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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Roughly translated as "It's OK when my side does it". 😃
  2. He really needs to stop doing interviews. Every time he tries, he just makes things worse. His latest interview made really uncomfortable viewing.
  3. Thanks for the best wishes Chomps. I've already accepted the result 100% even though I believe it will harm the country. I won't be calling for a second vote, or start talking about Unicorns, nobody voted to be poorer, they didn't know what they were voting for etc. Salty bitter Remainers including you might wish to take note how to respect Democracy and the will of the people even when you disagree with the result. It comes with maturity (mental, not physical). Best wishes on that journey.
  4. I wasn't aware that the time a party was in existence was a factor in gaining seats. I thought it was all about votes. Thanks for clearing that up.
  5. Really happy for Farage. A great example of how hard work and persistence finally pays off. He finally got to be an MP. Eighth attempt? After 4 years of Labour woke inept nonsense he might even be PM when all the Tories defect and the public realize their grave mistake. What a story that would be. A welcome addition to the house. Finally some diversity of opinion. Some truth. Some balls. Some common sense. Several million votes. Nice one Nige.
  6. Stands to reason that the more ridiculous the result of FPTP, the more vocal I am. This is absolutely nuts. 4 seats vs 71 when you got 500,000 more votes. Ludicrous 😃
  7. Thanks Chomps, means a lot. The Tories failed. That's why Labour won. Unfortunately, Labour will escalate the issues with their misguided policies. I am just grateful to be in Thailand and away from the mess that is incoming. I don't think they'll last long but they probably won't need long to wreak havoc either.
  8. I'm saying that if Brexit was a failure we would be lagging behind similar sized economies that remained in the EU. We are not. So your doomsday predictions re. Project Fear were either outright lies or the predictions of someone who knew very little.
  9. I just said I accept the will of the people. I believe it is a massive mistake but the people get the government they deserve so they will have to accept the government taking more tax, a weaker economy, more immigration etc. Fortunately I am here in Thailand on an LTR visa paying a flat 17% so I am largely unaffected by Labour's upcoming money grab on those who work hard. I'm not crying for another election like you salty Remainers did. See how that works?
  10. Funny, I just mentioned salty Remainers and then along you come 😃. If Brexit was a failure we wouldn't be out performing France and Germany.
  11. Hardly, Labour won't reverse Brexit and I'm off to Sukhumvit in an hour or so for some cold beers.
  12. Of course not. I am fortunate enough to have left the UK and respect the will of the people. If I was a sore loser it be saying things like "no-one voted to be poorer" or crying for a "people's vote" like a salty Remainer. The people who remain in the UK will be the ones who suffer, not people like me living it up in Thailand.
  13. Well they are clearly not doing enough background checks as this case proves. But hey, it makes liberals feel good about themselves and that's the main thing...
  14. Yeah looks like being the second lowest turnout since 1885. All Labour had to do was keep their candidates mouths shut. The next 4 years are going to be brutal.
  15. Yeah it's ridiculous 3.9 million votes = 4 seats. 3.2 million votes = 66 seats. 😄
  16. Getting your excuses in early I see. Before they event take office in fact. What a surprise.
  17. No point reading about Labour's pledges. They never honour them. Expect a raid on the money of hard working successful people to pay for the workshy and the immigrants. Primarily through inheritance tax and capital gains tax.
  18. Labour supporters will blame it all on the Tories. That's what they always do.
  19. He probably couldn't hear it over the crackly radio at 150 decibels (warning ; asking them to turn it down can be hazardous to your health).
  20. Thanks for your best wishes, we'll certainly be needing it now that the lunatics are running the asylum 😃.
  21. Zekensky must have watched the Trump/Biden debate.
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