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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Harris supported the Defund the Police campaign in 2020. She's a left wing radical. That's why they won't let her do proper interviews.
  2. I'd say that's nonsense. Especially in Thailand. In my experience the only foreign males I've met in Thailand that didn't have a gf or a wife were gay. Some people just don't want steak mignon for every meal. Up to them.
  3. You do realize that most P4P in Thailand is between Thais? White guilt is a terrible affliction.
  4. If you count reading from teleprompters, dancing and cackling as "Campaigning". Let's see if she does any meaningful interviews or debates, or whether she'll suddenly come down with Covid like Biden did when the heat got turned up.
  5. Senior figures within the Democrats campaign team. If you don't know their names, feel free to google them.
  6. Good for him. I bet he wasn't getting an exhilarating yet also cleansing experience on a lilo within 5 minutes of meeting them though. Horses for courses. Sometimes you have time for a 3 course meal in a fine restaurant and sometimes you just want to grab a cheeky McDonalds on the way back from the pub. Just because you enjoy one, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the other.
  7. Harris is going to have to come out of hiding at some point and make her position clear. Being a radical leftist I'd imagine she is hugely Pro Palestine, but she might want to remember that starting a war and then subsequently getting your derriere handed to you does not make Palestine a victim.
  8. Totally agree. Charles is too soft and enables Harry's spoiled, entitled behaviour. William on the other hand will never forgive Harry for what he has done and said about him and his family, especially Catherine. Once William becomes King, Harry's cord will be cut. Markle will probably have moved on to an ageing Dem Tech billionaire by then so he'll be out in the cold. Complete self destruction. But like Ice T said, "you played yourself".
  9. It's very dangerous to start classifying things like misogyny as extremism. It devalues the meaning, and raises the risk real extremism being taken too lightly. Also, if people do not like women, or men, or anything else for that matter that is their right. What next? You're an extremist if you don't like cats? People can like or dislike whatever they want. It's not up to the government to mandate what members of the public likes or dislikes. Also interesting that misogyny is extremism but not misandry. Yvette Cooper showing her "unconscious bias" maybe? This Labour government is going from bad to worse. Like a child that has never had a toy and then gets the keys to "Toys R Us" and gets over excited and runs amok.
  10. Thailand's government has lots of plans. Many never materialize. Even if they do, until then most people are charging their EV's from non renewable sources which kind of defeats the purpose. EV's are a flawed technology. A stop gap. Like Betamax tapes.
  11. After the massive failures of Harris, the military might be the only solution.
  12. I wouldn't describe them as full communist. I think "mostly communist" would be more accurate. She is certainly about as far to the left as any Western leader would be. That's why they are keeping her locked in the basement until election day. It's dangerous to let her talk, the truth might come out.
  13. This dicussion is about EV's in general. Not your specific cars which may or may not contain cobalt (many lithium batteries do). You may charge your cars with solar, but most people do not. Many people charge them with electrictity from coal powered stations. Many people own EV's that contain cobalt. It's a bit like saying there is no soi dog problem in Thailand because you keep your dog inside the house. Besides, lithium mining has it's own environmental issues.
  14. "Far right" appears to be the new "Racist/Fascist". A throwaway comment used to silence people with whom the left disagree. So overused as to become meaningless.😃
  15. Maybe not for you, sat in your ivory tower. It's not so pleasant for the children mining it though. https://www.amnesty.nl/actueel/exposed-child-labour-behind-smart-phone-and-electric-car-batteries
  16. I don't blame him. Hopefully he will be stripped of his titles as well. Harry could find himself in a tight spot once Markle moves onto her next victim and he's spent his 30 pieces of silver. He'll be back with his ginger tail between his legs.
  17. I'm talking about the entire process from start to finish. Mainly the mining of precious materials such as Lithium/Cobalt, often in very dangerous conditions in poor countries using child labour. Let's also wait and see what happens to all the old EV's in 10 years time, and how they are disposed of, particularly in developing countries where cost/convenience often supersedes environmental concerns.
  18. Yes, some idiots on the internet speculated about the identity of the attacker in the absence of accurate information from the authorities. There is a history of information not being released when it relates to minorities or immigrants (or both). This has led to many people assuming that when the identity/description of the perp is not released then the perp must be a minority or an immigrant. Another side effect of two tier Britain in full effect. I hope they learn from this in future and treat everyone equally. Very unlikley under Labour.
  19. I've read them. Basically a load of name calling followed by a reluctant acceptance that the current levels of immigration does indeed cause problems for the UK.
  20. Of course the rioting was wrong. As was the 2 tiered response by the government and the courts to it. But there are very real concerns about the negative impacts that the current levels of immigration to the UK are causing. People should be able to discuss that openly and sensibly without being labelled racist, far right etc. Unfortunately, those in support of the current levels have no real argument, so they resort to name calling.
  21. I wonder if the 9,600 Baht option includes any level of participation by attendees? That would certainly be of interest to the type of awful deginerates that attend such events. I might go along to check this isn't happening.
  22. No they didn't. Originally they simply stated he was a teenager from Cardiff. They later released the information about his heritage.
  23. It's possible to correct people without the use of violence. Why would you assume that because he is black he is prone to violence?
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