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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. I guess it must be easier to stereotype all Thais as thugs and liars than it is to admit that your own countrymen are just as bad in both areas and you think I am naive.... :o to say that Thai people are more inclined to be thugs and liars is taking a pretty narrow minded perhaps bigoted viewpoint of the Thai people and their culture.

    I know pretty much when I am being lied to....it is a regular issue in my line of employment, I get lied to more times in one day at work than most people get lied to in a month.

    It was mentioned in the report that he was with friends....I havent seen anything that states different, so until I do, I can only comment on what has been stated here.

    Just in case you missed it though....I also said that the Thai guys went beyond what was a reasonable response to the situation. I dont condone the actions of the Thai guys...but the Pommie guy must take responsibilty for his contribution to the whole matter.

    Oh yeah.....if you cant tell the difference between a BG's "love you long time thi rak" and a serious attempt at lying...then I am sure that the average bar jockey would be more qualified than your good self at talking about Thai liars....... :D:D:D

    i wondered where you were, it was pretty miserable without you here, almost like you were here....

  2. Obviously there are a huge number of art shops around pattaya and on the road out to Jomtien. From personal experience can anyone recommend a particular shop or artist please or is it pot luck?

    i have used a few different artists and some are better at different subjects

    the best portrait guy i have ever seen is on 1st floor in Royal Garden plaza

    his paintings are like photographs

    other than that have a walk down the side of Mikes shopping Mall (the big one) and you will see a whole street of artists in small booths, you can assess their past work from the canvas' on display and see their current works in progress first hand

    i hope that helps

  3. name='timekeeper' date='2008-02-24 10:51:37' post='1835589']

    ''Thai people lie no less or no more than other races''.


    its absolutely NOT my quote PP, please do not think me so naive..........

    it came from when gburns57au ( Yesterday, 2008-02-23 09:28:00)

    when he said:

    ''I cant see why people who have such a low opinion of Thais even bother going there let alone live there. Thai people lie no less or no more than other races''

  4. no drama here cobber, it was reported on Thai Banglamung cable TV that attempted murder was going to be the charge and in/on one of the local scandal rags/websites that you seem to cling to for ''accurate'' reporting of the events that happen here in Pattaya.

    when i came here 10 years ago, a local in a bar said to me: Q. 'how do you know when a Thai is lying''? A. ''their mouth is open'' at that time i repudiated his supposed joke and condemned him for it.

    however i am now very sorry to say that there is a lot of truth in it.

    my feelings are not reflected in anyway with frivoluos matters of the heart either.

    if you have not found this problem in your interactions with Thais then good for you, but i think there are more who have than have not.

    Is that the same Cable TV news that is run by the same people who also publish a rag ??

    There is another quote you may have heard...."Thai eyes never lie" This one I have found to be extremely helpful when I have dealt with Thai's.

    Since your post we have had a bit of a twist.....regards the bar owner being stood over....But I think it has little relevence....as the incident happened away from the bar and not in the bar...it is still painfully obvious that Mr Parker pi55ed someone off on his own bat. Maybe the Thais were in the bar putting pressure on the owner and this guy intervened....stupidity again.

    Again....His friends have done nothing, said nothing....surely they would have given a statement to the police after the incident in support of their friend...but they have done nothing....something still not right here.

    no, its not the same company, it was Banglamung TV news, a public broadcast service.

    they sum up the days events at around 10-30 pm.

    its the one thats often vilified for all the gory pictures of the car/motorcycle accidents and deaths, Thai or farang.

    they are usually pretty reliable and the news is fairly immediate.

    its wholly in Thai though.

    i have not heard that saying but it must have been coined by a Thai but lets imagine for second its true, it follows then i must have unwittingly left a trail a broken hearts all over Thailand.

    i cannot recall how many times i have been looked squarely in the eye and told 'pom rak kuhn'

    i look into a Thais eyes and i know when they are lying, its easy to do

    they know, i know too which embarasses both parties

    even so they still won't admit it.

    despite your defensive efforts ''Thai people lie no less or no more than other races''.

    it has been my experience that it has happened to me here more in 10 years than in 40 previous years in other places around the world.

