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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Well given that she's now a free woman (or whatever she identifies as) making money out of selling her story of her rank stupidity and criminal behaviour, she seems to have come out of it smelling of roses. Of course, an infamous arms dealer nicknamed the merchant of death is now free as a result of her stupidity and criminal behaviour, but that won't bother Brittney. She won't give it a second thought.
  2. Turkey doesn't like to be pushed around and hogtied by EU red tape and regulations (protectionism), while paying for the privilige. So it's not really a good fit for the EU.
  3. There were no reports of extreme leftists with rifles on any nearby roofs, so unlikely.
  4. Hungary was always going to cause problems for the EU. But like any failing club, they'll accept anyone as a member.
  5. Don't we all? 😃 I know hard working Thais and lazy Thais. Same as I know hard working farangs and lazy farangs.
  6. Choices for Thai workers will become fewer and far less attractive if the Chinese move in and drive Japanese and European manufacturers out. The Chinese are not known for their human rights record and employee welfare.
  7. Oh, playing the "gay card" again. If her homosexuality had any influence on this case it was to her benefit. A left wing Woke US administration made an extra special effort to get her released because they saw the opportunity to for a huge virtue signal due to her being a black LGBT woman.
  8. Why should I "STFU"? I am saying that Thailand is perfectly entitled to enforce it's laws on foreigners committing drug crimes in Thailand. As is Russia on foreigners committing drug crimes in Russia. Hardly a controversial stance. Maybe you misunderstood again?
  9. I assume you have never worked in a Thai factory under Chinese ownership. Japanese companies tend to have much higher ethics in terms of how they treat their workforce.
  10. No I am not. She deserves the same treatment as every other American imprisoned for their drug crimes abroad. They serve their sentence. Yes she was treated differently. She was treated far better than others in the same position. How many other American prisoners get exchanged for international arms dealers? It was absolutely ridiculous to make such an exchange. Only a weak administration would do such a thing. The USA got their pants pulled down in front of the world, and not for the first time under this administration. Humiliating. Would you be taking the same stance if it was the son of Donald Trump or Elon Musk getting this special treatment?
  11. If you break the laws of a foreign land, you should do the punishment of that land. Interesting that she now stands for the anthem now that America bailed her out by releasing the merchant of death. Amazing how her attitude changed. 😄 Do the crime, do the time. Just because I would get a slap on the wrist for possessing class A drugs in my home country, I wouldn't expect the same leniency in Thailand. I certainly wouldn't expect an arms dealer to be released in exchange for my freedom and then cash in by writing a "poor me" book about it. Should have left her there to complete her sentence for the crime she committed.
  12. Flood the market with cheap products to eliminate the opposition. Once the opposition is gone and you have a monopoly, you can raise prices. Snap up those cheap EV's while you can (if you can stand to own one). Once the Japanese manufacturers have gone, they won't be so cheap. Thailand is well on it's way to becoming another manufacturing zone of China.
  13. Ah, Griner, the woman who boycotted the national anthem but then got the US government to bail her out of her criminal activity in exchange for the arms trader and "merchant of death" Viktor Bout. That Brittney Griner? Should have left her to serve her jail sentence.
  14. Harris has also criticized Biden. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/27/harris-attacks-bidens-record-on-busing-and-working-with-segregationists.html But of course she is "loyal" now that Biden gave her the VP job. For now, anyway.
  15. A good choice. Streets ahead of the cackling hyena Harris. Not until Biden demands they are put in the bullseye again.
  16. I realize recent events must be extremely difficult for you to accept. Your hero is going to lose power and Trump will be the next POTUS (unless the leftist extremists manage to get him in the bullseye and eliminate him as the Democrat politicians have demanded).
  17. You only claim you don't watch them when you don't like the content 😃. It's hard to gaslight when the facts are staring you in the face, After Biden demands they be put in the bullseye? Time for the Democrats to tone down the rhetoric, and stop trying to eliminate the opposition via the courts or the barrel of a rifle. There is only one threat to Democracy in this election, the so called "Democrats" and their gaslighting, vitriolic, hyperbolic supporters.
  18. It's video footage of a Democrat demanding Trump be eliminated. How is that a ridiculous claim? It's literally been filmed and made available in the public domain for everyone to see. 😃 Your gaslighting knows no bounds. Unfortunately for you, everyone can see through it.
  19. Attacking the source so you don't have to address the content.😄 It's a video of a Democrat demanding Trump be "eliminated". The poster of the video is irrelevant, but I guess it's all you've got at this point. Now, let's try again and address why Democrats are calling from Trump to be eliminated shortly before an assassination attempt. No deflecting or gaslighting this time, OK? Go on, you can do it...
  20. I don't think anyone was declaring Southgate a genius going into the final. Far from it. We rode our luck in a very weak side of the draw playing turgid football despite having the best squad in the tournament. Spain outclassed us with a decent side, but even they are far from the side they had 15 years ago. Southgate is a failed club manager who politicked his way to a cushy job with the FA based on being a polite "yes man". Any top 10 Premier league manager (except maybe Ten Hag) would have won the tournament with that squad. Time for Southgate to go.
  21. Not quite the same as calling for someone to be "put in the bullseye" days before an assassination attempt. Irrelevant. I can post on whatever thread I choose.
  22. So it's a metaphor when Biden does it. No doubt you'd be equally dismissive if your buddy Donald said it... 😃
  23. Yes, that would require you admitting that Democrats have been calling for Trump to be eliminated as my video clearly shows. Best you pretend to have your fingers in your ears. You can keep gaslighting that way. 😄
  24. Is this out of context as well? It's at 2:25 so you won't have to lose any precious posting time watching it.
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