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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Good luck mate. I, for one, won't hold my breath waiting for you to get anywhere.
  2. I have the feeling that retarius (Latin for retarded?) is one of those guys who reads an article and then puts 2 and 2 together and comes up with 47. Obviously doesn't understand that here, in this context, "foreigner" does not mean Westerner, but somebody probably from Cambodia, Laos or Burma.
  3. No, the fact that nobody forces you to rent a condo with excessive charges...
  4. Says a lot about a country when the street cleaners have to do this...
  5. To be honest, he does make a fair point...
  6. Imagine walking into a bar with a bag of spuds... ????
  7. Every time I read these kinds of stories, I feel like I'm going to throw up. If you don't want the kids, then pack your belongings and disappear from their lives, but leave them alone. Sickening!
  8. I do and I'm neither a drunk nor a fisherman. What's your point?
  9. Thank you. I've been looking there too. Do you happen to know the name of the breeder on FB?
  10. Anybody know of any agri events/fairs in Korat, or Isan in general, in the next few weeks or months?
  11. So, our forefathers did have a voice in what happened in our countries and they could afford to give up their wages? Hmmm, I must have read a different history book...
  12. The next election here will be very interesting.
  13. Now children from both affluent and poor families can sit around for hours unend, day after day, week after week, doing sweet f... all. Equality at it's finest!
  14. djayz

    Moving to Korat

  15. Very easy. If it's your/your gf's property, tell him he has outstayed his welcome and it's now time to leave. Give him a few days to pack and get somewhere else to live. Set a deadline. If he doesn't leave by then, tell him to fxxx off. If he doesn't understand that, grab him by the scruff of the neck and fling him out! Close the door/gate and don't open it for him again. Problem solved. No need for guns, knives, etc. He's only acting like this because the ground rules haven't been laid out for him. Neither you nor your gf, should have to put up with bs.
  16. A man dressing up as a woman is messed up. A man mounting a man, dressed up as a woman or otherwise, is just unnatural. Don't have to be too intelligent to understand that. If, on the other hand, you're one of these newly "woke" folk, then I understand why you're confused. That's okay, I know you're special, real special.
  17. Why? Because YOU don't like it when other people have a different opinion?
  18. Take all their guns away from them.
  19. I now have considerably more time on my hands and I finally want to fulfil one of my many dreams: get a dog. Growing up, we always had dogs at home and now I'd like my wee boy to have one also and think a German Shepherd or Doberman would be a good match for the family. Ideally, a puppy in need of a good home, but understand that most people here breed them from $$$, so I suppose I'll have no other choice but to go to a breeder. Any suggestions in the Korat / Isan area? German Shepherds or Doberman only. For various reasons, am not interested in other breeds or strays.
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