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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Says a lot about the state of our politicians that Blair's statement is big news. I'd rather have heard "Yes I lied about WMD and took us into an illegal war where thousands died" from Blair though. Maybe next week.
  2. Ignorance of a country's success does not mean that success did not happen. But I'm always happy to inform and educate about the Lionesses remarkable achievement. Maybe, if you stick with the UK then Scotland could achieve something similar in the future? We would be happy to help with sport just as we help with so many other things.
  3. Just as you attribute blame to the conservatives (who were not in government) for voting with Labour on the war in Iraq based on Blair's lies about WMD? During Covid, Labour would have had harder, longer lockdowns and thrown even more cash at people than the conservatives did.
  4. We've consistently seen the reluctance of the police to clamp down on the law breaking of minorities. They are terrified of being labeled racist. That's how the Asian grooming gangs in Rotheram got away with it for so long, and why people are currently allowed to call for Jihad on the streets of London. The police would have turned a blind eye to many offenses at the carnival for the sake of community relations or simply cowardice. Same as the largely 'ethnic' St Paul's carnival in Bristol which I've attended many times, people walking down the road smoking weed right past the police and they ignore it. Try the same thing at the Ashton Court festival in Bristol (bunch of white kids) and you'll get arrested. Different demographic, different policing sadly. Well if the festival itself is a result of immigration (your words not mine) then it's logical to assume that the violence committed there, largely by first or second generation immigrants is also related to immigration. To deny such a link is nothing more than gaslighting.
  5. Ah yes, the cultural enrichment of the Notting Hill carnival has been marvellous.
  6. Exactly. We always see these stories about the "far right rising" when the electorate reject the failing policies of the "liberal progressives". Especially if they raise legitimate concerns about the negative consequences of importing thousands upon thousands of immigrants to provide cheap labour for multinationals. They don't have a satisfactory response to their concerns so they resort to name calling in order to demonize the opposition. It's a scare tactic. A diversion. Quite frankly, it's beyond boring at this point.
  7. Imagine The Hulk and The Trump as a tag team. Unstoppable.
  8. England have the players but unfortunately Southgate is a bottler more concerned with politicking than gelling them into a cohesive unit. France have a good side but a lot of egos/cliques and may self destruct. Mbappe's broken nose won't help matters. My money is on Germany.
  9. Predictable result. Makes me wonder why there are so many Scottish "experts" commentating on the game when they clearly know so little about it.
  10. So is supporting Terrorism. Just don't expect Khan's Met police to do anything about either.
  11. Not bad advice for Biden. I'm not sure his aides are that cool but he's certainly going to need to a lot of them in the coming months given his rapidly declining mental congnition.
  12. As long as the inept Sadiq Khan is ultimately in charge of the Met police expect London to descend into increasing lawlessness. Guns, knife crime, calls for Jihad. Khan's London has it all.
  13. You are gaslighting. It wasn't even close. 😄
  14. Of course you were 😄 Just like your May general election prediction? Indeed. A day late and a dollar short. At least you're consistent.
  15. Hopefully. Permanently this time. He brings nothing but trouble.
  16. I'm with Mr Freeman on this one. He's spoken about it before. It's very divisive. Reminds me of Mr Murray's comments on Pride month. Also very valid comments from someone who clearly understands what it means to be gay. Of course this will annoy the left immensely. A black man not supporting Black History month? Get back into the box we have created for you. A gay man not supporting Pride? How dare he. Is he superficially gay? 😃
  17. Wow. I wonder if CNN will also dub some intelligent comments for Biden while he is muted. To make him sound semi literate. Because with CNN's bias this contest is essentially going to be like a boxing match where the referee ties one arm behind the back of one guy and then promptly joins the other in the attack. And Trump will still probably win.
  18. Totally inconclusive. A study by some nationalists in a University. The second word of the following paragraph is the important part. "IF". I notice how they say "will" have voted No instead of "would". Trying to give their little study a bit of credence. Essentially, "if they voted how we say they would have voted this could have been the result". Clutching at nationalistic straws. Anyway, demeaning/ignoring the vote of people not born in Scotland seems a bit exclusive to me. If they are eligible to vote, they can vote. Your argument reminds me of the Remainers saying most old people voted for Brexit and they'll be dead soon anyway so let's ignore their vote. Anyway, in the unlikely event that study is accurate, it would be lucky for you that voters who have knowledge of the world outside Scotland and do not have the "little Scotlander" insular nationalistic mentality would have saved you from self destruction. Fact is, eligible voters voted to stay in the union instead of choosing " Strong Independt Scotland" (as an insignificant vassal state taking orders from the EU).
  19. Football is not really Scotlands thing either. Although the celtic rangers rivalry provides a good excuse for sectarian thuggery. Seeing as you don't follow football you may have missed England's win last night after Scotland capitulated against Germany.
  20. No you didn't. That's why you're still in it.
  21. Meloni is a smart intelligent powerful and attractive woman. It's no surprise a certain type dislike her.
  22. Who cares how her name is pronounced? She's a lying cheating Dem DEI hire. A hired gun to get Trump who can't resist banging the help on the public purse while she's doing it. Awful woman. Belongs in jail. Her manners and attitude would fit in that environment.
  23. Don't worry the Scottish nationalists will find a way to blame it on the English, sorry I mean Waistminstaierrr.
  24. Her recent testimony showed her to be entitled, arrogant, aggressive, rude and dishonest. She's a DEI hire with the morals of a strung out street hustler. Karma is coming to Fanny. When? My guess not long after November.
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