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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. He's right. The cocktail was clearly off. Expect adjustments. My advice would be more adderall.
  2. Hope you're not in Scotland. Humza's gonna get you.😄
  3. It's funny to watch lefty feminists now supporting the subjugation of women by men as long as said men put on their lippy and a frock. I'm with JK Rowling on this one. Transvestites need to stay away from women.
  4. You know they are getting worried when you hear racist, far right, islamaphobic etc. It's all they have. Desperate stuff. Channel 4 are a disgrace.
  5. I really hope he does another one. It's comedy gold. "We finally defeated Medicare" 😄
  6. What happened to freedom of speech? We don't lock up jehovahs witnesses for talking factually incorrect nonsense about the creation of earth. Or the trans activists who claim men can have periods. Once we outlaw wrongspeak, wrongthought will be next. Don't give an inch.
  7. Yet people can teach others trans ideology, Islam, Christianity and critical race theory.
  8. Best to judge people by their actions not their words. Especially leftists.
  9. And he's got the nerve to call Trump a liar 😃. The fact that CNN are finally calling him out suggests the Democrats have realized he's a lame duck. Problem is, it's too late. They're toast.
  10. Based on his inept performance, I'd have to agree. "We finally defeated Medicare" 😃 He's getting worse by the day. A total embarrassment. The Democrats are up the creek without a paddle.
  11. I'd be amazed if he wasn't on something like adderall for public appearances and debates. If he isn't, he probably should be based on this performance.
  12. I think this is the crux of it. There are many people behind the scenes quite happy with Joe's mental state because it allows them to run the country by proxy. Just wheel Joe out for a public appearance now and then, hope he doesn't fall over or say something stupid and get back to running the show themselves. And they call themselves "The Democrats". 😃
  13. While I disagree with her beliefs/opinions, surely she is allowed to have them. What next? Locking up people who deny the moon landings happened? Locking up men who put on a dress and deny they are a man? Locking up people who deny the existence of earth prior to 4000 BC when god created it? The mad old woman can believe whatever she wants to believe.
  14. This isn't a "one-off". It's the latest in a long series of embarrassing events that show his rapid deterioration. There will be many more, probably worse than this inept showing. It's bordering on elder abuse at this point. But as the Dems have shown, they will stop at nothing to try to retain power. So if they need to keep trotting Joe out, that's what they will do. Strap in, this could be a difficult watch.
  15. But how can you replace a guy who "finally beat Medicare"? 😃 At least CNN had the compassion to cut him off at that point. "Thankyou President". 😄
  16. It's become very clear why the Dems feel they need to remove their political rival via the legal system.
  17. In fairness to Biden, he managed to stay awake for the duration.
  18. Biden mumbling like someone losing a game of Dominos at the old people's home.
  19. Seeing as you don't watch the video links, you should really stop responding to subsequent comments about them. The judgement in the video (to give a council house to an illegal immigrant) was from the European court. You would know that if you watched the video.
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