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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. You must be living in a different Thailand to me. They love their culture and protect it. They reward hard work. No welfare state here. Fiercely patriotic. No shame in flying the Thai flag. They clamp down on illegal immigrants. No pandering to the cultural enrichers. Tough jail sentences. No pearl clutching here. No Asian guilt. Not many liberals. Thailand is about as right wing as it gets. It's run by the military for goodness sake. WOKE? The UK could learn a lot from Thailand. Viva Thailand.
  2. Don't need luck when your dog is trained and treated well. The only person that needs luck is the one breaking in at 2am.
  3. Yes I do find Thais pride in their country and intolerance of Woke Liberal nonsense appealing. Also their laid back attitude and sense of humour. That's why I love living here. Flew out of Heathrow on the 5th August. So 24 days. Has it really changed that much since then? I know Labour aim to ruin it fast but not even they are that quick. But yes I am happy to leave the UK behind now. My last trip confirmed that. Born there in the 70's, grew up there in the 80's, partied there in the 90's and left in the noughties. I saw the best of it before Liberal, Woke simps ruined it. My only interest in the place now is getting my hard earned and not insignificant assets out of the dump before Labour try to steal it in their first budget to pay for the cultural enrichers.
  4. You often don't recall what was posted 5 minutes ago 😃.
  5. Reminds me of you moaning about the Tories for the last god knows how many years 😃.
  6. Oh I see. Germany is failing because of Ukraine. And the imagined failings of Britain (when in reality it is actually outperforming the EuroZone) are due to Brexit. 😃 I think I see a pattern here.
  7. I didn't invent beliefs. You clearly don't think the recipient worked for it. In your world, wealthy people were given everything they have and therefore it's OK to take it from them. Does that theory reflect failed attempts to garner such wealth?
  8. Your words Chomps, not mine. In case you've forgotten again, allow me to remind you below...
  9. Chomps thinks everyone who has money was gifted it. Doesn't seem to realize some people bust their balls for it and don't appreciate then giving it away to people who spend their life on the sofa/posting on internet forums.
  10. Still outperforming the EU's largest economy by some distance, even when using your very selective dates. But yes, this just goes to show that the longer we are outside the EU, the better the figures look. When you include the first couple of years after Brexit (which Brexiteers always acknowledged were going to be difficult) we look pretty average, although still way better than Germany. But when you look at more recent data (specifically 2024) we are surging ahead of not only Germany but the Eurozone as a whole, as my previous link shows. The more time outside the corrupt federalist club, the better we are doing. From strength to strength. Obviously a Labour government could mess things up as they normally do, but that is not the result of Brexit.
  11. Indeed. And then writing a "woe is me" book to try and cash in on it when people object to her pushing her Woke pervy nonsense onto other people's kids. She's quite a character.
  12. That's pretty cool. I'd buy it in yellow and get a "Trotters Independent Traders" logo on the side.
  13. I suggest you re-read the article. She clearly adheres to liberal ideology. There is no doubting her views. Reading between the lines, I suspect she is pushing these radical views onto impressionable children, as Liberals tend to do.
  14. Yep. Liberalism, multi-culturalism and identity politics is destroying the West. The East is rising, and belly laughing at our self destruction.
  15. A rather silly comment given the catastrophic impact of Covid. But for a more sensible comparison let's compare the UK to the EU's largest economy over the same period. Apples to Apples. Like I said, Project Fear well and truly debunked. Quite embarrassing for Remainers I'd imagine. https://facts4eu.org/news/2023_may_uk_growth_beats_no1_eu_state.
  16. Project Fear is so 2010's. It's clearly been debunked, let it go. The UK has made a lot of "catastrophic errors" in the last 30 years, but leaving the EU was clearly not one of them.
  17. Reading between the lines, it sounds to me like she is trying to push trans ideology and divisive concepts like Critical Race Theory onto children under the guise of being a #bekind Liberal.
  18. The capital that they worked to buy. For example, working to pay the mortgage off on a house. The parents worked for that. Then they have to pay Labour when they wish to leave it to their children. Then Labour will spaff it up the wall on some vanity project. Yes, it's one of the hot topics in British politics right now if you hadn't noticed. Also linked to Britains exit from the EU.
  19. How is it an error when we are outperforming the Eurozone so soon after leaving?
  20. I already told you where the link was. I guess requesting one is Pavlovian at this point. Here is it again for those with a short memory. https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/08/27/german-economy-shrinks-as-consumers-shy-away-from-spending
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