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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute....

    my thoughts too

    stupid or not - he must've pissed off someone big time.

    STONES ! :o

    well, may be coz Thais don't play baseball much and therefore bats are not that common :D

    but stones in the bag - something explicitly premeditated and not without reason.

    somehow only this fella was attacked - not any of his friends (also farangs or Thais?).

    interesting - what did his friends do that time ?

    its been my experiences that only asses make assumptions.

    like the other token idiot on this forum you have to point the finger and make the victim responsible for his own downfall.

    what is wrong with you people?

    do you wai to the Thai culture to such a degree that you can justify the fact that a 50 year old guy is walking along a busy road and gets attacked by four cowardly rock wielding thugs?

    for whatever reason this happened and despite your speculation the facts have not come out yet.

    you miss the point of this entirely, its not what he did or wether he deserved it thats important.

    its another prime example to add to many recently reported incidents of Thai thuggery against farangs.

    if there was an issue with this farang created by some faux paux against Thai culture, as you speculate, then why did the Thai who took issue with the farang not deal with it at the time it happened, confront the issue to hand and if violence was the upshot of the dispute, then so be it.

    a dispute between two people of two cultures deciding to settle it physically when the dialogue had run out.

    instead the offended party presumably went away and got his mates like some errant schoolboy, to help him out and telling them ''oh! remember to bring some rocks to beat up the farang with!''

    so after having supported the Thai position in this matter then please tell me this;

    how can anyone go home and think well of themselves for committing such a cowardly attack?

    i would be thoroughly ashamed of myself and you should be too for springing to their defence.

    please have some respect for the injured party who only by the grace of god is not another pattaya death statistic

    wow, dude !

    I do not know what point I have missed - but definitely YOU do miss one important point mentioned in the rules of this Forum, you can start from the very beginning:

    Please respect fellow members!

    No bad or dirty language!


    No flaming of fellow members!


    Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants.

    The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

    so, your personal attack and offensive language indicate that the very words you've used against me are in fact the most suitable for yourself !

    and I am gladly reporting you to Mods and Admins !

    perhaps they'll teach you some manners in here :D

    reporting me to the mods won't make your arrogant, infantile views to this poor guys attack any more palatable to anyone here, (especially his daughter who has joined this thread) but if it makes you feel better to report me to the mods because you can't deal with the heat in this kitchen then go right ahead. one things for sure , you do not have the prowess in any sense to teach me some manners yourself, so run off to the teacher, little boy.

  2. It is amazing how we continue to get advice from clowns out there about how to avoid violence in Thailand as if they have some magic formula that protects them from assault or injury.

    Farangs and Thais are beaten up, robbed and killed with regular monotony in Thailand. How many stories do we have to hear before we start to recognise a pattern?

    There are some seriously deluded people here in Thailand and many expat farangs seem to fall into this mindset.

    BTW Most Thais are much more acutely aware of the violent nature of society here.

    Sure there are some basic precautions that you can take but they may not be enough and don't preclude you from being a victim too.

    I have never been attacked in Thailand but am fully aware that violence is part of life here and despite having the best intentions and behaving decently I could easily be another victim.

    How about a little bit of compassion for a 50 year old guy who was attacked and beaten with stones by a bunch of young guys in the early hours of the morning.

    It could just as easily be anyone of us here too.

    well said Sir !

  3. to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute....

    my thoughts too

    stupid or not - he must've pissed off someone big time.

    STONES ! :o

    well, may be coz Thais don't play baseball much and therefore bats are not that common :D

    but stones in the bag - something explicitly premeditated and not without reason.

    somehow only this fella was attacked - not any of his friends (also farangs or Thais?).

    interesting - what did his friends do that time ?

    despite your assumptions, his friends who were there when it happened do not know why it happened


  4. to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute....

    my thoughts too

    stupid or not - he must've pissed off someone big time.

    STONES ! :o

    well, may be coz Thais don't play baseball much and therefore bats are not that common :D

    but stones in the bag - something explicitly premeditated and not without reason.

    somehow only this fella was attacked - not any of his friends (also farangs or Thais?).

    interesting - what did his friends do that time ?