    in my opinion its endemic to the Thai culture and has been discussed at length by many people more qualified to speak on the subject than me on this very forum

    it does not need me to rehash it for you.

    again i congratulate you if you have not found that out for yourself, or maybe its that you never were perceptive enough to know when you were being lied to?

    i am curious why you keep harping on about his ''friends?'' and their actions

    maybe i am wrong and i am certain you will let me know in your daily retort, but as far as i can see from the reports so far, it was only the other witnesses to the event that said they were his ''friends'' that were accompanying him along the road

    it could be they were just other farangs walking alongside him, on a narrow road with lots of fast traffic or just some acquaintances he had just met in the bar and are now following the oft quoted mantra: ''when in Thailand mind your own business''

    if i had been in his company in any capacity at all and he had behaved as has been reported by the webs/rags, i know i would keep quiet too........... out of shame.

    that said, i still do not condone an attack by two thugs with rocks.

  5. i found this on another forums and it relates to the rock on the head story .


    quote >>>>>

    A friend of mine has recently moved to Pattaya and opened a bar with his Thai girlfriend of 6 years.

    He has had some experience of running a bar and night club in Southend Essex. He isnt gambling his life savings on the bar either .

    He sold a house he had previously rented out, he still owns a property in Southend which is rented out now.

    His bar is in Soi Buakhao Pattaya. I havent been to Pattaya for a while and dont think I have had the pleasure of visiting Soi Buakhao. He says that it is an area with a lot of long term expats, a market which can give a steady but undramatic return.

    He has ploughed about 2 million baht in to the business and has it decked out nice. Things have been going well since he opened in July and he has built up some regulars.

    Problems started in December 07. He was visited by some English gentlemen who made it clear that they wanted cash and that if he did not pay them what they were after there would be problems. He told them to f off. Nothing happened for a week.

    Since then there has been intimidation 3 or 4 times a week invloving the farangs and Thais.

    It has escalated, last week a farang who had visted his bar was attacked by Thais with rocks. The farang was badly injured and I believe the Thais have been caught but have been released on bail.

    The Thais are in the employ of these English guys, my friend has described the guys extorting the money as from London originally and aged about 45.

    They have been in Pattaya for a long time and have boasted that they are untouchable as long as they dont effect Thais.

    My friend is beside himself and his girlfriend terrified. They are looking for 40 000 baht per month. They say the longer my friend prevaricates the more expensive it will get for him.

    As I said I dont know much about Pattaya and the workings, in Samui this doesnt happen or at least I have never heard about it

    I have tentatively said he should approach a senior Pattaya officer but my friend doesnt want to be looking over his shoulder the whole time.

    He is talking about offering them 20 k per month, I think this is bad idea but its easy to say this when you are not in the postion he is.

    manchester Dave


    it is mandatory now to have cameras in a bar, so get a good system with multiple low light cameras and a big LCD screen behind the bar so that customers/trouble makers can see they are being observed in all areas


    get your friends wife to go to the police, do not tell them about the problems she has had and employ a police guy to sit in there as a security officer like they do in the gold shops.

    tell them she is new to the bar business and would feel better with a police presence as her husband is away a lot .

    it will be cheaper than paying either the local Thai mafia or the other crew and whilst it will be a curiosity initially it will make customers feel more secure.

    He will get a smoother ride from the cops too in terms of licencing, new smoking regulations etc.

    i frequent one English bar on Soi Buakhau and there is a police officer in there regularly.

    he is quite personable and is happy to chat to customers but otherwise minds his own business, he has his food, reads his paper, does not get drunk and presumably collects his money at the end of the month.

    no problems that i know of and no extortion from anyone.

  6. Khun Sukport has now retired. He had a few stories to tell what a decent bloke. He used to fix trucks for the US Military been working so long.

    Graham is still running the show though his office number is 038 727 294.

    i sincerely hope he has a peaceful, long and happy retirement, he is a great guy.

    i have known him since he was service manager at Mercedes on Sukhumvit, over 7 years ago.

    he was the only person that did not bullshit and you could rely on to tell it like it is.

    he has some great stories of life on the US base at Utapao and his time with the US forces in USA.

    he is by far the most personable Thai man i have ever met.

    enjoy life man!

