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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Last night's game against Germany was a great example of how Scotland fares out in the big bad world without the rest of the UK propping it up. Best you stick with us.
  2. Destroying the myth that the young are all lefty liberals. Great to see young people seeing through the lies of Wokeism. This could signal the end of an unpleasant era of gaslighting and hypocrisy.
  3. Nice one Nige. About the only politician in Britain who can read the room. The left are bricking it.
  4. What has the head of the Biden crime family got to hide? Quite a lot apparently.
  5. Awful woman. Great to see her lack of morality exposed for the world to see. She's like the village bike. Should know better at her age. DEI is the gift that keeps on giving.
  6. Of course we do. But I rarely hear of friends/colleagues killing each other over a perceived insult during a drinking session in the UK. At worst, hands would be thrown and someone might get a black eye or lose a tooth, but very rare you'd get one lad killing a drinking buddy with a knife to the head and injuring the other three. I'm sure you can see the difference if you take off that Thai apologist/Brit hating hat for a moment.
  7. Great questions in the OP. I've often wondered about this as well. In some cases, it's as simple as abandoning their principles at the door because Thailand is so cheap to live in (often due to the human rights abuses they claim to deplore). In other cases, they can justify living in Thailand with all it's human rights abuses etc. due to their own feelings of superiority about the West. Essentially, they tolerate the type of things that happen in Thailand because they believe "they know not what they do". They believe the West is superior and therefore we should know better, but they cut the Thais some slack because they are 'less developed' or 'less sophisticated' than Westerners. It is essentially racist and smacks of having a supremacist attitude. But hey, when did Liberals let hypocrisy get in the way of a large slice of virtue signalling?
  8. This is why I don't get involved in drinking sessions with Thais. The type of banter that typically took place between me and drinking buddies back in the UK could quite easily lead to this type of incident in Thailand. I once made the mistake of winning a few games of pool in a row against a drunk off duty cop in a Chiang Mai bar. Fortunately a local advised me it might be a good idea to stop playing as he was getting increasingly beligerent. Since he still had his gun with him, it decided it was good advice.
  9. Is Joe so confident of winning that his team are sending cardboard cutouts of him to events now?
  10. Great job Stephen. Could someone send Sadiq Khan to Manchester for some training please.
  11. Judging by the recent hate crime bill and the fallout, yes more inept. Judging by Sturgeon's refusal to answer questions about the missing funds/campervan fiasco, yes more corrupt. Brilliant! Great to see you still have a sense of humour despite the collapse of Scottish Independence hopes. Thanks for the laughs 😃
  12. The SNP is totally inept and corrupt. Their only strategy is to blame the English, oh sorry, I mean "Westminster".
  13. They are claiming the museum has links to Israel. That is enough to attack in their simple minds. You are almost as bad as our relentless resident troll who claims all of this is an invention of the the "far right" to stoke the flames of a "mythical culture" war. It's antisemitism pure and simple. Stop trying to gaslight. It's not working. You're on the wrong side.
  14. Why? Are Labour going to make criticism of the state funded broadcaster leftist propaganda machine the BBC a hate crime? Wouldn't surprise me actually.
  15. "Boss of the Biden crime family, Joe Biden" also has a nice ring to it.
  16. The thread is about antisemitism. It's perfectly logical that known antisemites like Abbott would be discussed in such a thread. It's also logical that you'd prefer she wasn't.
  17. He's a presenter not a commentator. Except when he dismisses the October 7 attacks as "that Hamas thing". Therein lies the problem. Goal hanger.
  18. My feed shows both sides of the divide, that's how I see the left rejoicing in Trump's "conviction" as well as the neutrals and the right pointing out the political nature of it. I also see the likes of you on this forum putting "convicted felon" in front of Trump's name in every post, which falls into the "left rejoicing" category.
  19. No I didn't. You made that up. Take a look at social media, people are pretty disgusted by this. Of course, Biden supporters think it's great, and try to discredit people who point it out. As you did. 😄
  20. From what I'm hearing, nobody is too bothered about Trump's bookkeeping errors or Joe's crackhead, gun toting son. The thing that is shocking most Americans appears to be the Democrats willingness to remove their political rivals via lawfare. And their supporters glee at the process.
  21. Yeah my guess is the poor little rich boy will get rehab and a suspended sentence. Maybe some community service at the most. I doubt the Dems would have agreed to the guilty verdict without such an agreement in place.
  22. Childish. Still, at least you're not throwing rocks at him during his campaign like some of the other violent, anti-democratic #bekind leftists. Milkshake last week, cement this week. Maybe they will listen to lefty comedian Jo Brand and use acid next time? Leftists - "They are exactly what they accuse you of being".
  23. Oh really? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13505151/biden-family-drugs-business-deals-crimes.html
  24. Good point. They might stay with the Tories given the strong economy so soon after leaving. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-26/uk-economy-forecast-to-narrow-gdp-gap-with-germany-by-2038
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