    //personal flame removed//

    what is wrong with you people?

    do you wai to the Thai culture to such a degree that you can justify the fact that a 50 year old guy is walking along a busy road and gets attacked by four cowardly rock wielding thugs?

    for whatever reason this happened and despite your speculation the facts have not come out yet.

    you miss the point of this entirely, its not what he did or wether he deserved it thats important.

    its another prime example to add to many recently reported incidents of Thai thuggery against farangs.

    if there was an issue with this farang created by some faux paux against Thai culture, as you speculate, then why did the Thai who took issue with the farang not deal with it at the time it happened, confront the issue to hand and if violence was the upshot of the dispute, then so be it.

    a dispute between two people of two cultures deciding to settle it physically when the dialogue had run out.

    instead the offended party presumably went away and got his mates like some errant schoolboy, to help him out and telling them ''oh! remember to bring some rocks to beat up the farang with!''

    so after having supported the Thai position in this matter then please tell me this;

    how can anyone go home and think well of themselves for committing such a cowardly attack?

    i would be thoroughly ashamed of myself and you should be too for springing to their defence.

    please have some respect for the injured party who only by the grace of god is not another pattaya death statistic

  5. To Timekeeper and Misterman...why do you guys have such chips on your shoulders...will you hot-header farangs never learn :D

    I never said I (or anyone) has to grovel or loose their self-esteem to live a peaceful life in LOS. But it is not a sign of cowardice to walk away from an argument or fight is it...I guess it is in the social milieu in which you grew up. If that is the case, get ready for a sack-full of rocks or a sword to come your way when you are not looking.

    If I have a problem with someone, I will state my position and attempt a reasonable resolution of the issue. However, if this is not succesful, my next move is not to put up my dukes or suggest we "take it outside" but to walk away. But I guess that would be too much of a climbdown for your fragile egos.

    As to this particular situation, like others have said, we still don't know any particulars of WHY this guy was attacked. I doubt it was a random unprovoked act as in my experience this rarely occurs. For all we know, he could have had a beef with another farang and these thugs were hired to "teach the guy a lesson." So maybe the coward you guys are looking for is a fellow farang.

    For the record, I don't own any flip-flops and have never eaten a bowl of somtam (or any fried bugs either), nor own any knee pad protectors :o

    you do not know me at all so do not presume to make personal comments about me like you do.

    as you are no-one in particular, i do not feel a need to defend myself to you, and even though i may be all of the things you have said or none of them, its really none of your business & you mean nothing to me.

    i do like you though, you remind me of myself, when i was young and stupid

    however i do know that i do not have a yellow streak down the middle of my back and in this sole respect, you are quite correct, i would choose not to walk away, not through a fragile ego as you think but because personally i would rather be a tiger for a day than a sheep for a lifetime.

    i am sure you understand what i mean.

    so despite your conflicting intimations about my character, i will not resort to physical violence unless i am forced to defend myself.

    in my opinion, physical violence is the last refuge of those who have run out of dialogue to offer anything constructive to the debate in hand and have to try to impress their opinion physically on someone.

    as you seem not to be skilled in any of the options available, i can see why you do a lot of skulking away

    in the meantime, this thread is still about some poor guy who is currently in hospital with a busted head after an attack with rocks by four cowardly Thais.

    as to the reasons why, neither you or i know why it happened and your infantile speculations as to how he likely brought it on himself will certainly not help him or his family.

    i suggest you show them some respect and (as much as i enjoy you making a fool of yourself) keep your jaded, xenophobic opinions to yourself.

    meantime i think your mum just called to tell you Barney is on TV and your Alphabetti Spaghetti is ready

    have a good day ya all!!!

  6. Strange how the victim has become the reason this happened all ready ! jeez,. what is up with some of you lot, lets wait and see what happened

    Well the thing is that anyone who has any amount of time in Thailand knows how generally easy going Thai people are. However, like many Asian societies, anger is often bottled-up (and of course the ever present "face" issue) and that uncontrollable anger can be unleashed once the cork is popped.

