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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Except in the UK, the MP that I vote for has powers along with other MP's to propose legislation, to introduce a bill. In the EU, the right to inititate legislation is reserved for the EU Commission. So the people we vote for have very little power, and the people who really run the show, those with the real power are 'selected'. EU Parliamentarians are like a toothless tiger, which is just the way the commission likes it. Give the illusion of being democratic without actually affording those elected by the voters any real powers. If you're happy to pretend that is real Democracy, great. I'm not and neither were the UK electorate which is The BRexit party had so many seats before we swiftly left.
  2. Yes. Selected, not elected. Glad we're in agreement.
  3. I am talking about the commission. They are 'selected' and not elected. That's how you end up with drunks like Juncker in positions of power or now the useless Von Der Leyen. Useless bunch of technocrats. Not exactly a shining light for diversity either.
  4. Well, now the decisions about the country are taken by people we elected. As opposed to some unelected Bureaucrat in Brussels who is selected by their peers and cannot be voted out. I will always take Democracy over Technocracy.
  5. He should stay out of politics. His virtue signaling on climate change is particlularly irritating given his and his families carbon footprint.
  6. I'll probably buy some from the shop in Ladprao just for the novelty factor, seeing as I'm often on the MRT Blue line anyway. Haven't smoked it for years but one of my housemates at Uni in London sold it so there was always copious amounts of it laying around the house which we could smoke if we wanted in exchange for not complaining about his 'operation' and the constant coming and going of customers. A friend of mine gave me a hash brownie a while back and I enjoyed the high but I did end up eating the contents of the fridge before going to bed so it will have to be an occasional thing for me. I've also asked my gf to get a licence so we can grow some on our farm in Korat for personal consumption, again just for the novelty factor really, I've also got 3 Kratom trees but never eat the leaves.
  7. Mine was clearly said tongue in cheek. So you are saying that you were also joking and you don't really think the Brits that you so despise are obsessed with Empire? If so, we are in agreement.
  8. We were discussing nationalism which is very much related to Brexit, the subject of this thread. I was pointing out that if you have disdain for Nationalists, it must apply to all Nationalists not only British ones. It's amusing how certain people only dislike nationalists if they come from a certain country. Not naming names of course ????.
  9. You must have quite a low opinion of the majority of the Thai population.
  10. Really? How do you come to that conclusion? 'Irish' Joe Biden making a few uneducated comments about it?
  11. Nobody has linked it to Empire. Except you. It's all in your mind.
  12. Maybe. But only if they haven't read Article 16.
  13. I was comparing the EU to a sulking teenage girl that had been dumped by her boyfriend. A perfectly reasonable analogy given their behaviour.
  14. 1. Please read about article 16 in my post above. Unilateral action is allowed. 2. The EU will do nothing of significance. 3. Ireland is not part of Great Britain. Maybe you are thinking of the UK? ???? 4. Scotland is going nowhere. Scottish Independence is dead. They voted to stay.
  15. Nobody is talking of Empire Rob, except maybe you and your extreme views on The British. Believing Boris Johnson sometimes tells lies and believing that Britain is better out of the EU federalist project is not mutually exclusive. Most voters knew that both sides in 2016 were exaggerating the benefits/drawbacks of leaving the EU and made their own mind up.
  16. Could be a number of reasons. 1. Pro EU 2. Anti Boris 3. Anti Brexit 4. Views on a united Ireland It's politics. Not all Conservatives like Boris (see the recent no confidence vote) and not all wanted to leave the EU (Theresa May and her BRINO machinations are a good example of this). Some are quite happy with the protocol as it fits with their aims of separating NI from the rest of the UK. Many of these will claim international law is being broken as it suits their agendas. However, it is not - due to article 16.
  17. Incorrect. All the Remainers/Rejoiners/Europhiles and Brit haters love to claim that the UK’s plan to abrogate the Northern Irish Protocol “breaches international law”. When in reality, article 16 of the Protocol specifies that, should the agreement lead to “serious economic, societal …harms or to a diversion of trade, [parties] may unilaterally take appropriate measures.” The EU's insistence on a disproportionate amount of checks is causing these issues. So we can take appropriate measures. A very intelligent clause for the UK to have added. This is what the Government is now seeking to do via legislation. The EU's spitefulness and intransigence are backfiring once again. Still sulking like a dumped teenage girl 6 years after the vote ????.
  18. Thailand is turning to the teet of the USA while China is busy chasing zero Covid. It won't last long though. They'll be doffing the cap to China as soon as they are back on their feet and dumping the US like a hot potato. The current regime has much more in common with the leaders of the CCP than they do with the Americans.
  19. I'm glad you had a good chuckle. If you want side splitting laughter, may I suggest a look at the Shadow Cabinet ????.
  20. In fairness, a few days ago it was still illegal so the police were correct and the tourist was wrong.
  21. 100% incorrect. https://lagunatreatment.com/drug-abuse/marijuana/buds-versus-extract/
  22. It's only the extract that has the 0.2% limit. Grow it, pick it, smoke it in private. No problem.
  23. Maybe they could have a hot dog with 2 sausages. Call it the Frot Dog ????.
  24. It only works one direction I'm afraid. They'd love to have a black woman playing James Bond, but try using a white guy to play The Black Panther from Marvel and all hell would break loose. They're fine with black women straightening their hair, but show them a white guy with dreadlocks and it's "cultural appropriation" ????. Gotta love the Wokies and their double standards. As for this Pride whopper, I don't see the harm. Surely it's about 2 men or 2 women being together. Not anal sex. I mean, does a regular burger with different buns represent hetero sex? They try and do something to show support for LGBT and LGBT get all outraged by it. They shouldn't have wasted their time. Some people just love to be offended, it's like a hobby for them.
  25. I know a few who have left already, mainly for financial reasons due to Covid ruining their business. Personally I like it. It's not perfect but you learn to mostly avoid the bad things and focus on the good things. The only bad thing I cannot avoid are the roads. Incredibly dangerous and I do at least a couple of thousand kms per month. I have no plans to leave any time soon although my family sending me pics of their Mediterranean holidays does make me think about it sometimes. Clean beaches, beautiful water, cheap food and drink, looks great.

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