  7. From the story received thus far....

    Two Thais were talking about their football team (Liverpool FC)...in a private conversation.

    Drunken English man overhears them and aggressively butts in telling them that their team is <deleted> and his team is better....

    They track him down and give him a hiding.

    From the story received thus far....ALLEGEDLY and then only if you are naive enough to believe the known to be unreliable local rag and the story from two cowardly thugs who are facing an attempted murder charge

    i mean, Thais are not generally known for lying are they?

    They are facing assault charges not attempted murder according to the report....stop being a drama queen. :o

    Unless Mr Parker comes up with an alternative story then the allegedly becomes fact. So far we have heard nothing of his story even though he had friends with him. Dont you think it strange that his friends did nothing, said nothing ??

    Thais are not generally known for lying ??.....I cant see why people who have such a low opinion of Thais even bother going there let alone live there. Thai people lie no less or no more than other races.

    no drama here cobber, it was reported on Thai Banglamung cable TV that attempted murder was going to be the charge and in/on one of the local scandal rags/websites that you seem to cling to for ''accurate'' reporting of the events that happen here in Pattaya.

    when i came here 10 years ago, a local in a bar said to me: Q. 'how do you know when a Thai is lying''? A. ''their mouth is open'' at that time i repudiated his supposed joke and condemned him for it.

    however i am now very sorry to say that there is a lot of truth in it.

    my feelings are not reflected in anyway with frivoluos matters of the heart either.

    if you have not found this problem in your interactions with Thais then good for you, but i think there are more who have than have not.

  8. ...<snipped>...Its still shared broadband though and they give a disclaimer that the speeds will depend on how many users there are at any one time. :o

    Which likely means you receive the advertised speed in the early AM and late PM hours.

    In other words, 10% of the time...but pay full price, none-the-less!

    LukDod....a frustrated TT&T user!

    Yup. Same with all of them. Apparently, there simply isn't enough equipment at the highest levels in Thailand to provide the speeds and consistency provided in the real world.

    thats not correct at all

    i live on the dark side and have maxnet premier at 1090 per month and mostly get near the speeds i pay for (1024/512)

    the service is ultra reliable and i have no problems at anytime of day or night

    i am currently listening to on line radio from USA, with 6 live web windows open and after a Thaivisa speedtest the speed is

    var fo = new FlashObject("speedtest.swf?v=2.0.0", "speedtest", "600", "400", "7","#ffffff"); fo.write("flashcontent"); Last Result:

    Download Speed: 821 kbps (102.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 393 kbps (49.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    don't tell everyone though, i don't want you boys slowing me down....

  9. From the story received thus far....

    Two Thais were talking about their football team (Liverpool FC)...in a private conversation.

    Drunken English man overhears them and aggressively butts in telling them that their team is &lt;deleted&gt; and his team is better....

    They track him down and give him a hiding.

    From the story received thus far....ALLEGEDLY and then only if you are naive enough to believe the known to be unreliable local rag and the story from two cowardly thugs who are facing an attempted murder charge

    i mean, Thais are not generally known for lying are they?

  10. ^^^^

    I think it is in our blood.

    You have to remember we Brits fought more real enemies than almost any other country and we even had the 100 years war with the crapauds. Maybe we are used to having to defend the small island we live on and not just had to fight against a few red Indians.

    Anyway, we have the SAS, Paras and the Royal Marines. The elite. :o

    Not forgetting the SBS too along with all the other regiments.

    I do believe that, as we have had to do most of it alone and usually aginst superior odds it makes us what we are.

    Agressive? Maybe so. Is that such a bad thing? At least we can stand our corner.

    Dam_, am I expecting to get flamed for this :D

    no need to get the asbestos suit out for me.

    do you not find it curious that a world superpower with over 300 million citizens and decillions of taxpayers money in play to spend on defensive budgets, has to come to the frequently critised Brits for support ?

  11. Is the reason the Americans don't get into fights is because they are a bunch of woossies?

    bullish americans should look into the very thin volume of their recent history and note that if it wasn't for the French they would still be singing 'God save the Queen ...........

  12. Newly-weds beaten to death on Thai beach

    A newlywed Thai couple were found beaten to death on a beach with their marriage money stolen, police reports say.

