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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. That's why we rolled over loads of the trade agreements. So for many countries outside the EU, they have the same regulations and tariffs as before. They might prefer it. But that it is up the British people to decide, not European corporations. That's true. And if it had remained a common trading area like it started out (maybe it could have been called something like the common market ????) I am sure we would have stayed. However the power hungry Euro politicians couldn't resist empire building. They over-reached massively with their federalist project, and now we are gone. I'd much rather put up with a few trade quotas than surrender sovereignty to a bunch of European technocrats, but I realize others feel that money is far more important than petty things like having true democracy and agency.
  2. Here are my thoughts. The UK was the second largest net contributor, helping countries like Romania, Greece and Poland get a net benefit. Essentially we put in, they took out. Why should the UK taxpayer bail out other member states failing economies? Answer? We no longer have to. https://www.statista.com/chart/18135/member-state-contributions-to-eu-budget/
  3. Maybe he just signs things without reading them? I mean it's not like he's in a position of responsibility. So that wouldn't be a concern at all. ????
  4. Many countries are also suffering recession and inflation as well. Many unions too. Like, oh I don't know, the European Union? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-11/eu-says-recession-is-now-here-and-inflation-shock-will-linger-on
  5. Try to keep it civil old boy. Bit early for dutch courage, what time did you start? Very easy to throw insults from behind a keyboard, I very much doubt you'd call me a coward if I was stood in front of you so best not to do it from the safety of your grotty Pattaya studio ????. Now, let's be nice and get back on topic. What exactly are the consequences of Brexit (not Covid lockdowns, the war in Ukraine etc.). Apart from record low unemployment, regaining sovereignty, faster vaccine rollout etc.
  6. My source is the office for national statistics. Never heard of Macrotrends... Couldn't be bothered with the other 6 points, since they were flippant comments which basically amounted to "The EU had zero control over you when you were in the EU" which is not really worthy of a reply. The only one you provided any evidence for, I debunked.
  7. That's right, we simply rolled over the trade deals without being in the EU. Countries don't care whether we're in that silly club, they just want to do business with us. Having said that, you can have huge trade relations without trade deals anyway. The EU and the US is a good example.
  8. Here are some facts for you. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/unemployment-rate#:~:text=Unemployment Rate in the United,percent in December of 1973.
  9. Not quite true. They do exist, but obviously not many people from around the world want to live in North Korea. Legally or illegally. Britain on the other hand is one of the most welcoming, friendly, diverse countries on earth, despite the rhetoric from people from countries with far harsher immigration policies.
  10. We're just waiting for you to admit they exist. ???? I won't be holding my breath.
  11. The rest was fluff. No, it doesn't have a trade deal, and it still does plenty of trade with the US. In fact, the US is the EU's largest trade partner without one. They are un-necessary. Most of the trade around the world is done without trade deals. Biden can threaten us all he wants, we won't change policy on NI because of some vague promise of a trade deal with the US. Biden will be gone long before anything is agreed anyway. He can pontificate all he wants, it won't make any difference to us.
  12. Does the EU have a trade deal with the US?
  13. I can't name a single one. Certainly not the UK.
  14. Seems that 71 were queued up. Not too shabby in a couple of years. Plenty more to come. Remainers were saying they'd take decades. Not so. Brexiteers didn't care what the US thought. In fact, Obama saying we were back of the queue for a trade deal probably got Brexit pushed over the line. Thanks Barack, we owe you one.
  15. I've already explained it to you. I can't understand it for you. It's impossible with your ilk.
  16. Of course not. Show me a country that has completely eradicated it.
  17. What about if you send money the other way, like I do? What if you are an exporter? It's not all about you.
  18. Brexit was never about blocking legal immigration. We've had legal immigration since long before the EU. That's just a Remainer/Rejoiner trope. Alive and well I see.????
  19. Probably because Remainers were saying they were essential, that we'd never get any and we'd collapse within 6 months. We've done 71 so far. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47213842
  20. You missed the word "illegal". We don't want illegal immigration. Same as Thailand, Australia, and most nations around the world. Trying to stop illegal immigration is not unique to Britain. It's a perfectly normal policy. There is nothing fascistic, racist or nasty about it. It's SOP for governments around the world. Hence the widespread use of passports, border controls etc.
  21. Given that the EU do so much trade with the US without one, why should be afraid of not having one? Joe is trying to use it as a stick to beat us with. Trouble is, the stick is flaccid. And Joe is pointing it in the wrong direction.
  22. Because it isn't. Same as most things, there are upsides and downsides. We knew that when we voted. However, to declare it a failure at this stage would be like declaring the winner of a marathon after the first couple of miles. It took decades for the EU to wrap us up in so much red tape we could barely breathe. It will take several more years before we fully disentangle ourselves from that. But it will be worth it, especially when the EU moves onto ever more integration i.e. the EU Army, more regulations, more eastern bloc countries joining etc. It's not like the EU is going from strength to strength. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/11/11/europes-record-inflation-will-peak-at-year-end-but-remain-high-in-2023-says-brussels
  23. Trade deals are hugely over-rated. Plenty of countries do huge trade numbers without one. And plenty of countries with trade deals do very little trade at all.
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