless they support your views and silence/censor opposing views, of course.
  17. Zee Russian bots? Are they the same Russian bots that lead to the Brexit vote and Trump getting elected? Every time you hardcore lefties lose a vote or lose an attempt to stifle the voice of the opposition it's alway comes back to Zee Russian Bots. Been watching too many Bond movies I think.
  18. Good to see Musk buy Twitter. Of course the hardcore liberals/leftists will be weeping onto their Lattes/Avocado toast that now BOTH sides are allowed to voice their opinion but that's free speech for you.
  19. I suggest they focus more on eradicating the huge oil leaks seen recently around Rayong. Tons of crude oil ruining kms of coastline and huge swathes of fish stocks. Still, I suppose it's easier to focus on a YouTuber who keeps 15 Hermit crabs. If he took them from Rayong's beaches, he probably saved their lives.
  20. All he has done is replaced a corrupt Democratically elected party with a more corrupt military regime. At least Thaksin could be voted out, and would have been eventually if Democracy had been allowed to mature and better parties allowed to be formed. You clearly have no respect for Democratic process. You are extremely short sighted if you think that illegally stealing power every time corruption is evident in a Democratically elected party is going to move Thailand forward. Power stolen by a regime that eradicates it's political opponents that could actually improve Thailand and the lives of it's people. I'm always amazed when people given access to decent education from The West can hold views like yours.
  21. You are creating a strawman because you cannot argue against what people are actually saying. Nobody is saying LGBT shouldn't have civil rights. We are saying that we don't have to pretend men can have periods. It's a ludicrous statement and I refuse to go along with it out of fear of being called mean, bigoted, intolerant or whatever since I am none of those things. I just refuse to play along with the fantasy, something that I know is scientifically/biologically untrue. I will happily refer to Samuel as Samantha. I will refer to them as she/them out of respect for their choice. But I will not pretend they can have a period. It's like painting stripes on your dog, feeding him Whiskas and calling him Tigger. Then calling me names because I refuse to say that I believe he is now a cat.
  22. But some of them believe (or like to pretend) they can. And if the rest of us don't play along with their little fantasy world, we are bigoted, far right, transphobes etc. It's "THEIR truth". The rest of us are expected to pretend it is "THE truth". If we dare to contradict "THEIR truth" with "THE truth" then we are labelled evil, as this thread has shown. Strange old world ????.
  23. It's the new buzzword. Even Thai colleagues have been telling me how Thailand's new found 'soft power' is so great, and that people will aspire to be Thai just as Thais aspire to be Korean (and worship everything about Korea from K-Pop to Korean fashion to the Korean series on Netflix). I gave up telling them what the world really thinks of Thailand years ago. It's a bit like being released from the Matrix, once they reach a certain age it's too dangerous ????.
  24. The PM doesn't give a toss about the people. There were countless decisions made during the early stages of the pandemic that proved that (refusing donated vaccines, widespread use of SinoVac, disallowing hospitals from privately sourcing their own vaccines etc.). All they cared about was profiting from the vaccines, not distributing them quickly. Good to see he's looking so old and haggard though. Maybe he has a conscience after all, although I doubt it.
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