    The bodies of Seksan Thongpetch, 30, and Boonchuay Jaengaisong, 29, were found with fatal head injuries on a Laem Chabang beach on Thailand's eastern seaboard, where the couple had apparently gone for a romantic evening stroll after getting married, said Police Sub-Lieutenant Chamnan Khotgert.

    A bag containing the couple's wedding gifts, including cash, was gone.

    "We suspect the two motives behind the murder were robbery and jealousy," said Chamnan, who noted that while the marriage money had been taken the perpetrator had not stolen Boonchuay's golden necklace and bracelet, suggesting a previous relationship with the deceased.

    Source: AAP - 19 February 2008

    my staff and my wife saw it on local cable TV and after some severe prompting from me, they managed to get over their almost complete indifference to this terrible crime and were finally drawn into speculating that it was likely a crime of passion by a previous spurned partner.

    it is truly shocking the depths to which people will sink to save face and the seemingly complete apathy from other Thais in accepting these things.

    it is a barbaric way to die on whats supposed to be the happiest day of your life

    i offer my sympathies to the familes of the bride and groom.


  13. I am looking for a meat slicer, as with all of us I don't like to spend a fortune but would like it to be a reasonable quality.

    This is a bread slicer similar to what I am looking for;post-20996-1203395512.jpg

    This is one available in BKK, not seen anything similar here;post-20996-1203395573.jpg

    This is the industrial model that is a little beyond the current budget; post-20996-1203395549.jpg

    If you see something like this could you please let me know.

    have you tried that second hand catering equipment shop next to Index on Sukhumvit?

  14. my toilet seat is cracked and i need a replacement - went to the Home Pro store next to Carrefour on Pattaya Klang and they can only get through special order( 2-3 weeks) and the price is close to 6000 baht - ouch - does anyone know where i can buy an American Standard replacement seat at a reasonable price in the Pattaya area? thanks

    you can order all parts for 'American Standard' bathroom fittings from branches of Homemart/ Cementhai

    i used the one on the left about 400 metres after Pattaya Thai going towards Sattahip.

    not cheap though as you have already found out but as agents for the brand, they ought to be cheaper than the in-town high rent store.

  15. I posted a few months back about some idiot from the UK who was getting drunk and into fights and also had aggro with his Thai g/f and some male Thais.

    Seems he did leave Pattaya, as he was strongly advised to do, but went back and carried on as before.

    So, I got this sent in an e-mail the other day.

    An extract.....

    'The lad that was over in Thailand got arrested & put in jail for 2 weeks & then to a deportation unit who contacted the home office to arrange for money to be sent £550--b4 they would release him. He's back over here in the uk now. bloody idiot.'

    So, one less alcohol crazed idiot bites the dust. Seems he was in Thailand on a 30 day visa. I am under the impression he overstayed his welcome in more ways than one and maybe that is why he was deported.

    Reading between the lines, sounds like he got arrested for drunken violence and had no visa.

    Unless they would deport him anyway, for arrestable offences?

    How do you know that it was the same guy? Sounds like most of the Brits in Pattaya to me. :o

    americans would never do anything like that then?

    i expect you lot are too busy visiting temples....


  16. Well said,the thais have seem to become bored with us and complacent,.my wife is a lot smarter than me and warned me this was the case, i chose to ignore it,.ive never been mugged or had any violent confrontations,but i know one step out of line and it would raise its ugly head,, only luck im sure, however thailand dosent have its sparkle for me living here anymore so we too are moving back to the uk, and those that will say the uk is not without its problems i say, there is no comparison,funny enough its not only the thais in pattaya that are a problem, it seems most of the farang are scamming or grassing each other to get money to fund their lifestyle etc,.,.i once defended pattaya when someone said it was a shithole, for that i apolagise, it took me a while to see it,but it is,.my wife is so happy our 5 year old isnt going to be brought up here, time to move on,.

    aside from missing his valuable contributions to this forum, its a very sad endictment of the current situation in Pattaya, that one of lifes gentleman feels that he has to leave this country and return home for his and his families security.

