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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Those statistics could just as easily be attributed to the demographics of the owners (certain dogs become fashionable or useful to criminals, drug dealers etc.) and the physical strength of the dogs in question, rather than the nature or temperament of the dogs. Of course Mastiffs and Rottweilers will have a higher number of fatal attacks than a Chihuahua because a Chihuahua is virtually incapable of killing a human. It doesn't mean they have an inherently better nature. It's like saying that if Black people are over represented in prison then it is because there is something inherently bad with black people, instead of looking at factors such as their social economic status, their level of education, higher proportion of absent fathers etc. Your analysis of the statistics is overly simplistic and lacks any kind of nuance. It's lazy and just reinforces the classic stereotypes.
  2. I wonder if the incredibly wealthy owners of these hotels, exhibition centres and shopping malls are also friendly with leading figures in the power stealing 'government'? Meanwhile, small business owners can go swivel.
  3. Especially when the restrictions can just as easily go the other way and be tightened without warning at the whim of some over zealous official.
  4. When will people learn that it's nothing to do with the breed? It is how they are raised. Whether it's a Rottweiler, Ridgeback, PitBull, Doberman, German Shephard or whatever, they are all capable of inflicting very serious injuries and therefore need to be trained, socialized and not left to roam free in packs causing chaos in the villages. Focusing on the breed just reinforces lazy stereotypes and shifts blame from where it should be placed - The Owner.
  5. What an idiot. All that money and he still doesn't hire a driver to ferry him from club to club. His family must have loads of 'help' sitting around. As for the 3 days to get the alcohol reading, presumably this was to give enough time for the reading to drop into triple digit territory. I'm guessing this guy probably won't have to flee the country like the Red Bull killer, since he 'only' killed a lowly foreigner as opposed to a cop. Perhaps a large fine, a few donations and a week at the monkhood is on the horizon.
  6. Good news. The numbers appear to be dropping. Maybe Omicron is starting to burn itself out like it has done elsewhere. Let's hope so.
  7. Seems the Russians are aware of the deferential nature of Thai reporting and prefer to keep it that way without those pesky foreign journalists doing their job properly and asking tough questions.
  8. Well it's only advice. It's not like they're banning it. Personally I think it's probably good advice (for once). Someone with Covid coughing all over their hands, sneezing, wiping their runny nose with their hands etc. before reaching into a bucket of water and then throwing that water over someone probably isn't the best idea, especially in the villages where vaccination rates are lower or they've been jabbed with Sino khrap. As long as they allow inter provincial travel and keep all the restaurants open then I'll be happy.
  9. Be careful what you wish for. Electric motorcycles can have unbelievable performance.
  10. Yes, it must be incredibly irritating for you having your nonsense debunked with actual facts, links, graphs etc. ????. You ignore the ATK tests in Thailand, you ignore the last 2 weeks of cases rising in the UK so you may as well ignore the other facts I have provided you as well. Ignorance is bliss. Keep enjoying it.
  11. So having Covid doesn't count if you tested positive with ATK? Good to know. And cases rising in the UK for the past 2 weeks doesn't really mean cases are rising? Also good to know. It would appear that it is not I who is twisting the facts ????.
  12. Wrong on both counts. Firstly. Thailand was 72,479 today. Secondly, both are on their way up. In fact, UK is also rising since Feb 24. Please check your facts before wasting my time. Thanks.
  13. Thai politicians have also been caught breaking the rules. Remember the maskless boozy lunch in Phuket shown below? EU politicians flying in for Euro 2020. They've all been at it, it's just the UK media thought they could use it to hang Boris out to dry, another failure it seems. Of course the rules are arbitrary and stupid. The mask wearing outdoors, the alcohol bans, the parks being closed, schools closed while pubs are open. Most of it has been nonsense. But some people love it for some weird reason. Strangely enough it's been the hardcore leftists like Daniel Andrews, Trudeau, Sturgeon and Arderne who have shown the most fascistic undertones during this period.
  14. The number of cases in Thailand and the UK are very similar right now (60-70k per day). Everyone who wants a vaccine in Thailand has had the chance to have one. Omicron is the dominant variant in both countries. So what exactly is so different?
  15. No doubt Prayut will be leading by example (from his motorcade) as per normal.
  16. Plenty of people on this post complaining about too much freedom over Songkran. Including one who just liked your post. Every time the numbers spike they want a return to more restrictions. They just can't let it go, it's like they're addicted to it (when it suits them of course, not when they fancy a quick holiday in The States).
  17. I had the same. All the symptoms of Omicron. Achy muscles, scratchy throat, cough, cold etc. I tested twice and to my amazement I was negative both times. I quite fancied a week or two working from home to be honest. Not sure if the tests are not picking it up or if we've all become paranoid after 2 years of "The Fear" being rammed down our throats.
  18. I see. Offer some light at the end of the tunnel while changing nothing and leaving plenty of time for a U-turn/extension of restrictions if the peasants start revolting. Standard procedure for those using Covid as a tool of control.
  19. Well yes, that's what happens when you let people out of their homes to live their lives. Some get run over, some get Flu and die, some get Covid and die, some crash their motorcycles and die etc etc. What do you propose? Perpetual lockdowns so we can eradicate risk/death completely and all live to be 95 years old in isolated misery? I propose that those who wish to lock themselves down are free to do so. Those who wish to live a life of freedom (and the associated risks that come with that) are also free to do so. Me? I've taken my 3 vaccines like a good comrade and now I wish to continue my life.
  20. It's never going away. We have to live with it. We can't stay restricted forever, lots of old people die from Flu every year as well but nobody locks down. Time to move on and stop pumping the fear. The UK is setting a great example, I spoke to my sister and she said it's pretty much over there. Yesterday's news. Back to normal, no masks, everyone just going about their lives. If you don't like Songkran that's fine, I get it - stay home. No need to restart all the fear peddling and calls for restrictions.
  21. Seems you had plenty of time to brake to avoid hitting him. The original beep was pretty aggressive as well you could have just eased off the gas and let him go. The brake check move by him was really stupid, but what do you expect here? It's best to accept you're sharing the roads with people with the mentality of a petulant 13 year old and not get involved. I'd agree to the 50:50 and take it as a lesson learnt to chill out a bit.
  22. Unfortunately, daring to ask questions to/of people in authority is one of the fundamental things that Thai schools aim to stamp out of Thai youth, sometimes quite literally as this story proves. Think where that could lead. First teachers being questioned, then civil servants, then police, then politicians, where could it end??? It's not like the PM sets a good example of how to behave maturely when he is questioned.
  23. It's really incredible that after spending so much money, their squad resembles a rag tag bunch of mercenaries with no style of play and no real system. Managed by someone that nobody had heard of 6 months ago and who isn't really a Manager. In need of a complete rebuild. 5th place in the table flatters them, it's going to be a long way back from here especially with those 'characters' in the dressing room.
  24. What a kind, selfless gesture to his children, the people of Thailand. He really is all heart.
  25. It says a lot about the country that the National Anti-Corruption Commission can itself be bought off.
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