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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. If that were the case he would still be President. Seriously, this whole "Trump is a dictator that will never leave" spiel is the biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard 😃.
  2. Let's see what happens to Biden after his first term. Agreed. Won one lost one. Let's see what happens in the trilogy.
  3. Really? A lot of Americans on the forum seem very happy with the job he did. Let's see how happy they are with Biden in November.
  4. Maybe you missed Dianne's comments. Likening the treatment Jews get to that of Gingers.
  5. Exactly. I expect they will convict him (albeit with a very light sentence like community service) to try to prove impartiality. Then they'll keep banging on about 'convicted felon' Trump. Trump will use this to whip up support and win the election in November. Political theatre. Joe is toast either way. The Dems trying to eliminate Trump via the legal system was a terrible move. It crossed the line. Especially since the motives were so transparent. It will backfire spectacularly.
  6. So why did Biden get away with the defense 'I forgot'? Two tiered legal system based on political affiliation = Banana republic.
  7. I don't think they deserve to be stigmatized. But if they can discuss it, so can everyone else. It's that simple. Or are you so far down the road of identity politics that you believe certain groups can discuss things that others cannot?
  8. I am not a Trumper. Neither do I mock the handicapped or call women horseface. Maybe you are replying to the wrong post? 😃
  9. Johnson bang on the money again. A hatchet job if ever I saw one. The US devolving to banana republic status.
  10. Why not? Gays themselves are always elevating it into public debate. Many of them define themselves by their sexuality. Often starting sentences with "as a gay man etc." They literally march through the streets with flags and banners singing about it during Pride month. Are you saying only certain groups can discuss these (or other) genetic traits in public? Doesn't seem very inclusive.
  11. Gingers are also singled out. Same as Jews (no difference according to Dianne Abbott). But yes, being left handed would not be considered the norm either. Nothing wrong with that either.
  12. English people waving the English flag in public? The horror!!! I hope they were arrested, or at the very least given a Palestinian flag to wave by the Police.
  13. If the friend was also Scottish, I'm guessing it was his round next and decided it would save him 90 Baht if his friend had an "unfortunate accident" before arriving at the next bar.
  14. That hill is lethal in the wet. The foreigner was fortunate the van wasn't 50 metres further up the road.
  15. It's an observation based on another poster's view that all GOP supporters are stupid in comparison to Dem supporters. Based on the posts on here, that appears not to be the case.
  16. I'm afraid I don't have one from 30 minutes ago. If you can find a poll on how many people want a rejoin referendum that is more recent than the one I posted then feel free to share. It's not meaningless. If everyone wants to rejoin as you claim, surely it would be the right thing to do. Would be a massive vote winner as well. You have it back to front. The referendum would precede the negotiations with the EU. The UK is free to have a referendum on whatever they like, we don't need premission from the EU. Terms of rejoining would be discussed with the EU after a vote to Rejoin and until then the EU would not need to be involved. I can imagine Von Der Leyen now. "Yeah I know Rejoin won the referendum 70/30, but does Rees-Mogg agree? otherwise we won't open negotiations" 😄 If you have a more recent poll showing the majority want a rejoin referendum, feel free to post it. There's no appetite for it.
  17. That's not an insult. It's an observation. If you feel it is not accurate, read some of @Tug posts on Trump.
  18. A lame argument. May 2024 has also been and gone. It doesn't mean a poll from May can be ignored. 2023 is hardly ancient history given that we are still in the first half of 2024. In 2023 they said they don't want one now and they don't want one in the next 5 years. Are you claiming they've all changed their minds? Labour certainly don't seem to think it's a vote winner. Otherwise given that they want to rejoin, it would be in their manifesto since it would guarantee a win at the election and re-entry to the EU. Strange then, that they don't have it in there. A real mystery 😃.
  19. Like I said, all insults and no substance. The posts from the GOP supporters are so much more interesting and insightful than the bile/drivel from the left.
  20. But the election is 6 weeks away.😃 Not 2033. Let's see how the EU and UK is doing in 2033 and see if people still want a referendum then. As of now, there's no appetite for it as my link showed.
  21. Like I said, lazy, glib comments and no substance. Typical of the left. Although in your defense at least your posts are mostly legible unlike many suffering from a rabid hatred of Trump.
  22. If you didn't want polling evidence you shouldn't have asked for it. Your position appears to be that Labour who are Pro Rejoin have an electorate desperate for a referendum to rejoin yet they refuse to make it part of their manifesto. Are they scared of getting too many votes and too large a majority? Like many of your arguments, it simply makes no sense. If Labour want it, and the electorate want it, why not make it the headline of their manifesto? The Rejoin General Election. They'd walk it, right? Or maybe they read the same poll that I showed you? 😄
  23. An interesting conclusion. As a neutral observer, it seems many of the Biden supporters on the forum are semi-literate and can only make childish insults about Trump and people who vote GOP (if you can actually make it to the end of their rambling, vitriolic rants devoid of paragraphs and littered with slang/grammatical errors). The GOP supporters tend to write coherently and make logical arguments, even if I do not always agree with them. Just an observation. The Dunning-Kruger effect could explain it.
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