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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Joe should concentrate on walking without falling over before attempting predictions on geo politics.
  2. She was right about a lot of things. That's why she had to be removed. Telling the truth is dangerous in 2024. Fortunately some of us continue to do so.
  3. Truly shocking. RIP to the victims and I hope the baby survives. Australia repeating the mistakes of the UK and getting the same results.
  4. She should be. But she won't be. She ticks too many boxes and she knows it. She plays on it. Her reputation is shot to pieces and her career is nearing the end. If Biden wins she will be offered a quiet exit via the back door. An area she is no doubt familiar with. If Trump wins? Maybe less comfortable.
  5. Oh dear. The mask has slipped and Google's ugly Woke/Leftist culture has been laid bare for all to see.
  6. Adopting Trump's policies in a futile attempt to cling to power. 😃 If somehow he manages to win again he'll reverse this within days. What a charlatan. No shame whatsoever.
  7. What a waste of time/money. Impossible to get an appointment to see a Doctor but they have resources for gender indentity reviews. No wonder the NHS is broken with this type of nonsense.
  8. Did you read it? They were playing Wrexham, a second rate side. And still got hammered. Imagine if they were playing Man City. Or a national side like Brazil. 20-0? Maybe more. The gulf is massive. It's almost a different sport.
  9. How about 2023? https://www.nationalreview.com/news/u-k-mens-soccer-team-crushes-u-s-womens-players/#:~:text=A professional men's soccer team,have over their female counterparts.
  10. So you'd put a 140lb female in a boxing ring with Subriel Matias? Or a 175lb female in with Artur Beterbiev? 😃 Any governing body that sanctioned such a fight would likely end up on charges of involuntary manslaughter. It's lunacy to even suggest that men and women of an equal weight should compete in a sport like boxing.
  11. Greenwich Park... Lovely. Many a lazy day spent there with Uni friends having a cheeky joint, and only a short walk to The Princess of Wales overlooking the common. It really depends what you call Elite sport. I would classify it as either Pro or Amateur. Pro sport focuses on profit, the clue is in the name. However, I wouldn't support biological men competing against women in amateur sport either. We need to encourage a level playing field for girls and women, not send them out onto a Rugby field on a Sunday morning with a bloke with an identity crisis that is likely to injure them due to the disparity in physical strength (and possible psychological issues).
  12. Ass roots sports? I could certainly "get behind" women's involvement in that...😃 Most elite sports revolve around money. Obviously organizing one of your cycles round the park for the local WI group would probably only require costs to be covered.
  13. Agree. Without the ignorance of the plebs, the fear mongering by the elites would quickly fail. Of course, there are certain plebs who also know it's simply a tool, but go along with it because it suits their agenda. Thatcher saw it decades ago.
  14. Not surprising really. The law is designed to silence Yousaf's political/ideological enemies. I doubt Hamas supporters fall into that group. Quite the opposite I'd imagine.
  15. Fear is a great way to control people. Possibly the best way. Unfortunately for the Doomsday cult, climate related deaths are at an all time low. They won't tell you that though, especially The BBC. https://www.wsj.com/articles/climate-activists-disasters-fire-storms-deaths-change-cop26-glasgow-global-warming-11635973538
  16. I'm sure Biden will put Latinos straight on what it means to be Latino. Just like he did with black Americans. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/may/22/joe-biden-charlamagne-you-aint-black-trump-video
  17. Agree in principle. But if you just use "woman", you get all the "trans women are women" garbage.
  18. Actually they are based on fact. Women's football is miles behind the men's game. https://www.cbssports.com/soccer/news/a-dallas-fc-under-15-boys-squad-beat-the-u-s-womens-national-team-in-a-scrimmage/
  19. Yeah I was so glad to see the back of Ardern. Typical Lefty, pretending to #bekind while bringing in all types of authoritarianism and stabbing her own citizens in the back for virtue signalling points. She went full on 1984 with her "Single source of truth" speech. I'm surprised she didn't have it blaring out on repeat on loudspeakers all over Auckland. https://www.spectator.com.au/2022/07/government-is-not-the-divine-source-of-truth/
  20. Very intolerant/authoritarian leadership. Almost as bad as Scotland.
  21. A wise move, but possibly too late. Another one bites the dust. Just like the UK, too much immigration (especially low quality immigrants) causes multiple problems for the indigenous population. Great for providing cheap labour to multinationals though. Oh, and lots of self congratulatory back slapping material for "Liberal" dinner parties.
  22. Actually men are better at darts (and many other non physical sports) due to concentration levels (single tasking), spatial awareness, judgement of distance etc. https://www.mdx.ac.uk/news/2023/02/linda-duffy-darts-psychology#:~:text=ex-darts pro-,Men are 'better at throwing sports due to concentration skills,academic and ex-darts pro&text=Men are often better than,one darts player turned psychologist. Men and Women are just different. Physically, Psychologically etc. That's why sports have been separated since the beginning of sports. Progressives always want to change things, even if it's for the worse. They seem to be taking race relations back about 5 decades at the moment with Critical Race Theory and Identity Politics. Back to sports that could be mixed sex, perhaps they could introduce a sport which involves multi tasking mundane jobs? Or possibly some kind of 48 hour endurance arguing contest? Women could probably dominate that 😃.
  23. There would be enough athletes willing to participate. I'm sure of that given the drama/attention it would bring to the participants. But the standard would be so low as to be laughable. It would make a mockery of the competition. Any Thomasina, Dickette or Harriana would be able to get their 5 minutes of fame by running the 100 metres in a wig in 15 seconds.
  24. My point is that leaving the EU clearly is not the reason for this since it was even lower when we were still in it. Before we even voted to leave. You have cherry picked one negative from the article, and even that statistic was worse in 2013 when we were still a member of the EU. 😄
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