    anyone who knows Mike will know how much he has contributed to the financial well being of this country and will know that he deserves better than to be driven out by Thai and Farang assh*les

    good luck Mike

    i hope all goes well for you

  17. Indeed & thats why I said, lets wait for more actual reported information instead of making disgusting comments about her for example;
    sorry to sound sexist but from her looks, I'd put my money on her paying for it [or maybe they offered her a freebie] and then getting more than she bargained for. She don't look no 25 to me either

    I think that attitdue isn't sexist just vile.

    i agree with you 100% Boo but its no more than a typical response from jonniebkk, this forums token idiot who at the very least should be censured for his juvenile posts and then sent to bed with no dinner

  18. Nationalsim: the promotion of Race, Soil and Violence . . . . . etc.

    Thai Rak Thai

    I remember as a kid when a person from a different country turned up in the community they would be labled a foreigner - 'her daughters married a foreigner' !!

    However 50 years on people will identify a person by nationality - thais however will never move from the dark ages it seems, were all still ferangies!

    NB Back in the uk any crime against a foreigner will be treated most seriously - its government policy. Government policy here is obviously in need of consideration - but then again the tourist numbers keep going up due to new markets!

    good points, misterman21 perhaps theres a fragment of an idea in there.

    it might be suggested to the new government that they ought to try to stem the tide of tourist dissenters and dwindling numbers by giving some strong re-assurances to foreign visitors about rising levels of criminals acts against foreigners.

    perhaps they should introduce strict sentencing directives to the courts that reflect that any crime committed against a tourist or foreigners living and working here, as a crime against the good name of Thailand and by thereby committing that crime, they bring that ''good name'' of Thailand into disrepute.

    sentencing recomendations to judges should be that crimes against foreigners should attract double the normal sentences and that capital crimes should receive a mandatory death sentence, wether they confess to it or not.

    there should be no opportunity to get a commuted sentence by confessing to the crime when the death of a foreigner is involved.

    maybe that will make at least some of the criminals think twice about targetting foreigners.

    this will send a firm message to its citizens that the Thai government is serious about protecting the 500 billion+ baht a year it takes in from tourism.

    whilst on that subject, think about that number 500 billion............

    to put it into some perspective :

    if it was 1 billion seconds ago it would be 1959

    if it were a billion minutes ago Jesus was alive (allegedly)

    if it were a billion hours ago our ancestors were living in caves in the stone age

    a billion days ago there was nothing on earth that walked on two feet

    the USA spends a billion dollars every 8 hours and 20 minutes

  19. Bet your Wife/girlfriend/boyfriend feels real safe around you Jonniebkk. :o

    Wow. A real life super -hero.

    They probably feel safer with Jonnie than with you.

    So whats your views about this then.

    Mister school teacher.

    To walk away..........Mr. Pig.

    You will never win in Thailand.

    ''All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing''-Edmund Burke 1729-1797

  20. to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute....

    my thoughts too

    stupid or not - he must've pissed off someone big time.

    STONES ! :D

    well, may be coz Thais don't play baseball much and therefore bats are not that common :D

    but stones in the bag - something explicitly premeditated and not without reason.

    somehow only this fella was attacked - not any of his friends (also farangs or Thais?).

    interesting - what did his friends do that time ?

    its been my experiences that only asses make assumptions.

    like the other token idiot on this forum you have to point the finger and make the victim responsible for his own downfall.

    what is wrong with you people?

    do you wai to the Thai culture to such a degree that you can justify the fact that a 50 year old guy is walking along a busy road and gets attacked by four cowardly rock wielding thugs?

    for whatever reason this happened and despite your speculation the facts have not come out yet.

    you miss the point of this entirely, its not what he did or wether he deserved it thats important.

    its another prime example to add to many recently reported incidents of Thai thuggery against farangs.

    if there was an issue with this farang created by some faux paux against Thai culture, as you speculate, then why did the Thai who took issue with the farang not deal with it at the time it happened, confront the issue to hand and if violence was the upshot of the dispute, then so be it.

    a dispute between two people of two cultures deciding to settle it physically when the dialogue had run out.

    instead the offended party presumably went away and got his mates like some errant schoolboy, to help him out and telling them ''oh! remember to bring some rocks to beat up the farang with!''

    so after having supported the Thai position in this matter then please tell me this;

    how can anyone go home and think well of themselves for committing such a cowardly attack?

    i would be thoroughly ashamed of myself and you should be too for springing to their defence.

    please have some respect for the injured party who only by the grace of god is not another pattaya death statistic

    wow, dude !

