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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Yes, best to rely on other people's interpretations rather than look at what he actually posted. If you look at what he actually posted, you'd realize you are supporting an abuse of human rights. That might be a bit uncomfortable for you. That might expose your hypocrisy. That might highlight your agenda, your double standards.
  2. Course they won't... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/boy-2-mauled-death-familys-29906576
  3. But you are not Justin Trudeau. He aspires to wield the type of power that Xi wields. He also shares many of the communist/socilaist ideals.
  4. Maybe you should check what he actually posted on FaceBook. The actual 3 lines of text. If you think that warrants 3 years in jail, you are either deeply authoritarian in nature, or lying.
  5. You google it. You were the one implying they did nothing wrong based on a cute photo.
  6. All you did was point out he pleaded guilty. Which as I provided multiple examples to show, often happens when people are not actually guilty. We do not have a video of that interrogation, but we do have videos of police being abused at the Notting Hill carnival and doing absolutely nothing. We do have videos of police cracking heads at patriots marches. We do have videos of police singing "from the river to the sea". We do have videos of police telling Muslims to drop weapons off at the mosque. 2 Tier Britain. 2 Tier Keir. It's there for all (who wish) to see.
  7. You seem to be implying that due to the way this couple look, they (and their children) were experts on handling dogs responsibly. What makes you reach such a conclusion? Hairstyle? Glasses? Skin colour? Nice Smile? I think we need to know more about the history of the case than just concluding based on a cute picture of what appears to be a hipster couple. I've been in nice restaurants where couples looking like this are letting their kids run around unsupervised, knocking peoples drinks over, screaming, standing on tables etc and the parents just laugh, completely oblivious to the fact they are ruining everyone elses dining experience. Perhaps they allowed their children to show the dogs a similar lack of respect? I think we need more than just a photo to draw conclusions in this case.
  8. Just confirms what I thought, you must hate Thailand with it's relaxed attitude to law enforcement, rampant nationalism, right wing governments and 2 tiered treatment of foreigners. Given that you think all Thais "get up at sparrow's fart to offer alms and volunteer regularly at the local Wat" you clearly don't know much about it either. Maybe best you extend those visits in the police state that the UK has become, you'll be much happier in such a totalitarian, PC environment.
  9. More gaslighting Chomps. We've all seen the videos (except you - who refuses to watch them).
  10. A link to a Channel 4 documentary with zero evidence to back it up. πŸ˜ƒ Seems you are not the only one with a vivid imagination.
  11. Depends what Demographic you come from. And what your political affiliation is. Britain has a 2 tier justice system. 2 tier policing. White guy posts anti immigration views on FaceBook from his living room - 3 years jail rushed through the courts in a week. Muslims carry lethal weapons in London - police advise them to drop them off at the mosque. Pro England rally - police crack heads. Multiple arrests. Pro Palestine rally - police join in with "from the river to the sea" chant. Imagine if the scenes at the Notting Hill carnival happened at a Patriots march by white guys in England shirts and Union flags. Tommy Robinson twerking a police officer, openly taking drugs etc. He'd have been arrested immediately. It would have been policed totally differently. 2 Tier Britain. Then Yvette Cooper wonders why nobody respects them πŸ˜ƒ. Disclaimer ; I do not like Tommy Robinson, it was just an example - so you'll need a better strawman.
  12. Putin should be very careful. If he puts any of that on FaceBook Starmer will have him locked up on a 3 stretch before his feet touch the ground.
  13. If they really believed EV's were good for the environment these leftist governments would allow these cheap imports in. Everyone gets cheap transport and the planet is saved. What's not to like? This simply proves that big business interests are more important than pretending to care about saving the planet.
  14. They have a lot in common. Both are extreme leftists whose strategy to get elected is/was saying as little as possible about their beliefs and policies. Instead of saying what THEY believe, just trash the other side. I hope the American people do not make the same mistake the British did. At least you guys have the first amendment in the event Harris wins, the Brits have no such luxury under Stalin, sorry I mean Starmer.
  15. Must be awful for you living in Thailand with your hatred of nationalism and your need for high personal responsibility, political correctness and strict law enforcement. Makes me wonder what exactly attracts you to the country. Except for the obvious πŸ˜„.
  16. Once again, Australia repeating all of the UK's mistakes. This bloke needs to give his head a shake and get out of women's spaces.
  17. The sort of thing an 8 year old would say before stomping off with a smug face πŸ˜„.
  18. Nice deflection. I repeat, what does each group (legal and illegal) do?
  19. What each group does? What does each group "Do"? Do they all have a set list that they adhere to, depending on whether they are legal or illegal? Please share...
  20. Because if we are lucky, they will end up doing legal skilled jobs. As opposed to illegal unskilled jobs like mugger, dealer etc. By gangs. They don't swim over with a compass in one hand and a peanut butter sandwich in the other. It was clearly a sarcastic post. "They lost their medical certificates along with their passports". You thought I was being serious? πŸ˜ƒ
  21. I understand the difference. I can even read the title of the thread, something that seems beyond you.
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