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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Plus the bigwigs at the BBC agree with everything he says. I can just imagine being him disciplined. "Look Gary dear, of course you're absolutely right and we all know you're right, but we have to appear to be impartial. Now, back to your 30% pay increase...".
  2. Can't he just say he forgot like Biden did? Oh sorry I forgot, those on the right are not afforded such privilige.
  3. Yes, let's all bow to the terrorist supporting mob under the threat of violence. That sets a great precendent.
  4. I know how it is supposed to be administered. I also know how the grubby world of politics can get involved, even if you try to gaslight everyone that the American justice legal system is purer than the driven snow.
  5. I agree on a lot of that. The Tories have sold out Conservative voters with their consistently weak action on immigration, and this may turn out to be an existential threat given the scale of the problem. In my opinion, Farage will force the Tories back to the right (just like his Brexit party forced their hand on Brexit) but it will be insufficient. As for July 4, I am not so sure it will be a bloodbath. I expect Labour to win, but I think many red wall voters that "lent" their vote to Boris in the last election might lend it to Farage this time around given that Labour and the Tories are, as Galloway put it, two cheeks of the same a**e and equally unappealing. I think it will be closer than many predict, especially as Labour still have a month to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as is their perchant. That's plenty of time for one of their more loony candidates to say something ground breakingly stupid and reveal the extreme left underbelly that while reduced, still lurks, and that Starmer has tried so hard to hide.
  6. I doubt it would help. His propensity to lie and make poor decisions appears to be inherited, genetic. Nature or Nurture? I'd lean towards nature on this one, but clearly Joe's parenting skills are severely lacking to raise a child so devoid of morality.
  7. The Biden crime family continuing to disgrace the reputation of America.
  8. Lineker should have been removed a long time ago. He also referred to the October 7 attacks as "that Hamas thing" in an attempt to downplay what started the recent round of conflict. Of course, he is perfectly aligned with the BBC's left wing bias so he is allowed to continue earning millions every year from money extorted from the British public under threat of court proceedings, bailiffs breaking into your home etc. A true #bekind socialist if ever there was one. 😃
  9. Oh look, the mythical "far right" have risen again 😄. Funny how that happens every time the citizens reject incompetent leftists. Uncanny in fact.
  10. OK, that's the first 2 of my predictions proved right. 1. Hunter convicted 2. The left screaming this proves Trump's trial wasn't a stitch up. Only number 3 to go... 3. An unusually light sentence.
  11. The Tories only have themselves to blame. If they hadn't drifted aimlessly so far to the left they wouldn't have left a gaping hole for Farage to step into.
  12. The BBC will be along shortly to claim these were "mostly respectful" protests 😃. Or maybe the other chestnut, Anti-"Zionist". Maybe Dianne Abbott will educate us that 748,223 gingers in her school faced the same abuse? At least the protestors are being more honest now. It's clear for all to see what we are dealing with.
  13. They are proud of being gay. Proud of being sexually attracted to the same sex as them, or both sexes or however they define the LGBT alphabet. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to be proud of. It is an innate characteristic. Like having brown hair. Murray said it well, and he's gay by the way so likely not homophobic. No need to prance down the street singing and shouting about it IMO.
  14. Totally agree. And let's face it, "conspiracy theories" are just a lazy label that people use to discredit opinions that they happen to disagree with, facts that they are unaware of or even events that they do not wish to admit happened. There are plenty of "conspiracy theories" that later turn out to be true. In the very early days of mobile phones I informed a friend that people's movements could be tracked by the location of their "cell phone" in relation to nearby cell towers. He laughed hysterically and called me a conspiracy theorist.
  15. You may not have noticed that it's Pride month. Yes, a whole month. Pride in what you might ask? Having a good education? Raisng nice kids? Working with sick animals or the homeless? No, Pride in copulating with people of the same sex. I have no problem with gays. Work with many and consider quite a few of them friends. I just don't get why people are so proud of who they are sexually attracted to. Doesn't make much sense to me. It's like being proud of liking dairy products. Just get on with it. It's really not that amazing to the rest of us. Maybe that explains the need to prance around half naked shouting about it. Nobody would pay any attention otherwise 😆.
  16. I live in Bangkok and on Sunday I go to the pub to watch football/boxing, have a roast and a few pints of Guinness, could go to church if I wanted, so judging by the fact there are a few Western themed pubs and a church around Sukhumvit I guess we can conclude Thai culture hasn't infiltrated Bangkok yet either. Wonder when that will happen... Of course they have had left wing policies. The fact that the so called Conservatives have now adopted liberal policies on so many issues is why they are about to lose power and IMO cease to exist within 10 years. Unfortunately for the left, they will be replaced by a party further to the right of centre than the Conservatives were that will (again IMO) likely replace Labour once they've wrecked the economy again. As for EU states, they are bound by the EU's leftist policies on freedom of movement, over zealous regulation, internationalism, influenced by the likes of Macron.
  17. I couldn't care less. The only reason I notice it is because they prance down the street half naked shouting about it.
  18. How about pride in the gender of people you choose to copulate with? Seems odd to me.
  19. Not sure what that means, or who Bobby is, but judging by that post maybe it's time to put down the Brandy.
  20. Indeed. The really sophisticated parade their flags in support of bloated, corrupt technocracies.
  21. Who are these "far right" you speak of? Presumably anyone who isn't a blue haired, gender fluid, Hamas loving, EU worshipping, self loathing, pearl clutching antisemite? 😃
  22. He blows with the wind. He can see what everyone can see. The right is gaining ground across Europe after years of its citizens being sold out by the left. Hence, he is moving to the right. Quelle surprise. He's got about the same amount of principles, backbone and integrity as Starmer.
  23. Trump is the first ex President ever convicted of a felony. And for what? A book keeping error. That he is the frontrunner for the Presidency in November and that his trial took place in a kangaroo court does not improve the look. You've opened a can of worms that you're not going to enjoy.
  24. I wasn't talking to you, but since you mentioned it, nothing screams Democracy like locking up your main political rival 😃.
  25. Ah, I think we have another #bekind "liberal" on the forum . Great to see your tolerance of those with different opinions 😃.
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