    I do not know what point I have missed - but definitely YOU do miss one important point mentioned in the rules of this Forum, you can start from the very beginning:

    Please respect fellow members!

    No bad or dirty language!


    No flaming of fellow members!


    Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants.

    The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

    so, your personal attack and offensive language indicate that the very words you've used against me are in fact the most suitable for yourself !

    and I am gladly reporting you to Mods and Admins !

    perhaps they'll teach you some manners in here :D

    reporting me to the mods won't make your arrogant, infantile views to this poor guys attack any more palatable to anyone here, (especially his daughter who has joined this thread) but if it makes you feel better to report me to the mods because you can't deal with the heat in this kitchen then go right ahead. one things for sure , you do not have the prowess in any sense to teach me some manners yourself, so run off to the teacher, little boy.

    your accusations and repeated personal attack are groundless

    it is YOU who makes assumptions, not even bothering to read properly other's posts.

    first you ignore the things other person says, 2nd you personally atack that person, then you appeal to public and switch the subject by trying to show off yourself as the only righteous advocate of the victim.

    WHERE in my post I have said anything offensive about him? I said that he must have pissed off someone - which is very likely, even if this victim is a good man, really doesn't know the assailants and himself is unaware of when and how he had possibly pissed them off.

    there are many ways to piss off other people, especially those who are easily pissed off without reason (you are the perfect example of that !) - and by pointing that out in no way can be disrespectful towards the victim.

    my post was exactly about that - trying to find out WHY did it happen, no more than that. and I didn't make any assumptions at all - only stated the fact that such pre-meditated brutal attack don't happen for no reason. and the reasons can be various - not necessarily implying that it was his (victim's) own fault.

    so, it is you who needs to grow up before trying to participate in adults discussions ! :o

    the fact that you felt you had to report me to the mods rather than defend yourself reflects your inadequacy as a person to respond to rational argument.

    your defensive attempts to sugar coat your previous observations as to why this poor man deserved a beating is tantamount to an admission that you were wrong but are too embroiled in bending over to Thai culture that you too, dare not lose face and admit it.

    as to being pissed off, yes, i get pissed off easily with holier than types who are find these acts of violence acceptable and try to rationalise them into something other than what they are, an act of cowardise by the perpetrators.

    you say in this post that:

    ''I didn't make any assumptions at all'

    but its a matter of record that you said in your previous post:

    ''he must've pissed off someone big time'' & ''something explicitly premeditated and not without reason''

    these were unneccesary and inflammatory statements that were not based on the facts to hand at the time of posting but were your sole ASSumptions and were directed at the victim to try to apportion some blame for the incident.

    even in this post you are still making unfounded ASSumptions:

    ''i said that he must have pissed off someone - ''which is very likely''

    the real crux of this matter is this;

    whatever he did or didn't do, can there really be an excuse in anyone heres rational for four young men beating a 50 year old man with rocks?

    maybe its acceptable behaviour in your schoolyard aaaaaa but not in mine

  21. This is my father you are all talking about!! how would you feel if YOU got a phone call with news YOUR father had be beaten and left for dead???

    nobody deserves this!!

    I am sorry that your father was injured.

    If as stated in the News Papers he was drunk, perhaps he is not aware if he inadvertently offended some Thai(s). Not that this would justify such an attack, cowardly as it also was. Thailand is a third world country. As some posters have said many Thais resent "farangs." Why, we seem to have a lot of money, "we hump their women" and many "farangs" swagger around, because we are financially better of. Many "farangs" seem to have little respect for the Thai people and their culture. He may have done nothing to initiate such an deplorable attack. Still how would we feel in England or the USA if the Thai people did the same in our countries. I have no doubt that our response would be hostile to the extreme.

    there is a well known Thai owner of a UK football club that seems to be receiving adoration for very similar indiscretions, but thats how PC England has become.

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