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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. So let me get this right. At a festival of diversity a cultural enricher turns up and starts stabbing the people celebrating diversity? I think there might be a lesson in there somewhere...
  2. More cultural enrichment for the French. More antisemitism. Just what the leftists wanted. I'd imagine many are regretting not voting for Le Pen right about now. Just like the British are regretting voting Labour. Sad times. Let's hope the Americans get it right in November.
  3. Yes as I already stated such transparency is very unusual, but welcome. Let's stop hiding what's happening in the UK right now.
  4. Yes I remember in the 90s we used to get detailed descriptions. Skin colour, hair colour, eye colour, hairstyles, clothing etc. It helps identify the suspect. That has clearly become problematic for the liberals. Now we get "man, around 23. Dark clothing with zombie knife ".
  5. Yes. For the fourth time, any responsible owner would keep their dog away from workmen using power tools at ground level. It's simple common sense. Which is why liberals tend to miss the point and I have to repeat it. 😃
  6. Yes as the house extension was being built we decided that welding machines and steel cutting machines do not mix with super friendly dogs who want to lick every worker on the face. Hence as a responsible owner i controlled him while they were working. Any other pearls of wisdom today? Or are you opting for quantity over quality again ?
  7. I wouldn't trust you either. Especially with a forum name like Doctor Tom. Do you have a YouTube channel? 😆 The fact remains. Whether you trust my dog or I trust you is irrelevant to the case.
  8. I'm totally shocked. Not by the crime obviously. This happens daily in Britain. It's a part of life these days. But they actually released a photo of the accused. Normally it is just "Anthony from Rochester". Are the media finally just reporting the news as opposed to defending their political agenda? Unlikely... but let's see...
  9. Like kids, not dangerous at all if raised correctly. Mine is a big softy. Has many uses. Guard dog, waste disposal unit, vermin removal, snake catcher etc. Couldn't wish for a more loyal companion. Marvellous dogs.
  10. Why am I not surprised to see you calling for more big state interference in people's lives? Anything else you want to ban?
  11. They already have to be muzzled in public. Do try to keep up.
  12. She hasn't got a clue about any of it. It's a soundbite to try and placate the people who are already regretting their decision to vote Labour into power. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/08/10/starmer-popularity-slumps-after-criticism-of-riots-respon/ She's good at holding up placards saying #refugeeswelcome. Governing? Not so much.
  13. The wealthier immigrants will compete for private housing, sending prices up. The poorer ones will get social housing, reducing the number of private properties available available for sale, sending prices (and taxes) up. No matter how you try to twist it, more people = more demand = higher prices. Good for landlords like me. Not so great for young British people trying to get on in life. Still, they voted for it.
  14. That's what happens when you have more people entering the country than houses being built.
  15. Yes, back to those pesky facts. But I wasn't epxecting you to like it. As the legendary Thomas Sowell once said, people will forgive you for being wrong but they will never forgive you for being right.
  16. It is undoubtedly harder for young people to buy a house now. Not much under 350k now in the area I have property in the UK, even for starter homes. However, if young British people wish to vote for Labour and have open borders and celebrate with "hilarious" dinghies full of inflatable "asylim seekers" in the crowd at Glastonbury festival then they are going to have to learn the basics of supply and demand. More people = more demand = higher prices. Or in the case of the NHS more people = more demand = longer waiting times. When these turkeys vote for Christmas my sympathy is limited.
  17. Extending breed specific legislation is a fools errand. People will just cross breed other dogs to essentially make the same characteristics. PitBulls are banned in the UK so now we have the XL bully. They might ban XL bully's soon, then people willl start crossing Mastiffs with something else like a Ridgeback to produce a similarly capable dog. The answer is not to ban particular breeds but to ensure dogs are trained and kept by responsible, experienced owners. Apparently this dog had recently changed owners and the new owner (the man killed) was separating it from a fight with another dog using a stick. That's not to necessarily blame the owner, but it sounds like he didn't raise the dog himself and therefore did not have trust, obedience and loyalty from it. Also, I would wonder why a dog like this was put in a situation where it could fight another dog and then be struck with a stick during the fight. Doesn't sound like a great idea. Anyway, it seems the media has a new public enemy number 1 in the dog world. Step back PitBull, now we have the XL Bully. That's what they need to sell their product (fear, indignance etc.).
  18. I assume you mean Never attend "congregation"? Come on Chomps, get with the program, the word church is so 2023, show your progressive credentials and support this changing of the language. Gotta keep people on their toes.
  19. "will be" recruited. "are being" created. I suspect it is not the Telegraph that is lying.
  20. If I believed her I would back her. I strongly suspect this is simply an attempt to placate the vast number of people in the UK who are absolutely fed up with the current situation. An attempt to reverse the tanking popularity of Starmer and his government. His Stalin impersonation has failed so now we have the empty words from Cooper. Lip service. She will do nothing.
  21. Harris can't avoid interviews forever. IMO she should do them now, at least that would give some time for the memories to fade before the election.
  22. The Church of England shifting away from using the word Church. Sounds like a winning strategy. 😃 I'd imagine they'll stop using the word "England" soon as well? Surely that's Wacist. They could rename themselves "The Congregation just south of Scotland". Would that be OK? Or does the word "South" also have negative connotations regarding the slave trade? So many words, so many objections. What a time to be alive. 😄
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