    The violence you see in Thailand is not random (as it often is in the West). You must do something to piss someone big time for them to come after you physically.

    Therefore, to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute.

    Back in my part of farangland, you could be shopping for clothes (5 women gunned down in robbery last week), attending a city council meeting and get killed by some wacko (4-5 people gunned down last week in such a meeting), or just today...be attending college and get gunned down while attending a geology class lecture (6 killed and another 10-15 injured (some seriously) by someone who went postal.

    So if one just minds one's own business you are most likely not to have any serious problems in LOS but often times in farangland, you are just going about your business and get randomly killed :o

    lets remember this is not about you JonnieBKK , its about the fact that a 50 year old man was seriously injured and beaten by four (able bodied presumably younger) Thai men who were so inept and full of cowardice, that they had to beat him with rocks that they brought with them (allegedly).

    As to your explanation of what in your view, it takes to live here successfuly and without getting hurt, you must have a permanent gravel rash on your knees, you spend so much time grovelling to people. when do you actually speak up about a transgression?

    when a dozen cowardly Thais are kicking the sh*t out of you?

    i have been attacked on two seperate occasions for no apparent reason, once with a samurai sword! (you can read my account of it on this forum somewhere)

    i too speak Thai, know thai customs well and i understand the limitations/reactions of Thai men and women in certain face loss/saving situations and i have been here for over 8 years.

    however let me tell you it makes none of that makes any difference at all when a guy is waving a sword at you, except its a comfort to know that he is saying to me '' are you scared farang? you should be, i am going to kill you!''

    so Jonnie from BKK in my view, until you have been a victim of an unprovoked attack and can speak with some authority on the subject, i would really like to see you stick your sanctimonious, patronising, holier than thou attitude where the sun don't shine !! have good day ya all!

  7. I have just put a deposit on a new condo and I am looking for a recommendation for a lawyer. I have received a recommendation from a friend and asked the lawyer to perform due diligence on the Chanote of the property for the condo. I was surprised at the cost to do such a review so I will be looking for another lawyer to handle the contract review and all relevant closing items to transfer the ownership of the new condo to me. Can anyone suggest the name/s of a lawyer in Pattaya that they have presonally used who is reliable and delivers their services for a reasonable fee? I appreciate your input.
    i can wholeheartedly recommend Kuhn Visan at the Attorneys House. he is a highly regarded civil and criminal lawyer, the office is on the left side of Pattaya Nua going out to Sukhumvit road after the Moon River Pub and before Tesco Lotus.
  8. I'd like to buy some art materials in Pattaya, preferably acrylic, but also considering oil/watercolour. Has anyone discovered sources for good quality materials?
    you might try the specialist stationers, Silpanban on the left hand side 100 meters on the left above Foodland on Pattaya Klang. its on the corner of Town in Town soi,
  9. You are lucky then. TOT this morning gave 600/100 to Tokyo. Right now its 150/15. And about the same to Amsterdam.
    its not luck, all the international connections are good, its your service provider, i had the same problems until i upgraded to maxnet Premier from the oversubscribed maxnet Indy
  10. Want to send (by ship) some household goods to the UK. Nothing major just a few boxes mainly photos and books probably around 65-80kilos. Does anyone know a company in or close to Pattaya that can take care of that?


    you can try Kuhn Lung Dang in the cargo office at the outdoor Thai artifacts sales area next to the main Bus station on Pattaya Nua.
  11. I hope someone could give me an advice on which service is the best option in our case. We live in Soi Siam Country Club, about 3,4 km from Sukhumvit Rd. Last december, we applied for the Maxnet promotion of TT&T (Hi Speed Internet, speed: 512/1024, about 1000 Baht per month). The service is OK just sometimes, during the morning and afternoon but after 7 pm is not working most of the time and on weekends is a lottery.... They already checked the line and it's fine, they said that we are far form the central (more than 3 km)....

