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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. What do you want that RAM does not provide?
  2. Does he do titanium welding?
  3. Thank you very much. Just what I was looking for. I will go to them.
  4. Long time ago. Probably about $3,000. Not relevant , it is sunk cost. Unique design, can’t find after 7 hours online search.
  5. Ok, where is such a jeweler?
  6. Need small weld to repair frame. Most shops cannot do titanium. Is there some that can?
  7. Well it tells us that there are those bananas not far away so somebody could get a truck load here overnight. You want delivery to your bloody front door?
  8. Just hold on I’ve started already and will have answers to all your questions after completing 4 months research. So happy to find someone like you who really needs help.
  9. Complaining because you forgot to pay on time, grow up.
  10. Bill97

    Bed Towels

    Peruse a Thai history of sleeping, popular 30-50 years ago, maybe before then. Think of a towel the size of a blanket used as a sheet or blanket.
  11. Bill97

    Bumpy Roads!

    That is just part of it.
  12. Bill97

    Bumpy Roads!

    There are a lot of better suspensions than a 20 year old Wave
  13. U turn at Niemanhamen is quite difficult? I just hop over the divider in the middle of the road.
  14. You can order those for shipping to CM so why don’t you just do it. Oh right that would end your drama queen dance.
  15. Are you really that lame?
  16. 40 years experience and asking simple questions yes of course order through a temple, they are just like Lazada or amazon
  17. 500 baht will not get you a high quality umbrella
  18. Bill97


    Oh lord the people who are coming to CM now.
  19. Longwood you are just imagining problems for your self . Can’t you understand the difference between you hiring a contractor and you hiring a bunch of workers with hammers and shovels?
  20. Yes it would. It is one of many things you could do or not do that would reduce the quality of the job. Really if you can’t do it right then don’t do it.
  21. There are Airnub rules , government regulations and social constraints to be complied with. Meeting one does not clear the others
  22. Can you imagine the differences between a residential neighborhood and a resort cluster?
  23. Maybe because of the unkind things you wrote about her
  24. What does the rental agreement say ?
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