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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Maybe. But only if they haven't read Article 16.
  2. I was comparing the EU to a sulking teenage girl that had been dumped by her boyfriend. A perfectly reasonable analogy given their behaviour.
  3. 1. Please read about article 16 in my post above. Unilateral action is allowed. 2. The EU will do nothing of significance. 3. Ireland is not part of Great Britain. Maybe you are thinking of the UK? ???? 4. Scotland is going nowhere. Scottish Independence is dead. They voted to stay.
  4. Nobody is talking of Empire Rob, except maybe you and your extreme views on The British. Believing Boris Johnson sometimes tells lies and believing that Britain is better out of the EU federalist project is not mutually exclusive. Most voters knew that both sides in 2016 were exaggerating the benefits/drawbacks of leaving the EU and made their own mind up.
  5. Could be a number of reasons. 1. Pro EU 2. Anti Boris 3. Anti Brexit 4. Views on a united Ireland It's politics. Not all Conservatives like Boris (see the recent no confidence vote) and not all wanted to leave the EU (Theresa May and her BRINO machinations are a good example of this). Some are quite happy with the protocol as it fits with their aims of separating NI from the rest of the UK. Many of these will claim international law is being broken as it suits their agendas. However, it is not - due to article 16.
  6. Incorrect. All the Remainers/Rejoiners/Europhiles and Brit haters love to claim that the UK’s plan to abrogate the Northern Irish Protocol “breaches international law”. When in reality, article 16 of the Protocol specifies that, should the agreement lead to “serious economic, societal …harms or to a diversion of trade, [parties] may unilaterally take appropriate measures.” The EU's insistence on a disproportionate amount of checks is causing these issues. So we can take appropriate measures. A very intelligent clause for the UK to have added. This is what the Government is now seeking to do via legislation. The EU's spitefulness and intransigence are backfiring once again. Still sulking like a dumped teenage girl 6 years after the vote ????.
  7. Thailand is turning to the teet of the USA while China is busy chasing zero Covid. It won't last long though. They'll be doffing the cap to China as soon as they are back on their feet and dumping the US like a hot potato. The current regime has much more in common with the leaders of the CCP than they do with the Americans.
  8. I'm glad you had a good chuckle. If you want side splitting laughter, may I suggest a look at the Shadow Cabinet ????.
  9. In fairness, a few days ago it was still illegal so the police were correct and the tourist was wrong.
  10. 100% incorrect. https://lagunatreatment.com/drug-abuse/marijuana/buds-versus-extract/
  11. It's only the extract that has the 0.2% limit. Grow it, pick it, smoke it in private. No problem.
  12. Maybe they could have a hot dog with 2 sausages. Call it the Frot Dog ????.
  13. It only works one direction I'm afraid. They'd love to have a black woman playing James Bond, but try using a white guy to play The Black Panther from Marvel and all hell would break loose. They're fine with black women straightening their hair, but show them a white guy with dreadlocks and it's "cultural appropriation" ????. Gotta love the Wokies and their double standards. As for this Pride whopper, I don't see the harm. Surely it's about 2 men or 2 women being together. Not anal sex. I mean, does a regular burger with different buns represent hetero sex? They try and do something to show support for LGBT and LGBT get all outraged by it. They shouldn't have wasted their time. Some people just love to be offended, it's like a hobby for them.
  14. I know a few who have left already, mainly for financial reasons due to Covid ruining their business. Personally I like it. It's not perfect but you learn to mostly avoid the bad things and focus on the good things. The only bad thing I cannot avoid are the roads. Incredibly dangerous and I do at least a couple of thousand kms per month. I have no plans to leave any time soon although my family sending me pics of their Mediterranean holidays does make me think about it sometimes. Clean beaches, beautiful water, cheap food and drink, looks great.
  15. I can explain it to you. But I cannot understand it for you. It's a fairly basic concept we are talking about here. Maybe try addressing the points I made. Rather than pretending I said something else and refuting that.
  16. If you believe that saying that something is politically problematic is the same as claming that it is unlawful then I am afraid that is your comprehension issue, not an issue of my misrepresentation. Thanks for demonstrating that so succinctly.
  17. Well, if someone says "The sky is blue", and you retort with "Ah, but grass is green" then yes, I suppose you can claim to be correct on some kind of level. However, you have also demonstrated that you are unable to disprove the original statement. So thanks for that ????.
  18. I didn't say it would have been unlawful, did I? I said that politically it would have been very problematic and huge pressure would have been put on us to follow the EU debacle had we still been a member (perish the thought). As for the link, yes some countries have caught up now. But that wouldn't have helped the people dying while the EU was playing political games and messing up the rollout in 2020/2021. The UK vaccine rollout was streets ahead during that critical period.
  19. Let's face it. Nobody does these occasions quite like The British. What a reign. What an image. Marvellous.
  20. He was never a hero. Likewise, he is far from zero now. A silly headline. Brexit was a sound move though. Why do you think Putin is highlighting otherwise? Brexit also made the vaccine rollout much quicker by removing political barriers which would have made going our own way on vaccines much easier. The EU made a right mess of it early on and many EU countries still have a relatively low % of adults fully vaccinated compared to the UK.
  21. Well that's a slightly different point but I will address it anyway. IMO 2 years is too early to conclude on the economic side of things. You can't unravel decades of EU rules, regulations and incompetence in 2.5 years. Neither can you sign all potential trade deals in that timeframe but I believe long term (10-20 years) it will prove beneficial. In terms of escaping the EU federalist project and regaining our sovereignty and democracy, it was absolutely worth it. I prefer the decisions affecting our country are made by politicians that we elect, not some unelected technocrat in Brussels. You can't really put an economic price on that.
  22. What does that have to do with wishing death on Boris Johnson?
  23. Ironically, it was the anti Democratic Remainers that provided him with the perfect platform. All he had to do was say that he would deliver what the people voted for. Bam. Landslide victory. It really was that simple. There's an important lesson in there there somewhere about not disrespecting voters, but it might be too complicated for the extreme, anti-democractic Remain/Rejoin factions to see. Jo Swinson learnt it the hard way.
  24. It will blow over. A week is a long time in politics. He's safe for another 12 months.
  25. Charming. I assume you are one of the lefty 'be kind' brigade?

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