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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Great news. Now maybe the secret service can return to hiring the most suitable people for the job instead of pandering to some flawed DEI agenda. Let's hope such incredible levels of incompetency are never seen again.
  2. OK I will answer for you since you seem unable or unwilling... She is mixed race. A DNA test would confirm this. She can identify as a Squirrel for all I care. The facts remain. I wasn't aware having Tamil ancestry was something to be ashamed of. Or maybe it's just a cynical approach to garner more of the black vote?
  3. Trump has plenty of policies. You might not like them but that does not mean they do not exist. Yes, voting for a candidate based on their race is by definition, racist. If a white man came on here and said they were voting for Trump ahead of Harris because Trump is white and Harris is not, every Liberal on here would be screaming Racist at them. Can't have it both ways.
  4. Obama is mixed race. Those are the facts. If you wish to call him black, that's your perogative but I am dealing with the facts.
  5. Let's keep it simple. Is she black or mixed race? If you consider her black, I assume you are applying the one drop rule.
  6. Beauty? What is beautiful about people being stupid enough to vote based on the race of the candidate as opposed to their character and policies. That would be like me voting for Starmer instead of Sunak because Starmer is white. Sounds a little racist to me.
  7. She is not black, she is mixed race. Her father is Irish Jamaican/Afro Jamaican and her mother is Tamil. It doesn't get much more mixed race than that. The reason she is constantly referred to as "black" by the Dems is to get the "black vote". Her Asian heritage is ignored. Very disrespectful to Tamil people IMO. As someone in a mixed race relationship with an Asian woman I find this anti Asian racism from the Dems disgusting.
  8. 1. The clue is in the name. Guard. Just as police still use horses, so do security in this case. Horses can be very effective in crowd control. 2. Tourists love it. 3. It adds to the overall aesthetic of the Palace. Horses are beautiful creatures. 4. It provides great amusement when disrespectful visitors get too close and get the horse equivalent of a smack in the chops.
  9. Pointing out the truth? I know you hate that Chomps. Maybe you can point out another reason why she is always referred to by the Democrats as a Black woman as opposed to a Tamil woman? Maybe the Dems just hate Tamils? Or maybe, just maybe, it's a cynical strategy to ignore the Tamil side of her heritage in order to get more black votes? Imagine that...
  10. Great idea. Let's do away with tradition, culture and national pride and put them all in Chinese electric cars. That would be awesome. 😃
  11. Maybe you could start a thread on the Conservative party allowing AI Paedophile manuals online? Because this one is about the Labour party.
  12. She has certainly focused on that side of her family now that it is politically advantageous to do so. I guess the black vote is more powerful than the Tamil vote...
  13. I would agree. He needs to pardon his gun toting crackhead son first.
  14. That members of the Labour party hang out with and party with Paedos.
  15. Well they still party with them. https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/splash-labour-mayor-partied-paedophile-councillor-after-learning-his-arrest-photos-reveal
  16. I don't doubt it all. Look at Labour in the 70's. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/mar/02/how-paedophiles-infiltrated-the-left-harriet-harman-patricia-hewitt And they still won't apologize to this day. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2567054/But-wont-say-sorry-Labours-Harman-Dromey-finally-break-silence-links-paedophile-group.html
  17. I asked for a link because I was genuinely interested if that was factual or not. As it turned out, it wasn't.
  18. You asked which words sprung to mind about the Bidens. Not which crimes. If you want the crimes of the Biden Crime Family, refer to my previous links.
  19. OK, so we have a rumour about a coversation where 25 (or 14 if you prefer) say Trump didn't say it and 1 person who says he did. Like I said, no more legit than overhearing Issan housewives gossiping over the garden fence. Desperate stuff.
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