    My question is: whick service (that works) is available in Siam Country club area ?

    Wireless ? hutch ? others

    some experiences with them ?

    Any information would be of great help.


    i think when you say TT & T you mean Maxnet? if so the Maxnet Indy service is massively oversubscribed nationally, hence slow speeds at busy times, you can upgrade to Premier service from Indy, its 99 baht a month extra but your are one of ten subscribers on an entirely different server instead of one of twenty on an oversubscribed server. i did just that after having all the problems you are referring to and now i rarely have a problem and speeds are consistant. check my previous posts, i have discussed it at greater length before. i hope that helps
  12. i live on the darkside and i am using Maxnet premier service at 1099baht per month. its hardly ever a problem, speeds are pretty consistant, i have just tested using thaivisa speedtest and achieved : Last Result:Download Speed: 781 kbps (97.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 392 kbps (49 KB/sec transfer rate), this whilst i am listening to on-line radio feed from UK and have 8 other windows open!

    I guess thaivisas servers are located in thailand right? Try using http://www.speedtest.net . There you can get a better idea on where the international bottlenecks are for your connection.

    i do not have a problem with my connection, i am almost getting what i pay for, thats why i recommend it. thanks for the advice though, i just tested BKK-NY and achieved 864/332 - you can check it at http://www.speedtest.net/result/232581002.png BKK -MELBOURNE 713/296 BKK-FRANKFURT 811/296 BKK-LA 792-358 BKK-TOKYO 796/402 . all this whilst listening on line to UK Radio and fetching emails from POP3 account. i am very happy
  13. i live on the darkside and i am using Maxnet premier service at 1099baht per month. its hardly ever a problem, speeds are pretty consistant, i have just tested using thaivisa speedtest and achieved : Last Result:Download Speed: 781 kbps (97.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 392 kbps (49 KB/sec transfer rate), this whilst i am listening to on-line radio feed from UK and have 8 other windows open!

  14. timekeeper' date='2008-02-04 18:55:41' post='1800499'

    If you look at the top of the thread, you'll see that it is about "Japan town"

    In general I think that western food in Thailand is an invitation for the second-rate....

    as the three Siracha restaurants i highlighted are under serviced accomodation that attracts and markets to Japanese clients, i thought they would qualify to be included in the Japantown category and provide helpful information to people not so well versed in Siracha as clearly you are. Silly me for thinking i could apply such a broad stroke to such a pedantic issue.
  15. i believe its actually on Pattaya Thai, (south pattaya road) . they catered a party at my house on Xmas day for the Thai guests. the food was good but they ripped me off on the delivery cost and changed the food prices (upwards and not on the fish market prices) from the prices we agreed a month before and i deposited them on. so as much as i hated it, and cursed them for it, i paid. what else could i do with a house full of hungry Thais on xmas day. i made them make the trip twice though to pick up the serving ware on Boxing day by purposely not being in at the agreed time, just to be infantile. i won't use them again. watch your bill.

  16. had mine done today and concur with Mikethevigoman, the one on 3rd road, on the right just after the back entrance road to Carrefour. its next door to a pool hall with a big 8 ball sign above the entrance overhanging the road. it has a black and white tiled floor with air con'd waiting room and free internet access on 3 terminals. even has nice toilets! it cost me 240 in and out for my SUV. if you can leave it for a few hours the job seems to be better when they do not have to rush for a waiting customer. you see all sorts of fancy cars in there, plenty of mercs, even a black hummer!

  17. you may try this guy: http://www.clowneckie.com

    I've got this address too. but again he's in bangkok so perhaps it can be quite ex to get him over. Thanks anyway!

    Clown Ecky is a great guy, he is british, very, very professional, very easy going and personable.

    he used to be called Ecky Thump and worked summer seasons at various venues in the UK including Coral Island on Blackpools Golden Mile. he is very entertaining for children of all ages with magic, comedy, balloons and more. he is highly recommended. in my view he is worth whatever it costs to get him here. i hope that helps

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